* Update view.jet.html * Update en-us.all.json * Update view.jet.html * Update CHANGELOG.md * fix travis * Update classic.css * Update view.jet.html * Update main.css * Update classic.css * Update classic.css * Update classic.css * add link to user page & avatar in comment * stylisation for avatar in main.css * Update classic.css * Fix wrongly placed ::before * Add rule list to terms of service * import rules on register * fix refine-container-2's inputs * Update base.jet.html * Update en-us.all.json * Update CHANGELOG.md * GenNav changes to constantly put HTML for nav arrows regardless of page * css changes for website nav etc etc * add OldNav global variable * Add OldNav to test.go * Update publicSettings.go * change OldNav's value type * Old navigation in settings * add OldNav in user variables * add oldNav input handler in settings.go * Change OldNav's default value into false * Create OldNav.jet.html * Update search.jet.html * remove character that had nothing to do here * fix wrong variable name * fix worng variable name and travis * Update classic.css * Add sort order & type to old nav * add toString() function in test * add toString() function * translation string for oldnav setting * Use translation string in settings.jet.html * fix few html errors * ditto * travis fix test * remove useless charset * remove useless things * add spaces before attributes * attempt at fixing travis 2 * fix wrong variable name * Update classic.css * fix travis plsss
318 lignes
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318 lignes
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package publicSettings
import (
glang "golang.org/x/text/language"
// UserRetriever : this interface is required to prevent a cyclic import between the languages and userService package.
type UserRetriever interface {
RetrieveCurrentUser(c *gin.Context) (*models.User, error)
// Language localization language struct
type Language struct {
Name string
Code string
Tag string
// Languages Array of Language
type Languages []Language
// TemplateTfunc : T func used in template
type TemplateTfunc func(string, ...interface{}) template.HTML
var (
defaultLanguage = config.Get().I18n.DefaultLanguage
userRetriever UserRetriever
languages Languages
// InitI18n : Initialize the languages translation
func InitI18n(conf config.I18nConfig, retriever UserRetriever) error {
defaultLanguage = conf.DefaultLanguage
userRetriever = retriever
defaultFilepath := path.Join(conf.Directory, defaultLanguage+".all.json")
err := i18n.LoadTranslationFile(defaultFilepath)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to load default translation file '%s': %v", defaultFilepath, err))
paths, err := filepath.Glob(path.Join(conf.Directory, "*.json"))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get translation files: %v", err)
for _, file := range paths {
err := i18n.LoadTranslationFile(file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load translation file '%s': %v", file, err)
return nil
// GetDefaultLanguage : returns the default language from config
func GetDefaultLanguage() string {
return defaultLanguage
// TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback : When go-i18n finds a language with >0 translations, it uses it as the Tfunc
// However, if said language has a missing translation, it won't fallback to the "main" language
func TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback(language string, languages ...string) (i18n.TranslateFunc, *language.Language, error) {
fallbackLanguage := GetDefaultLanguage()
tFunc, tLang, err1 := i18n.TfuncAndLanguage(language, languages...)
// If fallbackLanguage fails, it will give the "id" field so we don't
// care about the error
fallbackT, fallbackTlang, _ := i18n.TfuncAndLanguage(fallbackLanguage)
translateFunction := func(translationID string, args ...interface{}) string {
if translated := tFunc(translationID, args...); translated != translationID {
return translated
return fallbackT(translationID, args...)
if err1 != nil {
tLang = fallbackTlang
return translateFunction, tLang, err1
// GetAvailableLanguages : Get languages available on the website, languages are parsed once at runtime
func GetAvailableLanguages() Languages {
if len(languages) > 0 {
return languages
// Need this to sort out languages alphabetically by language tag
var codes []string
for _, languageTag := range i18n.LanguageTags() {
codes = append(codes, languageTag)
languages = ParseLanguages(codes)
return languages
// GetParentTag returns the highest parent of a language (e.g. fr-fr -> fr)
func GetParentTag(languageTag string) glang.Tag {
lang := glang.Make(languageTag)
for !lang.Parent().IsRoot() {
lang = lang.Parent()
return lang
// ParseLanguages takes a list of language codes and convert them in languages object
func ParseLanguages(codes []string) Languages {
var langs Languages
// Now build languages array
for _, languageTag := range codes {
lang := GetParentTag(languageTag)
langs = append(langs, Language{strings.Title(display.Self.Name(glang.Make(languageTag))), lang.String(), languageTag})
return langs
// GetDefaultTfunc : Gets T func from default language
func GetDefaultTfunc() (i18n.TranslateFunc, error) {
return i18n.Tfunc(defaultLanguage)
// GetTfuncAndLanguageFromRequest : Gets the T func and chosen language from the request
func GetTfuncAndLanguageFromRequest(c *gin.Context) (T i18n.TranslateFunc, Tlang *language.Language) {
userLanguage := ""
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
userLanguage = user.Language
cookie, err := c.Cookie("lang")
cookieLanguage := ""
if err == nil {
cookieLanguage = cookie
// go-i18n supports the format of the Accept-Language header
headerLanguage := c.Request.Header.Get("Accept-Language")
T, Tlang, _ = TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback(userLanguage, cookieLanguage, headerLanguage)
// GetTfuncFromRequest : Gets the T func from the request
func GetTfuncFromRequest(c *gin.Context) TemplateTfunc {
T, _ := GetTfuncAndLanguageFromRequest(c)
return func(id string, args ...interface{}) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(T(id), args...))
