* Tag Search + Tests + Search slight refactor First commit improving search. Different struct have their own file with their tests. This way of separating struct by files is inspired by the go packages I've seen so far. Added new behaviour as discussed in #1334 * fix fallback to ES * Added some comments to explain PG fallback + log err moved * Refactored search Nearly fully covered WhereParams struct has disappeared for Query struct instead In DB model, we use an interface implementing Query struct methods * 1rst Refactor of Tags (WTF already?!) Prepare Tags for the refactored system. Now there will be descriptive tags for a particular release (ecchi, BDSM, ....) and typed tags. Typed tags are tags relevant to all torrents and can be limited to some input value. For example, video quality is a typed tag limited to some values (hd, full hd, sd, ...). In the same way, anidbid is also a typed tag but doesn't have default values. Furthermore, the location storage of tags have changed, now accepted descriptive tags are stored in the torrents table in the column "tags" and they are separated by commas. In the opposite, accepted typed tags can have have their own column in the torrents table. For example, anidbid, vndbid will populate the column DbID when accepted. On the other hand, videoquality will populate the same way as descriptive tags. This behaviour depends on the callbackOnType function in tag/helpers.go * fix for modtools :') * Added anidb, vndb, dlsite & vmdb id fields in torrent model. Tags don't have an accepted field anymore. Accepted Tags are in torrent.AcceptedTags and non-accepted ones in torrrent.Tags. New Helper + New Changelog for translation string. * New upload/edit form for torrent tags. Now the inputs are dynamically generated by the helper tag_form. No more modal window in those form, only inputs. Support of tags in API New translation string for the link to the modal on torrent view. More comments in the functions for tags * Improving how config for tags work. Adding a test on them with understandable messages. Config for tags have now a Field attribute which is linked to the Torrent model. For example anidbid tag type has now a AnidbID field in config which is the name of the field in torrent model (AnidbID). Every new tag type need to have a field attribute with its counterpart in torrent Model. Fixing some errors * Fix compile error + Tests Errors * Improve performance by caching the list of tags with an index Adding/removing tags works/tested New translation strings TODO: test/fix adding tag on upload/edit * Mini fix to display video quality + tags works/tested on modo edit * Fix editing tags on modpanel * Edit tags works * Add translation string * Add search backend for tags. ?tags=xxx,eee,ddd ?anidb=21 ?vndb=23 ?vgmdb=24 ?vq=full_hd * Fix Ajax tag Removal&Add * Added form for descriptive tags * Forgot to add the link between database and form for descriptive tags. * Adding the increase/decrease pantsu for descriptive tags * Fix #1370 * When you actually forgot to commit files after having forgotten commits
1990 lignes
43 Kio
1990 lignes
43 Kio
"id": "rules",
"translation": "Rules"
"id": "no_cp",
"translation": "No child pornography (lolicon doesn't count)"
"id": "asia",
"translation": "Asian related content only (no Western Movies, no Cartoon)"
"id": "rules_spam",
"translation": "No spam"
"id": "rules_sukebei",
"translation": "NSFW content belongs in sukebei.pantsu.cat"
"id": "verify_email_title",
"translation": "Verifique o seu endereço de e-mail do Nyaapantsu."
"id": "verify_email_content",
"translation": "Clique no link abaixo para verificar o seu endereço de e-mail."
"id": "reset_password_title",
"translation": "Redefina a sua senha do Nyaapantsu."
"id": "reset_password_content",
"translation": "Clique no link abaixo para redefinir a sua senha."
"id": "register_title",
"translation": "Criar conta"
"id": "signup_box_title",
"translation": "Por favor, cadastre-se <small>(é de graça e sempre será)</small>"
"id": "username",
"translation": "Nome de usuário"
"id": "email_address_or_username",
"translation": "Endereço de e-mail ou nome de usuário"
"id": "email_address",
"translation": "Endereço de e-mail"
"id": "password",
"translation": "Senha"
"id": "confirm_password",
"translation": "Confirmar senha"
"id": "terms_conditions_confirm",
"translation": "Ao clicar em <b>Registrar</b>, você concorda com os <a id=\"modal_active\" href=\"#\">Termos e Condições</a> estabelecidos pelo site, incluindo o nosso uso de cookies."
"id": "signin",
"translation": "Iniciar sessão"
"id": "register",
"translation": "Registrar"
"id": "terms_conditions",
"translation": "Termos e Condições"
"id": "terms_conditions_full",
"translation": "Algumas coisas."
"id": "remember_me",
"translation": "Lembre-se de mim"
"id": "forgot_password",
"translation": "Esqueceu sua senha?"
"id": "sign_in_box_title",
"translation": "Por favor, inicie a sessão"
"id": "sign_in_title",
"translation": "Iniciar sessão"
"id": "register_success_title",
"translation": "Cadastro bem-sucedido"
"id": "sign_up_success",
"translation": "Obrigado por se cadastrar!"
