* Tag Search + Tests + Search slight refactor First commit improving search. Different struct have their own file with their tests. This way of separating struct by files is inspired by the go packages I've seen so far. Added new behaviour as discussed in #1334 * fix fallback to ES * Added some comments to explain PG fallback + log err moved * Refactored search Nearly fully covered WhereParams struct has disappeared for Query struct instead In DB model, we use an interface implementing Query struct methods * 1rst Refactor of Tags (WTF already?!) Prepare Tags for the refactored system. Now there will be descriptive tags for a particular release (ecchi, BDSM, ....) and typed tags. Typed tags are tags relevant to all torrents and can be limited to some input value. For example, video quality is a typed tag limited to some values (hd, full hd, sd, ...). In the same way, anidbid is also a typed tag but doesn't have default values. Furthermore, the location storage of tags have changed, now accepted descriptive tags are stored in the torrents table in the column "tags" and they are separated by commas. In the opposite, accepted typed tags can have have their own column in the torrents table. For example, anidbid, vndbid will populate the column DbID when accepted. On the other hand, videoquality will populate the same way as descriptive tags. This behaviour depends on the callbackOnType function in tag/helpers.go * fix for modtools :') * Added anidb, vndb, dlsite & vmdb id fields in torrent model. Tags don't have an accepted field anymore. Accepted Tags are in torrent.AcceptedTags and non-accepted ones in torrrent.Tags. New Helper + New Changelog for translation string. * New upload/edit form for torrent tags. Now the inputs are dynamically generated by the helper tag_form. No more modal window in those form, only inputs. Support of tags in API New translation string for the link to the modal on torrent view. More comments in the functions for tags * Improving how config for tags work. Adding a test on them with understandable messages. Config for tags have now a Field attribute which is linked to the Torrent model. For example anidbid tag type has now a AnidbID field in config which is the name of the field in torrent model (AnidbID). Every new tag type need to have a field attribute with its counterpart in torrent Model. Fixing some errors * Fix compile error + Tests Errors * Improve performance by caching the list of tags with an index Adding/removing tags works/tested New translation strings TODO: test/fix adding tag on upload/edit * Mini fix to display video quality + tags works/tested on modo edit * Fix editing tags on modpanel * Edit tags works * Add translation string * Add search backend for tags. ?tags=xxx,eee,ddd ?anidb=21 ?vndb=23 ?vgmdb=24 ?vq=full_hd * Fix Ajax tag Removal&Add * Added form for descriptive tags * Forgot to add the link between database and form for descriptive tags. * Adding the increase/decrease pantsu for descriptive tags * Fix #1370 * When you actually forgot to commit files after having forgotten commits
1990 lignes
43 Kio
1990 lignes
43 Kio
"id": "rules",
"translation": "Rules"
"id": "no_cp",
"translation": "No child pornography (lolicon doesn't count)"
"id": "asia",
"translation": "Asian related content only (no Western Movies, no Cartoon)"
"id": "rules_spam",
"translation": "No spam"
"id": "rules_sukebei",
"translation": "NSFW content belongs in sukebei.pantsu.cat"
"id": "verify_email_title",
"translation": "고양이를 위해 이메일을 확인해주세요"
"id": "verify_email_content",
"translation": "아래의 버튼을 눌러 이메일을 확인해주세요"
"id": "reset_password_title",
"translation": "고양이를 위해 암호를 리셋해주세요"
"id": "reset_password_content",
"translation": "암호를 리셋하려면 아래의 링크를 눌러주세요"
"id": "register_title",
"translation": "새 계정 만들기"
"id": "signup_box_title",
"translation": "회원가입 해주세요! <small>가입은 무료이며 언제나 그럴 것입니다</small>"
"id": "username",
"translation": "아이디"
"id": "email_address_or_username",
"translation": "이메일 주소 또는 아이디"
"id": "email_address",
"translation": "이메일 주소"
"id": "password",
"translation": "비밀번호"
"id": "confirm_password",
"translation": "비밀번호 재확인"
"id": "terms_conditions_confirm",
"translation": "<b>회원가입</b>을 하시면, 쿠키 사용과 더불어 <a id=\"modal_active\" href=\"#\">약관</a>에 동의하신 것으로 간주합니다."
"id": "signin",
"translation": "로그인"
"id": "register",
"translation": "회원가입"
"id": "terms_conditions",
"translation": "이용약관"
"id": "terms_conditions_full",
"translation": "ㅅㅂ"
"id": "remember_me",
"translation": "로그인 상태 유지"
"id": "forgot_password",
"translation": "비밀번호 찾기"
"id": "sign_in_box_title",
"translation": "로그인 하세요"
"id": "sign_in_title",
"translation": "로그인"
"id": "register_success_title",
"translation": "성공적으로 가입했습니다!"
"id": "sign_up_success",
"translation": "가입해주셔서 고마워요!"
"id": "verify_success",
"translation": "<i style=\"color:limegreen\" class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle\"></i>계정이 활성화 되었습니다!"
