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akuma06 5991a21818 First batch of changes for the refactor (#1078)
* First batch of changes for the refactor

Added the support of gin in routes and other services/utils
Begining implementation of JetHTML

* Remove os folder

* Move scrapers to own repo

* Second batch of changes

All .jet.html are the working templates.
You can now test this PR, the index Page and upload works. If you want to complete the other html templates, you're welcome

* Move captcha to util

* Move uploadService to utils

* Use govalidator instead of regex

* Third batch of changes

All the front end should as previously.
I also fixed some minor things unrelated to the refactor (mostly style issues on static pages)
Now errors can be accessed by importing the "errors" helpers and using the `yield errors(name="xxx")` command in templates.
Same for infos.
Templates are now more hierarchized with a base template "base.jet.html" which is extended depending on the context in "index_site" or "index_admin" layouts. Those layouts are extended than in every pages.
Other helpers are captcha to render a captcha `yield captcha(captchaid="xxx")`
And also csrf, with the command `yield csrf_field()`
To translate, you don't have anymore to do `call $.T "xxx"`, you just have to do `T("xxx")`.

Pages for the website part are in folders in the folder "templates/site". Pages for the admin part are in "templates/admin". Layouts are separated in "templates/layouts". Helpers and menu are in "templates/layouts/helpers" and "templates/layouts/menu". Error pages should be put in "templates/errors"

* Added test on templates

When adding a new template, you have to tell to template_test.go, the context of the new template (if it doesn't use the common context)

* Panel admin works

Now the templating part should work. The PR can now be fully tested.

I think we should push the templating PR  and do the routes/controllers/removal of services in another branch. So we know that this one is functional

* Updated dependencies

* Fixed test for modelhelper

* Fix testing for commentlist

* Fix travis :')