"id": "verify_success",
"translation": "<i style=\"color:limegreen\" class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle\"></i>A sua conta foi ativada!"
"id": "signup_verification_email",
"translation": "No momento, a verificação por e-mail está desabilitada, então você já pode usar a sua conta. Futuramente, verifique a sua caixa de entrada (e pasta de spam!) pelo e-mail de verificação."
"id": "signup_verification_noemail",
"translation": "Cadastro bem-sucedido, você já pode usar a sua conta."
"id": "email_placeholder",
"translation": "Não deve ser deixado vazio."
"id": "settings",
"translation": "Configurações de conta"
"id": "torrents",
"translation": "Torrents"
"id": "follow",
"translation": "Seguir"
"id": "unfollow",
"translation": "Deixar de seguir"
"id": "user_followed_msg",
"translation": "Você seguiu %s!"
"id": "user_unfollowed_msg",
"translation": "Você deixou de seguir %s!"
"id": "profile_page",
"translation": "Perfil de %s"
"id": "see_more_torrents_from",
"translation": "Ver mais torrents de %s "
"id": "torrents_uploaded",
"translation": "Torrents uploaded"
"id": "category",
"translation": "Categoria"
"id": "name",
"translation": "Nome"
"id": "date",
"translation": "Data"
"id": "size",
"translation": "Tamanho"
"id": "links",
"translation": "Links"
"id": "home",
"translation": "Página inicial"
"id": "error_404",
"translation": "Erro 404"
"id": "error_400",
"translation": "Error 400"
"id": "error_500",
"translation": "Error 500"
"id": "err_no_results",
"translation": "No results found"
"id": "upload",
"translation": "Enviar"
"id": "faq",
"translation": "Dúvidas"
"id": "fap",
"translation": "Fap"
"id": "fun",
"translation": "Fun"
"id": "nothing_here",
"translation": "Nada aqui."
"id": "404_not_found",
"translation": "404 Não encontrado"
"id": "500_internal_server_error",
"translation": "500 Internal Server Error"
"id": "400_bad_request",
"translation": "400 Bad Request"
"id": "no_torrents_uploaded",
"translation": "Nenhum torrent enviado ainda!"
"id": "profile",
"translation": "Perfil"
"id": "sign_out",
"translation": "Sair"
"id": "member",
"translation": "Membro"
"id": "no_results_found",
"translation": "Nenhum resultado encontrado"
"id": "notice_keep_seeding",
"id": "official_nyaapocalipse_faq",
"translation": "Perguntas frequentes sobre o Nyaapocalipse"
"id": "links_replacement_mirror",
"translation": "Links para a reposição/mirror"
"id": "what_happened",
"translation": "O que aconteceu?"
"id": "nyaa_se_went_offline",
"translation": "nyaa.se e domínios associados (como nyaatorrents.info) saíram do ar em 1º de maio de 2017."
"id": "its_not_a_ddos",
"translation": "Eles foram desativados, então não é um ataque DDoS (ataque de negação de serviço) como normalmente."
"id": "future_not_looking_good",
"translation": "Perspectivas futuras para o nyaa não parecem boas. (Está morto)"
"id": "recovery_effort",
"translation": "Há uma tentativa de recuperação acontecendo."
"id": "is_everything_lost",
"translation": "Tudo foi perdido?"
"id": "in_short_no",
"translation": "Resumindo, não."
"id": "are_some_things_lost",
"translation": "Algumas coisas foram perdidas?"
"id": "answer_is_nyaa_db_lost",
"translation": "Nós temos um banco de dados contendo os torrents do nyaa até <s>5 de abril</s> 1º de maio. Isso significa que quase nada foi perdido."
"id": "answer_is_sukebei_db_lost",
"translation": "Sukebei também está em perfeito estado e quase nada foi perdido."
"id": "how_are_we_recovering",
"translation": "Como estamos nos recuperando?"
"id": "answer_how_are_we_recovering",
"translation": "Os bancos de dados estão hospedados em nyaa.pantsu.cat e sukebei.pantsu.cat. Há uma função de busca, e (quase) todas as funcionalidades do nyaa devem estar de volta em breve."
"id": "how_do_i_link_my_old_account",
"translation": "O que devo fazer para transferir meus antigos envios de volta a minha nova conta?"
"id": "answer_how_do_i_link_my_old_account",
"translation": "Entre em <a href=\"ircs://irc.rizon.net/nyaapantsu-help\">#nyaapantsu-help@Rizon</a> e informe a moderação seu antigo e novo nome de usuário."
"id": "are_the_trackers_working",
"translation": "Os torrents ainda funcionam?"
"id": "answer_are_the_trackers_working",
"translation": "Mesmo com os trackers offline, seeders ainda estão conectados à rede descentralizada DHT. Enquanto o arquivo estiver listado na rede DHT, as coisas devem funcionar normalmente."
"id": "how_do_i_download_the_torrents",
"translation": "Como posso baixar os torrents?"