// GetThemeFromRequest : Gets the user selected theme from the request
func GetThemeFromRequest(c *gin.Context) string {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.Theme
cookie, err := c.Cookie("theme")
if err == nil {
return cookie
return ""
// GetAltColorsFromRequest : Return whether user has enabled alt colors or not
func GetAltColorsFromRequest(c *gin.Context) bool {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.AltColors != "false"
//Doing this in order to make it return true should the field be empty
cookie, err := c.Cookie("altColors")
if err == nil {
return cookie == "true"
return true
// GetOldNavFromRequest : Return whether user has enabled old navigation or not
func GetOldNavFromRequest(c *gin.Context) bool {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.OldNav == "true"
cookie, err := c.Cookie("oldNav")
if err == nil {
return cookie == "true"
return false
// GetMascotFromRequest : Return whether user has enabled mascot or not
func GetMascotFromRequest(c *gin.Context) string {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.Mascot
cookie, err := c.Cookie("mascot")
if err == nil {
return cookie
return "show"
// GetMascotURLFromRequest : Get the user selected mascot url from the request.
// Returns an empty string if not set.
func GetMascotURLFromRequest(c *gin.Context) string {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.MascotURL
cookie, err := c.Cookie("mascot_url")
if err == nil {
return cookie
return ""
func GetEUCookieFromRequest(c *gin.Context) bool {
_, err := c.Cookie("EU_Cookie")
if err == nil {
return true
//Cookie exists, everything good
http.SetCookie(c.Writer, &http.Cookie{Name: "EU_Cookie", Value: "true", Domain: getDomainName(), Path: "/", Expires: timeHelper.FewDaysLater(365)})
return false
//Cookie doesn't exist, we create it to prevent the message from popping up anymore after that and return false
func getCurrentUser(c *gin.Context) (*models.User, error) {
if userRetriever == nil {
return &models.User{}, errors.New("failed to get current user: no user retriever set")
return userRetriever.RetrieveCurrentUser(c)
// Exist evaluate if a language exists or not (language code or language name)
func (langs Languages) Exist(name string) bool {
for _, language := range langs {
if language.Code == name || language.Name == name {
return true
return false
// Translate accepts a languageCode in string and translate the language to the language from the language code
func (lang *Language) Translate(languageCode template.HTML) string {
return Translate(lang.Tag, string(languageCode))
// Translate accepts a languageCode in string and translate the language to the language from the language code in to
func Translate(languageCode string, to string) string {
langTranslate := display.Tags(GetParentTag(to))
translated := langTranslate.Name(glang.Make(languageCode))
if translated == "Root" {
return ""
return translated
// Flag reads the language's country code and return the country's flag if national true or the international flag for the language
func (lang *Language) Flag(national bool) string {
if !national {
if !strings.Contains(lang.Tag, ",") {
return Flag(lang.Tag, false)
return Flag(lang.Code, false)
return lang.Code
// Flag reads the language's country code and return the country's flag if national true or the international flag for the language
func Flag(languageCode string, parent bool) string {
lang := glang.Make(languageCode)
if parent {
lang = GetParentTag(languageCode)
languageSplit := strings.Split(lang.String(), "-")
if len(languageSplit) > 1 {
return languageSplit[1]
return lang.String()
func getDomainName() string {
domain := config.Get().Cookies.DomainName
if config.Get().Environment == "DEVELOPMENT" {
domain = ""
return domain