* Just renamed router and removed network

* Applying same SEO fix

* Update form_validator.go

* Added back regexp package
2017-06-28 21:42:38 +10:00

601 lignes
17 Kio

// Copyright 2014 Manu Martinez-Almeida. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gin
import (
// Content-Type MIME of the most common data formats
const (
MIMEPlain = binding.MIMEPlain
MIMEMultipartPOSTForm = binding.MIMEMultipartPOSTForm
const abortIndex int8 = math.MaxInt8 / 2
// Context is the most important part of gin. It allows us to pass variables between middleware,
// manage the flow, validate the JSON of a request and render a JSON response for example.
type Context struct {
writermem responseWriter
Request *http.Request
Writer ResponseWriter
Params Params
handlers HandlersChain
index int8
engine *Engine
Keys map[string]interface{}
Errors errorMsgs
Accepted []string
var _ context.Context = &Context{}
/********** CONTEXT CREATION ********/
func (c *Context) reset() {
c.Writer = &c.writermem
c.Params = c.Params[0:0]
c.handlers = nil
c.index = -1
c.Keys = nil
c.Errors = c.Errors[0:0]
c.Accepted = nil
// Copy returns a copy of the current context that can be safely used outside the request's scope.
// This have to be used then the context has to be passed to a goroutine.
func (c *Context) Copy() *Context {
var cp = *c
cp.writermem.ResponseWriter = nil
cp.Writer = &cp.writermem
cp.index = abortIndex
cp.handlers = nil
return &cp
// HandlerName returns the main handler's name. For example if the handler is "handleGetUsers()", this
// function will return "main.handleGetUsers"
func (c *Context) HandlerName() string {
return nameOfFunction(c.handlers.Last())
/*********** FLOW CONTROL ***********/
// Next should be used only inside middleware.
// It executes the pending handlers in the chain inside the calling handler.
// See example in github.
func (c *Context) Next() {
s := int8(len(c.handlers))
for ; c.index < s; c.index++ {
// IsAborted returns true if the current context was aborted.
func (c *Context) IsAborted() bool {
return c.index >= abortIndex
// Abort prevents pending handlers from being called. Note that this will not stop the current handler.
// Let's say you have an authorization middleware that validates that the current request is authorized. If the
// authorization fails (ex: the password does not match), call Abort to ensure the remaining handlers
// for this request are not called.
func (c *Context) Abort() {
c.index = abortIndex
// AbortWithStatus calls `Abort()` and writes the headers with the specified status code.
// For example, a failed attempt to authentificate a request could use: context.AbortWithStatus(401).
func (c *Context) AbortWithStatus(code int) {
// AbortWithError calls `AbortWithStatus()` and `Error()` internally. This method stops the chain, writes the status code and
// pushes the specified error to `c.Errors`.
// See Context.Error() for more details.
func (c *Context) AbortWithError(code int, err error) *Error {
return c.Error(err)
/********* ERROR MANAGEMENT *********/
// Attaches an error to the current context. The error is pushed to a list of errors.
// It's a good idea to call Error for each error that occurred during the resolution of a request.
// A middleware can be used to collect all the errors
// and push them to a database together, print a log, or append it in the HTTP response.
func (c *Context) Error(err error) *Error {
var parsedError *Error
switch err.(type) {
case *Error:
parsedError = err.(*Error)
parsedError = &Error{
Err: err,
Type: ErrorTypePrivate,
c.Errors = append(c.Errors, parsedError)
return parsedError
/******** METADATA MANAGEMENT********/
// Set is used to store a new key/value pair exclusivelly for this context.
// It also lazy initializes c.Keys if it was not used previously.
func (c *Context) Set(key string, value interface{}) {
if c.Keys == nil {
c.Keys = make(map[string]interface{})
c.Keys[key] = value
// Get returns the value for the given key, ie: (value, true).
// If the value does not exists it returns (nil, false)
func (c *Context) Get(key string) (value interface{}, exists bool) {
if c.Keys != nil {
value, exists = c.Keys[key]
// MustGet returns the value for the given key if it exists, otherwise it panics.
func (c *Context) MustGet(key string) interface{} {
if value, exists := c.Get(key); exists {
return value
panic("Key \"" + key + "\" does not exist")
/************ INPUT DATA ************/
// Param returns the value of the URL param.
// It is a shortcut for c.Params.ByName(key)
// router.GET("/user/:id", func(c *gin.Context) {
// // a GET request to /user/john
// id := c.Param("id") // id == "john"
// })
func (c *Context) Param(key string) string {
return c.Params.ByName(key)
// Query returns the keyed url query value if it exists,
// othewise it returns an empty string `("")`.
// It is shortcut for `c.Request.URL.Query().Get(key)`
// GET /path?id=1234&name=Manu&value=
// c.Query("id") == "1234"
// c.Query("name") == "Manu"
// c.Query("value") == ""
// c.Query("wtf") == ""
func (c *Context) Query(key string) string {
value, _ := c.GetQuery(key)
return value
// DefaultQuery returns the keyed url query value if it exists,
// othewise it returns the specified defaultValue string.