"id": "answer_how_do_i_download_the_torrents",
"translation": "Use os <b>links magnéticos</b>. Os links magnéticos serão usados pelo seu cliente BitTorrent para procurar o arquivo na rede DHT, e deverá baixá-lo sem problemas."
"id": "magnet_link_should_look_like",
"translation": "O link magnético se parece com isso:"
"id": "which_trackers_do_you_recommend",
"translation": "Quais trackers vocês recomendam usar?"
"id": "answer_which_trackers_do_you_recommend",
"translation": "Agora nós temos um tracker chamado doko.moe, adicione-o ao topo da lista antes de enviar um torrent. Você também deve adicionar todos estes outros trackers para garantir redundância."
"id": "how_can_i_help",
"translation": "Como posso ajudar?"
"id": "answer_how_can_i_help",
"translation": "Se você tem experiência em desenvolvimento para a web, você pode entrar no canal de IRC #nyaapantsu em irc.rizon.net. Se você tiver algum banco de dados atual, especialmente para o sukebei, <b>ENVIE-O</b>."
"id": "your_design_sucks_found_a_bug",
"translation": "Seu design é horrível / Encontrei um bug"
"id": "why_written_in_go",
"translation": "Por que as suas coisas estão escritas em Go?"
"id": "authors_favorite_language",
"translation": "É a linguagem de programação favorita do autor."
"id": "torrent_file",
"translation": "Arquivo de torrent"
"id": "uploading_file_prefills_fields",
"translation": "Enviar um arquivo de torrent permite o pré-preenchimento de alguns campos, isso é recomendado."
"id": "magnet_link",
"translation": "Link magnético"
"id": "all_categories",
"translation": "Todas as categorias"
"id": "select_a_torrent_category",
"translation": "Selecione uma categoria para o torrent."
"id": "anime",
"translation": "Anime"
"id": "anime_amv",
"translation": "Anime - AMV (Anime Music Video)"
"id": "anime_english_translated",
"translation": "Anime - Traduções em inglês"
"id": "anime_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Anime - Traduções em outros idiomas"
"id": "anime_raw",
"translation": "Anime - Sem tradução"
"id": "audio",
"translation": "Áudio"
"id": "audio_lossless",
"translation": "Áudio - Sem perdas"
"id": "audio_lossy",
"translation": "Audio - Com perdas"
"id": "literature",
"translation": "Literatura"
"id": "literature_english_translated",
"translation": "Literatura - Traduções em inglês"
"id": "literature_raw",
"translation": "Literatura - Sem tradução"
"id": "literature_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Literatura - Traduções em outros idiomas"
"id": "live_action",
"translation": "Live Action"
"id": "live_action_english_translated",
"translation": "Live Action - Traduções em inglês"
"id": "live_action_idol_pv",
"translation": "Live Action - Idol/Vídeo promocional"
"id": "live_action_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Live Action - Traduções em outros idiomas"
"id": "live_action_raw",
"translation": "Live Action - Sem tradução"
"id": "pictures",
"translation": "Imagens"
"id": "pictures_graphics",
"translation": "Imagens - Artes gráficas"
"id": "pictures_photos",
"translation": "Imagens - Fotos"
"id": "software",
"translation": "Software"
"id": "software_applications",
"translation": "Software - Aplicativos"
"id": "software_games",
"translation": "Software - Jogos"
"id": "art",
"translation": "Arte"
"id": "art_anime",
"translation": "Arte - Anime"
"id": "art_doujinshi",
"translation": "Arte - Doujinshi"
"id": "art_games",
"translation": "Arte - Jogos"
"id": "art_manga",
"translation": "Arte - Manga"
"id": "art_pictures",
"translation": "Arte - Imagens"
"id": "real_life",
"translation": "Vida real"
"id": "real_life_photobooks_and_pictures",
"translation": "Vida real - Albums de fotos e fotografias"
"id": "real_life_videos",
"translation": "Vida real - Vídeos"
"id": "torrent_description",
"translation": "Descrição do torrent"
"id": "description_markdown_notice",
"translation": "Markdown pode ser usado em descrições."
"id": "show_all",
"translation": "Exibir todos"
"id": "delete_all",
"translation": "Delete all"
"id": "filter_remakes",
"translation": "Filtrar refeitos"
"id": "trusted",
"translation": "Confiável"
"id": "search",
"translation": "Buscar"
"id": "hash",
"translation": "Hash"
"id": "description",
"translation": "Descrição"
"id": "no_description",
"translation": "Nenhuma descrição foi fornecida!"
"id": "comments",
"translation": "Comentários"
"id": "submit_a_comment_as_username",
"translation": "Comentar como %s"
"id": "submit_a_comment_as_anonymous",
"translation": "Comentar como Anônimo"
"id": "submit",
"translation": "Enviar"
"id": "personal_info",
"translation": "Informações pessoais"
"id": "language",
"translation": "Idioma"
"id": "current_password",
"translation": "Senha atual"
"id": "role",
"translation": "Cargo"
"id": "banned",
"translation": "Banido"
"id": "default",
"translation": "Padrão"
"id": "trusted_member",
"translation": "Membro confiável"
"id": "scraped_user",
"translation": "Usuário analisado"
"id": "moderator",
"translation": "Moderador"
"id": "api_token",
"translation": "API Token"
"id": "save_changes",
"translation": "Salvar alterações"
"id": "profile_updated",
"translation": "Seu perfil foi atualizado corretamente!"
"id": "delete_account",
"translation": "Excluir conta"
"id": "delete_account_confirm",
"translation": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta conta?"
"id": "delete_success",
"translation": "A conta foi excluída com sucesso!"
"id": "moderation",
"translation": "Moderação"
"id": "extensions_and_plugins",
"translation": "Extensões e Plugins (feitos por terceiros)"
"id": "qbittorrent_plugin",
"translation": "Plugin para qBittorrent"
"id": "local_client",
"translation": "Cliente Local"
"id": "chrome_extension",
"translation": "Extensão para Chrome"
"id": "firefox_extension",
"translation": "Extensão para Firefox"
"id": "android_app",
"translation": "App para Android"
"id": "who_is_renchon",
"translation": "Quem é <span lang=\"ja\">れんちょん</span>?"
"id": "renchon_anon_explanation",
"translation": "<span lang=\"ja\">れんちょん</span> (Ren-chon) é o nome atribuído a uploads e comentários feitos anonimamente. Também é usado para torrents importados do nyaa original, embora o uploader original seja mostrado ao lado."
"id": "mark_as_remake",
"translation": "Marcar como remake"
"id": "email_changed",
"translation": "E-mail alterado com sucesso! Porém, você deve confirmá-lo clicando no link enviado para: %s"
"id": "torrent_status",
"translation": "Status do torrent"
"id": "torrent_status_normal",
"translation": "Normal"
"id": "torrent_status_remake",
"translation": "Remake"
"id": "profile_edit_page",
"translation": "Editar o perfil de %s"
"id": "torrent_status_blocked",
"translation": "Bloqueado"
"id": "seeders",
"translation": "Seeders"
"id": "leechers",
"translation": "Leechers"
"id": "completed",
"translation": "Completos"
"id": "change_language",
"translation": "Mudar Idioma"
"id": "language_name",
"translation": "Português (Brasil)"
"id": "language_code",
"translation": "pt-br"
"id": "delete",
"translation": "Excluir"
"id": "website_link",
"translation": "Link do Website"
"id": "files",
"translation": "Arquivos"
"id": "no_files",
"translation": "Nenhum arquivo encontrado? Isto sequer faz sentido!"
"id": "uploaded_by",
"translation": "Enviado por"
"id": "report_btn",
"translation": "Denunciar"
"id": "are_you_sure",
"translation": "Você tem certeza?"
"id": "report_torrent_number",
"translation": "Denunciar torrent #%s"
"id": "report_type",
"translation": "Motivo da denúncia"
"id": "illegal_content",
"translation": "Conteúdo não permitido"
"id": "spam_garbage",
"translation": "Spam / Lixo"
"id": "wrong_category",
"translation": "Categoria incorreta"
"id": "duplicate_deprecated",
"translation": "Duplicado / Obsoleto"
"id": "captcha",
"translation": "Captcha"
"id": "captcha_audio",
"translation": "Captcha Auditivo"
"id": "file_name",
"translation": "Nome do arquivo"
"id": "cancel",
"translation": "Cancelar"
"id": "please_include_our_tracker",
"translation": "Por favor inclua udp://tracker.doko.moe:6969 em sua lista de trackers."
"id": "unknown",
"translation": "Desconhecido"
"id": "last_scraped",
"translation": "Último scrape: "
"id": "server_status_link",
"translation": "Você pode consultar o status do server aqui"
"id": "no_database_dumps_available",
"translation": "No momento, não há backups da database disponíveis."
"id": "clear_notifications",
"translation": "Limpar notificações"
"id": "notifications_cleared",
"translation": "Notificações apagadas!"
"id": "my_notifications",
"translation": "Minhas notificações"
"id": "new_torrent_uploaded",
"translation": "Novo torrent: \"%s\" por %s"
"id": "torrent_uploaded",
"translation": "torrent enviado com sucesso!"
"id": "preferences",
"translation": "Preferências"
"id": "new_torrent_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado quando alguém que você está seguindo enviar um novo torrent"
"id": "new_torrent_email_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado por e-mail quando alguém que você está seguindo enviar um novo torrent."