// See: Query() and GetQuery() for further information.
// GET /?name=Manu&lastname=
// c.DefaultQuery("name", "unknown") == "Manu"
// c.DefaultQuery("id", "none") == "none"
// c.DefaultQuery("lastname", "none") == ""
func (c *Context) DefaultQuery(key, defaultValue string) string {
if value, ok := c.GetQuery(key); ok {
return value
return defaultValue
// GetQuery is like Query(), it returns the keyed url query value
// if it exists `(value, true)` (even when the value is an empty string),
// othewise it returns `("", false)`.
// It is shortcut for `c.Request.URL.Query().Get(key)`
// GET /?name=Manu&lastname=
// ("Manu", true) == c.GetQuery("name")
// ("", false) == c.GetQuery("id")
// ("", true) == c.GetQuery("lastname")
func (c *Context) GetQuery(key string) (string, bool) {
if values, ok := c.GetQueryArray(key); ok {
return values[0], ok
return "", false
// QueryArray returns a slice of strings for a given query key.
// The length of the slice depends on the number of params with the given key.
func (c *Context) QueryArray(key string) []string {
values, _ := c.GetQueryArray(key)
return values
// GetQueryArray returns a slice of strings for a given query key, plus
// a boolean value whether at least one value exists for the given key.
func (c *Context) GetQueryArray(key string) ([]string, bool) {
req := c.Request
if values, ok := req.URL.Query()[key]; ok && len(values) > 0 {
return values, true
return []string{}, false
// PostForm returns the specified key from a POST urlencoded form or multipart form
// when it exists, otherwise it returns an empty string `("")`.
func (c *Context) PostForm(key string) string {
value, _ := c.GetPostForm(key)
return value
// DefaultPostForm returns the specified key from a POST urlencoded form or multipart form
// when it exists, otherwise it returns the specified defaultValue string.
// See: PostForm() and GetPostForm() for further information.
func (c *Context) DefaultPostForm(key, defaultValue string) string {
if value, ok := c.GetPostForm(key); ok {
return value
return defaultValue
// GetPostForm is like PostForm(key). It returns the specified key from a POST urlencoded
// form or multipart form when it exists `(value, true)` (even when the value is an empty string),
// otherwise it returns ("", false).
// For example, during a PATCH request to update the user's email:
// --> ("", true) := GetPostForm("email") // set email to ""
// email= --> ("", true) := GetPostForm("email") // set email to ""
// --> ("", false) := GetPostForm("email") // do nothing with email
func (c *Context) GetPostForm(key string) (string, bool) {
if values, ok := c.GetPostFormArray(key); ok {
return values[0], ok
return "", false
// PostFormArray returns a slice of strings for a given form key.
// The length of the slice depends on the number of params with the given key.
func (c *Context) PostFormArray(key string) []string {
values, _ := c.GetPostFormArray(key)
return values
// GetPostFormArray returns a slice of strings for a given form key, plus
// a boolean value whether at least one value exists for the given key.
func (c *Context) GetPostFormArray(key string) ([]string, bool) {
req := c.Request
req.ParseMultipartForm(32 << 20) // 32 MB
if values := req.PostForm[key]; len(values) > 0 {
return values, true
if req.MultipartForm != nil && req.MultipartForm.File != nil {
if values := req.MultipartForm.Value[key]; len(values) > 0 {
return values, true
return []string{}, false
// Bind checks the Content-Type to select a binding engine automatically,
// Depending the "Content-Type" header different bindings are used:
// "application/json" --> JSON binding
// "application/xml" --> XML binding
// otherwise --> returns an error
// It parses the request's body as JSON if Content-Type == "application/json" using JSON or XML as a JSON input.
// It decodes the json payload into the struct specified as a pointer.
// Like ParseBody() but this method also writes a 400 error if the json is not valid.
func (c *Context) Bind(obj interface{}) error {
b := binding.Default(c.Request.Method, c.ContentType())
return c.BindWith(obj, b)
// BindJSON is a shortcut for c.BindWith(obj, binding.JSON)
func (c *Context) BindJSON(obj interface{}) error {
return c.BindWith(obj, binding.JSON)
// BindWith binds the passed struct pointer using the specified binding engine.
// See the binding package.
func (c *Context) BindWith(obj interface{}, b binding.Binding) error {
if err := b.Bind(c.Request, obj); err != nil {
c.AbortWithError(400, err).SetType(ErrorTypeBind)
return err
return nil
// ClientIP implements a best effort algorithm to return the real client IP, it parses
// X-Real-IP and X-Forwarded-For in order to work properly with reverse-proxies such us: nginx or haproxy.
func (c *Context) ClientIP() string {
if c.engine.ForwardedByClientIP {
clientIP := strings.TrimSpace(c.requestHeader("X-Real-Ip"))
if len(clientIP) > 0 {
return clientIP
clientIP = c.requestHeader("X-Forwarded-For")
if index := strings.IndexByte(clientIP, ','); index >= 0 {
clientIP = clientIP[0:index]
clientIP = strings.TrimSpace(clientIP)
if len(clientIP) > 0 {
return clientIP
if ip, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(strings.TrimSpace(c.Request.RemoteAddr)); err == nil {