"id": "new_comment_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado quando houver um novo comentário em seus torrents"
"id": "new_comment_email_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado por e-mail quando houver um novo comentário em seus torrents"
"id": "new_responses_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado quando houver uma resposta a seus comentários"
"id": "new_responses_email_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado por e-mail quando houver uma resposta a seus comentários"
"id": "new_follower_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado quando houver um novo seguidor"
"id": "new_follower_email_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado por e-mail quando houver um novo seguidor"
"id": "followed_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado ao seguir alguém."
"id": "followed_email_settings",
"translation": "Seja notificado por e-mail ao seguir alguém."
"id": "yes",
"translation": "Sim"
"id": "no",
"translation": "Não"
"id": "new_comment_on_torrent",
"translation": "Novo comentário no torrent: \"%s\""
"id": "no_action_selected",
"translation": "Você deve dizer o que quer fazer com a seleção!"
"id": "no_move_location_selected",
"translation": "Tu deves dizer para onde mover a seleção!"
"id": "select_one_element",
"translation": "Você precisa selecionar algum elemento!"
"id": "torrent_moved",
"translation": "Torrent %s movido!"
"id": "no_status_exist",
"translation": "O status %d não existe!"
"id": "torrent_deleted",
"translation": "Torrent %s excluído!"
"id": "torrent_deleted_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%s de %s foi deletado por %s."
"id": "torrent_edited_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%s de %s foi editado por %s."
"id": "torrent_blocked_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%s de %s foi bloqueado por %s."
"id": "torrent_blocked_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%s de %s foi desbloqueado por %s."
"id": "torrents_deleted",
"translation": "Torrents excluídos"
"id": "delete_torrent",
"translation": "Excluir Torrent"
"id": "delete_report",
"translation": "Excluir Denúncia"
"id": "comment_deleted",
"translation": "Comment has been deleted!"
"id": "comment_deleted_by",
"translation": "Comentário #%s de %s foi deletado por %s."
"id": "comment_edited_by",
"translation": "Comentário #%s de %s foi editado por %s."
"id": "oauth_client_deleted",
"translation": "Oauth API Client has been deleted!"
"id": "oauth_client_deleted_by",
"translation": "Oauth API Client #%s from %s has been deleted by %s."
"id": "no_action_exist",
"translation": "A ação %s não existe!"
"id": "torrent_not_exist",
"translation": "O torrent de ID %s não existe!"
"id": "something_went_wrong",
"translation": "Algo deu errado"
"id": "nb_torrents_updated",
"translation": "%d torrents atualizados."
"id": "torrent_updated",
"translation": "As informações do torrent foram atualizadas."
"id": "fail_torrent_update",
"translation": "Falha ao atualizar o torrent!"
"id": "bad_captcha",
"translation": "Captcha incorreto!"
"id": "comment_empty",
"translation": "Comentário vazio!"
"id": "no_owner_selected",
"translation": "Você deve informar o novo dono do torrent!"
"id": "no_category_selected",
"translation": "Nenhuma categoria selecionada!"
"id": "no_user_found_id",
"translation": "O usuário de ID %d não está na database!"
"id": "invalid_torrent_category",
"translation": "Esta categoria de torrents não existe!"
"id": "torrent_owner_changed",
"translation": "O dono do torrent \"%s\" foi alterado com sucesso!"
"id": "torrent_category_changed",
"translation": "A categoria do torrent \"%s\" foi alterada com sucesso!"
"id": "torrent_reports_deleted",
"translation": "As denúncias do torrent \"%s\" foram excluídas!"
"id": "edit",
"translation": "Editar"
"id": "lock_delete",
"translation": "Bloquear & Deletar"
"id": "delete_definitely_torrent_warning",
"translation": "Você não poderá recuperar este arquivo, nem impedir alguém de enviá-lo novamente."
"id": "delete_definitely",
"translation": "Excluir definitivamente"
"id": "torrent_unblock",
"translation": "Desbloquear"
"id": "torrent_block",
"translation": "Bloquear"
"id": "torrent_deleted_definitely",
"translation": "O torrent foi excluído do banco de dados!"
"id": "torrent_not_deleted",
"translation": "Torrent was not deleted"
"id": "torrent_unblocked",
"translation": "O torrent foi desbloqueado!"
"id": "torrent_blocked",
"translation": "O torrent foi bloqueado!"
"id": "torrent_nav_notdeleted",
"translation": "Os torrents não foram deletados"
"id": "torrent_nav_deleted",
"translation": "Torrents deletados"
"id": "change_settings",
"translation": "Alterar Configurações"
"id": "mascot",
"translation": "Mascote"
"id": "theme",
"translation": "Tema"
"id": "theme_select",
"translation": "Selecione um tema"
"id": "theme_none",
"translation": "Nenhum"
"id": "mark_as_hidden",
"translation": "Marcar como oculto"
"id": "cookies",
"translation": "Ao clicar em salvar, você consente o uso de Cookies."
"id": "show",
"translation": "Mostrar"
"id": "hide",
"translation": "Ocultar"
"id": "nyaa_pantsu",
"translation": "Nyaa Pantsu"
"id": "users",
"translation": "Usuários"
"id": "torrent_reports",
"translation": "Torrents Denunciados"
"id": "show_mod_tools",
"translation": "Mostrar Ferramentas de Moderação"
"id": "hide_mod_tools",
"translation": "Ocultar Ferramentas de Moderação"
"id": "following_changes_applied",
"translation": "As seguintes mudanças serão aplicadas"
"id": "changes_in_following_order",
"translation": "As mudanças serão aplicadas na seguinte ordem:"
"id": "edit_changes",
"translation": "Editar Mudanças"
"id": "delete_changes",
"translation": "Deletar Mudanças"
"id": "owner_id_placeholder",
"translation": "Novo Dono"
"id": "try_new_attempt",
"translation": "Tentando outra vez..."
"id": "query_is_broken",
"translation": "A query ({0}?{1}) parece não estar funcionando!"
"id": "query_executed_success",
"translation": "Query executada com sucesso!"
"id": "all_operations_done",
"translation": "Todas as operações foram completadas!"
"id": "refreshing_in",
"translation": "Atualizando página em {0} segundos..."
"id": "delete_reports_with_torrents",
"translation": "Deseja deletar as denúncias junto com os torrents selecionados?"
"id": "with_st",
"translation": "com {0}"
"id": "and_reports",
"translation": " e denúncias"
"id": "reports",
"translation": "denúncias"
"id": "lock",
"translation": "bloquear"
"id": "status_js",
"translation": "status: {0}"
"id": "owner_id_js",
"translation": "owner_id: {0}"
"id": "category_js",
"translation": "category: {0}"
"id": "no_changes",
"translation": "Nenhuma mudança"
"id": "query_nb",
"translation": "Query #{0}"
"id": "reason",
"translation": "Razão"
"id": "actions",
"translation": "Ações"
"id": "action_select",
"translation": "Ação..."
"id": "change_status",
"translation": "Mudar Status"
"id": "to_status",
"translation": "Para..."
"id": "torrents_not_deleted",
"translation": "Torrents Não Deletados"
"id": "more",
"translation": "Mais"
"id": "last_comments",
"translation": "Últimos Comentários"
"id": "last_reports",
"translation": "Últimas Denúncias"
"id": "last_torrents",
"translation": "Últimos Torrents"
"id": "last_users",
"translation": "Últimos Usuários"
"id": "moderation_overview",
"translation": "Painel de Moderação"
"id": "users_list",
"translation": "Lista de Usuários"
"id": "comments_list",
"translation": "Lista de Comentários"
"id": "reports_list",
"translation": "Lista de Denúncias"
"id": "torrents_list",
"translation": "Lista de Torrents"
"id": "torrent_edit_panel",
"translation": "Painel de Edição de Torrents"
"id": "torrent_reassign",
"translation": "Reatribuir Torrent"
"id": "reassign_warning",
"translation": "Reatribuir um torrent a um novo usuário não é facilmente revertido e deve ser feito com cuidado."
"id": "previous_username",
"translation": "Nome de Usuário Anterior"
"id": "torrent_id",
"translation": "ID do Torrent"
"id": "reassign_indication",
"translation": "Um ID por linha <b>ou</b> um único nome de usuário"
"id": "reassign_warning_2",
"translation": "Pode levar bastante tempo, <b>NÃO</b> aborte a operação."
"id": "reassign_to",
"translation": "Reatribuir para:"
"id": "reassign_based_on",
"translation": "Reatribuir baseado em:"
"id": "user_id",
"translation": "ID do Usuário"
"id": "mascot_url",
"translation": "URL do Mascote"
"id": "no_notifications",
"translation": "Nenhuma Notificação"
"id": "report_msg",
"translation": "O torrent #%s recebeu uma denúncia!"
"id": "email_not_valid",
"translation": "Endereço de e-mail inválido!"
"id": "username_illegal",
"translation": "O nome de usuário contém caracteres não permitidos!"