return ip
return ""
// ContentType returns the Content-Type header of the request.
func (c *Context) ContentType() string {
return filterFlags(c.requestHeader("Content-Type"))
func (c *Context) requestHeader(key string) string {
if values, _ := c.Request.Header[key]; len(values) > 0 {
return values[0]
return ""
/******** RESPONSE RENDERING ********/
func (c *Context) Status(code int) {
// Header is a intelligent shortcut for c.Writer.Header().Set(key, value)
// It writes a header in the response.
// If value == "", this method removes the header `c.Writer.Header().Del(key)`
func (c *Context) Header(key, value string) {
if len(value) == 0 {
} else {
c.Writer.Header().Set(key, value)
func (c *Context) SetCookie(
name string,
value string,
maxAge int,
path string,
domain string,
secure bool,
httpOnly bool,
) {
if path == "" {
path = "/"
http.SetCookie(c.Writer, &http.Cookie{
Name: name,
Value: url.QueryEscape(value),
MaxAge: maxAge,
Path: path,
Domain: domain,
Secure: secure,
HttpOnly: httpOnly,
func (c *Context) Cookie(name string) (string, error) {
cookie, err := c.Request.Cookie(name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
val, _ := url.QueryUnescape(cookie.Value)
return val, nil
func (c *Context) Render(code int, r render.Render) {
if err := r.Render(c.Writer); err != nil {
// HTML renders the HTTP template specified by its file name.
// It also updates the HTTP code and sets the Content-Type as "text/html".
// See
func (c *Context) HTML(code int, name string, obj interface{}) {
instance := c.engine.HTMLRender.Instance(name, obj)
c.Render(code, instance)
// IndentedJSON serializes the given struct as pretty JSON (indented + endlines) into the response body.
// It also sets the Content-Type as "application/json".
// WARNING: we recommend to use this only for development propuses since printing pretty JSON is
// more CPU and bandwidth consuming. Use Context.JSON() instead.
func (c *Context) IndentedJSON(code int, obj interface{}) {
c.Render(code, render.IndentedJSON{Data: obj})
// JSON serializes the given struct as JSON into the response body.
// It also sets the Content-Type as "application/json".
func (c *Context) JSON(code int, obj interface{}) {
if err := render.WriteJSON(c.Writer, obj); err != nil {
// XML serializes the given struct as XML into the response body.
// It also sets the Content-Type as "application/xml".
func (c *Context) XML(code int, obj interface{}) {
c.Render(code, render.XML{Data: obj})
// YAML serializes the given struct as YAML into the response body.
func (c *Context) YAML(code int, obj interface{}) {
c.Render(code, render.YAML{Data: obj})
// String writes the given string into the response body.
func (c *Context) String(code int, format string, values ...interface{}) {
render.WriteString(c.Writer, format, values)
// Redirect returns a HTTP redirect to the specific location.
func (c *Context) Redirect(code int, location string) {
c.Render(-1, render.Redirect{
Code: code,
Location: location,
Request: c.Request,
// Data writes some data into the body stream and updates the HTTP code.
func (c *Context) Data(code int, contentType string, data []byte) {
c.Render(code, render.Data{
ContentType: contentType,
Data: data,
// File writes the specified file into the body stream in a efficient way.
func (c *Context) File(filepath string) {
http.ServeFile(c.Writer, c.Request, filepath)
// SSEvent writes a Server-Sent Event into the body stream.
func (c *Context) SSEvent(name string, message interface{}) {
c.Render(-1, sse.Event{
Event: name,
Data: message,
func (c *Context) Stream(step func(w io.Writer) bool) {
w := c.Writer
clientGone := w.CloseNotify()
for {
select {
case <-clientGone:
keepOpen := step(w)
if !keepOpen {
/******** CONTENT NEGOTIATION *******/
type Negotiate struct {
Offered []string
HTMLName string
HTMLData interface{}
JSONData interface{}
XMLData interface{}
Data interface{}
func (c *Context) Negotiate(code int, config Negotiate) {
switch c.NegotiateFormat(config.Offered...) {
case binding.MIMEJSON:
data := chooseData(config.JSONData, config.Data)
c.JSON(code, data)
case binding.MIMEHTML:
data := chooseData(config.HTMLData, config.Data)
c.HTML(code, config.HTMLName, data)
case binding.MIMEXML:
data := chooseData(config.XMLData, config.Data)
c.XML(code, data)
c.AbortWithError(http.StatusNotAcceptable, errors.New("the accepted formats are not offered by the server"))
func (c *Context) NegotiateFormat(offered ...string) string {
assert1(len(offered) > 0, "you must provide at least one offer")
if c.Accepted == nil {
c.Accepted = parseAccept(c.requestHeader("Accept"))
if len(c.Accepted) == 0 {
return offered[0]
for _, accepted := range c.Accepted {
for _, offert := range offered {
if accepted == offert {
return offert
return ""
func (c *Context) SetAccepted(formats ...string) {
c.Accepted = formats
func (c *Context) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
func (c *Context) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return nil
func (c *Context) Err() error {
return nil
func (c *Context) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
if key == 0 {
return c.Request
if keyAsString, ok := key.(string); ok {
val, _ := c.Get(keyAsString)
return val
return nil