"id": "torrent_language",
"translation": "Idioma do Torrent"
"id": "select_a_torrent_language",
"translation": "Selecione um Idioma"
"id": "language_en-us_name",
"translation": "Inglês"
"id": "language_ca-es_name",
"translation": "Catalã"
"id": "language_de-de_name",
"translation": "Alemão"
"id": "language_es-es_name",
"translation": "Espanhol"
"id": "language_es-mx_name",
"translation": "Espanhol (LATAM)"
"id": "language_fr-fr_name",
"translation": "Francês"
"id": "language_hu-hu_name",
"translation": "Húngaro"
"id": "language_is-is_name",
"translation": "Islandês"
"id": "language_it-it_name",
"translation": "Italiano"
"id": "language_ja-jp_name",
"translation": "Japonês"
"id": "language_ko-kr_name",
"translation": "Coreano"
"id": "language_nb-no_name",
"translation": "Norueguês"
"id": "language_nl-nl_name",
"translation": "Holandês"
"id": "language_pt-br_name",
"translation": "Português (Brazil)"
"id": "language_pt-pt_name",
"translation": "Português (Portugal)"
"id": "language_ro-ro_name",
"translation": "Romeno"
"id": "language_ru-ru_name",
"translation": "Russo"
"id": "language_sv-se_name",
"translation": "Sueco"
"id": "language_th-th_name",
"translation": "Tailandês"
"id": "language_zh-cn_name",
"translation": "Chinês Simplifiacdo"
"id": "language_zh-tw_name",
"translation": "Chinês Tradicional"
"id": "language_other_name",
"translation": "Outro"
"id": "language_multiple_name",
"translation": "Multiplos Idiomas"
"id": "activity_list",
"translation": "Lista de Atividades"
"id": "activities",
"translation": "Atividades"
"id": "filter",
"translation": "Filtro"
"id": "error_min_length",
"translation": "Minimal length of %s required for the input: %s"
"id": "error_min_number",
"translation": "%s must be %s or greater"
"id": "error_min_field",
"translation": "%s must be equal or greater to %s"
"id": "error_min_array",
"translation": "%s must contain at least %s items"
"id": "error_less_date",
"translation": "%s must be less than the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_less_array",
"translation": "%s must contain less than %s items"
"id": "error_less_length",
"translation": "%s must be less than %s in length"
"id": "error_less_number",
"translation": "%s must be less than %s"
"id": "error_less_equal_date",
"translation": "%s must be less than or equal to the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_greater_date",
"translation": "%s must be greater than the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_greater_length",
"translation": "%s must be greater than %s in length"
"id": "error_greater_number",
"translation": "%s must be greater than %s"
"id": "error_greater_equal_date",
"translation": "%s must be greater than or equal to the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_max_field",
"translation": "%s must be equal or less to %s"
"id": "error_max_length",
"translation": "Maximal length of %s required for the input: %s"
"id": "error_max_number",
"translation": "%s must be %s or less"
"id": "error_max_array",
"translation": "%s must contain at maximum %s items"
"id": "error_length",
"translation": "Length of %s required for the input: %s"
"id": "error_equal",
"translation": "%s is not equal to %s"
"id": "error_same_value",
"translation": "Field '%s' must have the same value as the field '%s'"
"id": "error_field",
"translation": "Unexpected error on field: %s"
"id": "error_not_equal",
"translation": "%s should not be equal to %s"
"id": "error_wrong_value",
"translation": "Wrong value for the input: %s"
"id": "error_field_needed",
"translation": "Field needed: %s"
"id": "error_len_array",
"translation": "%s must contain %s items"
"id": "error_alpha",
"translation": "%s can only contain alphabetic characters"
"id": "error_alphanum",
"translation": "%s can only contain alphanumeric characters"
"id": "error_numeric_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid numeric value"
"id": "error_number_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid number"
"id": "error_hexadecimal_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid hexadecimal"
"id": "error_hex_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid HEX color"
"id": "error_rgb_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid RGB color"
"id": "error_rgba_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid RGBA color"
"id": "error_hsl_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid HSL color"
"id": "error_hsla_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid HSLA color"
"id": "error_url_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid URL"
"id": "error_uri_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid URI"
"id": "error_base64_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid Base64 string"
"id": "error_contains",
"translation": "%s must contain the text '%s'"
"id": "error_contains_any",
"translation": "%s must contain at least one of the following characters '%s'"
"id": "error_excludes",
"translation": "%s cannot contain the text '%s'"
"id": "error_excludes_all",
"translation": "%s cannot contain any of the following characters '%s'"
"id": "error_excludes_rune",
"translation": "%s cannot contain the following '%s'"
"id": "error_color_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid color"
"id": "error_",
"translation": "%s must contain %s items"
"id": "error_len_array",
"translation": "%s must contain %s items"
"id": "refine_search",
"translation": "Refine your search"
"id": "between",
"translation": "Between"
"id": "and",
"translation": "and"
"id": "days",
"translation": "Days"
"id": "months",
"translation": "Months"
"id": "years",
"translation": "Years"
"id": "refine",
"translation": "Refine"
"id": "large",
"translation": "large."
"id": "old",
"translation": "old"
"id": "optional",
"translation": "Optional"
"id": "search_for",
"translation": "Search for"
"id": "show",
"translation": "Show"
"id": "username_taken",
"translation": "Username already taken, you can choose: %s"
"id": "email_in_db",
"translation": "Email address already in database"
"id": "user_not_found",
"translation": "User not found"
"id": "incorrect_password",
"translation": "Password Incorrect"
"id": "password_error_generating",
"translation": "Error when generating your password hash"
"id": "permission_delete_error",
"translation": "You don't have the right to delete this"
"id": "no_username_password",
"translation": "No username/password entered"
"id": "account_banned",
"translation": "Account banned"
"id": "account_need_activation",
"translation": "This account needs activation from Moderators, please contact us"
"id": "retrieve_torrent_error",
"translation": "Couldn't retrieve torrents"
"id": "multiple_username_error",
"translation": "More than one username given"
"id": "elevating_user_error",
"translation": "Elevating status to moderator is prohibited"
"id": "parse_error_line",
"translation": "Couldn't parse on line %d"
"id": "language_not_available",
"translation": "Language not available"
"id": "mascot_url_too_long",
"translation": "Mascot URL is too long (max is 255 chars)"
"id": "mascor_url_parse_error",
"translation": "Error occurred when parsing mascot URL: %s"
"id": "no_id_given",
"translation": "No torrent ID given"
"id": "error_api_token",
"translation": "Error API token doesn't exist"
"id": "uploads_disabled",
"translation": "Uploads are disabled"
"id": "try_to_delete_report_inexistant",
"translation": "Trying to delete a torrent report that does not exists"
"id": "torrent_report_not_created",
"translation": "TorrentReport was not created"
"id": "user_not_deleted",
"translation": "User wasn't deleted"
"id": "error_content_type_post",
"translation": "Please provide either of Content-Type: application/json header or multipart/form-data"
"id": "torrent_name_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent name is invalid"
"id": "torrent_private",
"translation": "Torrent is private"
"id": "torrent_no_working_trackers",
"translation": "Torrent does not have any (working) trackers: <a href=\"/faq#trackers\">Trackers List</a>"
"id": "torrent_desc_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent description is invalid"
"id": "torrent_cat_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent category is invalid"
"id": "torrent_lang_invalid",
"translation": "Language sent is not yet supported! You can help supporting it by contributing in our github page"
"id": "torrent_cat_is_english",
"translation": "Torrent's category is for English translations, but language wasn't English. We changed it to english"
"id": "torrent_cat_not_english",
"translation": "Torrent's category is for non-English translations, but language selected is only English"
"id": "torrent_magnet_invalid",
"translation": "Magnet couldn't be parsed, please check it"
"id": "torrent_hash_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent hash is incorrect"
"id": "torrent_plus_magnet",
"translation": "Upload either a torrent file or magnet link, not both"
"id": "torrent_file_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent File is invalid"
"id": "torrent_uri_invalid",
"translation": "Website url or IRC link is invalid"
"id": "api_documentation",
"translation": "API documentation"
"id": "api_help",
"translation": "Do you have an api?"
"id": "trusted",
"translation": "Torrents uploaded by trusted users."
"id": "reencodes",
"translation": "Re-encodes"
"id": "remux",
"translation": "Remux of another uploader's original release"
"id": "reupload",
"translation": "Reupload of another users torrent with missing and/or unrelated additional files."
"id": "red",
"translation": "Red entries are: "
"id": "green",
"translation": "Green entries are:"
"id": "torrent_colors",
"translation": "Torrent colors"
"id": "torrent_preview",
"translation": "Preview your torrent"
"id": "announcement",
"translation": "Announcement"
"id": "update_client_failed",
"translation": "Update of the client has failed!"
"id": "update_client_success",
"translation": "You have successfully updated the client!"
"id": "update_client_panel",
"translation": "Update a Client"
"id": "create_client_success",
"translation": "You have successfully created the client!"
"id": "create_client_failed",
"translation": "Client creation has failed!"
"id": "create_client_panel",
"translation": "Create a new Client"
"id": "redirect_uri",
"translation": "Redirect URI"
"id": "grant_types",
"translation": "Grant Types"
"id": "response_types",
"translation": "Response Types"
"id": "scope",
"translation": "Scopes"
"id": "owner",
"translation": "Owner"
"id": "policy_uri",
"translation": "Policy URI"
"id": "tos_uri",
"translation": "Terms Of Service URI"
"id": "logo_uri",
"translation": "Logo URI"
"id": "contacts",
"translation": "Owner Emails"
"id": "oauth_clients_list",
"translation": "OAuth API Clients"
"id": "add",
"translation": "Add"
"id": "remove",
"translation": "Remove"
"id": "secret",
"translation": "Client Secret"
"id": "torrent_age",
"translation": "{1} days {2} hours ago"
"id": "wrong_tag_type",
"translation": "The tag type selected doesn't exist"
"id": "add_tag",
"translation": "Add a Tag"
"id": "tagtype",
"translation": "Tag Type"
"id": "tagtype_anidbid",
"translation": "Anidb ID"
"id": "tagtype_vndbid",
"translation": "VNdb ID"
"id": "tagtype_videoquality",
"translation": "Video Quality"
"id": "torrent_tags",
"translation": "Torrent tags"
"id": "announcements",
"translation": "Announcements"
"id": "message",
"translation": "Message"
"id": "delay",
"translation": "Delay"
"id": "update_annoucement_panel",
"translation": "Update Announcement"
"id": "create_annoucement_panel",
"translation": "Create Announcement"
"id": "expire",
"translation": "Expire"