"id": "signup_verification_email",
"translation": "마지막으로 이메일 인증을 완료해 주세요! 이메일이 도착하지 않았다면 스팸 메일함도 확인해 주세요."
"id": "signup_verification_noemail",
"translation": "Registration was successful, you may now use your account."
"id": "email_placeholder",
"translation": "Can be left blank."
"id": "settings",
"translation": "계정 설정"
"id": "torrents",
"translation": "토렌트"
"id": "follow",
"translation": "팔로우"
"id": "unfollow",
"translation": "언팔로우"
"id": "user_followed_msg",
"translation": "You have followed %s!"
"id": "user_unfollowed_msg",
"translation": "You have unfollowed %s!"
"id": "profile_page",
"translation": "%s 프로필 페이지"
"id": "see_more_torrents_from",
"translation": "%s 에서 더 많은 토렌트 보기"
"id": "torrents_uploaded",
"translation": "Torrents uploaded"
"id": "category",
"translation": "카테고리"
"id": "name",
"translation": "이름"
"id": "date",
"translation": "날짜"
"id": "size",
"translation": "크기"
"id": "links",
"translation": "링크"
"id": "home",
"translation": "홈"
"id": "error_404",
"translation": "에러 404"
"id": "error_400",
"translation": "Error 400"
"id": "error_500",
"translation": "Error 500"
"id": "err_no_results",
"translation": "No results found"
"id": "upload",
"translation": "업로드"
"id": "faq",
"translation": "FAQ"
"id": "fap",
"translation": "자위"
"id": "fun",
"translation": "Fun"
"id": "nothing_here",
"translation": "아무것도 없음"
"id": "404_not_found",
"translation": "404 Not Found"
"id": "500_internal_server_error",
"translation": "500 Internal Server Error"
"id": "400_bad_request",
"translation": "400 Bad Request"
"id": "no_torrents_uploaded",
"translation": "아직 토렌트가 업로드 되지 않았습니다!"
"id": "profile",
"translation": "프로필"
"id": "sign_out",
"translation": "로그아웃"
"id": "member",
"translation": "멤버"
"id": "no_results_found",
"translation": "검색결과가 없습니다"
"id": "notice_keep_seeding",
"translation": "제발좀: 시딩 부탁드려요. DHT 설정도 활성화 되어있는지 확인해주세요."
"id": "official_nyaapocalipse_faq",
"translation": "공식 Nyaapocalypse FAQ"
"id": "links_replacement_mirror",
"translation": "대체 사이트/미러 링크"
"id": "what_happened",
"translation": "무슨 일입니까?"
"id": "nyaa_se_went_offline",
"translation": "2017년 5월 1일, 모든 nyaa.se 관련 도메인들의 연결이 해제되었습니다"
"id": "its_not_a_ddos",
"translation": "비활성화 된 것으로, 평소처럼의 DDOS에 의한 것은 아닙니다."
"id": "future_not_looking_good",
"translation": "nyaa 토렌트의 미래는 그렇게 좋아보이지는 않네요. (현재 완전히 사망-처리됨)"
"id": "recovery_effort",
"translation": "현재 사방에서 복구하려는 노력이 있습니다."
"id": "is_everything_lost",
"translation": "모든 자료가 다 날라간거야?"
"id": "in_short_no",
"translation": "간단히 말하면, 아닙니다"
"id": "are_some_things_lost",
"translation": "그럼 일부가 날라갔단거네"
"id": "answer_is_nyaa_db_lost",
"translation": "저희는 현재 <s>4월 5일</s> 5월 1일까지의 데이터베이스를 확보했습니다. 거의 대부분이 살아있다는 거죠."
"id": "answer_is_sukebei_db_lost",
"translation": "Sukebei 쪽은 상황이 안좋습니다. 2016까지의 데이터 밖에 없어요. 그러나 새 데이터베이스가 나온다면 적용이 가능합니다."
"id": "how_are_we_recovering",
"translation": "어떻게 복구하는거야?"
"id": "answer_how_are_we_recovering",
"translation": "nyaa.pantsu.cat 과 sukebei.pantsu.cat 에서 상기한 데이터베이스를 이용해 호스팅 중입니다. 현재는 검색기능 뿐이지만, 곧 완전한 기능이 완성 될겁니다. Seeder/leecher 통계는 scraping 을 통해 가능하며 가까운 시일내에 복구될 것이지만, 현재는 다른 기능을 중점적으로 작업중입니다."
"id": "how_do_i_link_my_old_account",
"translation": "How do I link my old uploads back to my new account?"
"id": "answer_how_do_i_link_my_old_account",
"translation": "Join <a href=\"ircs://irc.rizon.net/nyaapantsu-help\">#nyaapantsu-help@Rizon</a> and ask a moderator to migrate your old torrents while mentioning your old and new usernames."
"id": "are_the_trackers_working",
"translation": "토렌트들은 이용할 수 있다는거지?"
"id": "answer_are_the_trackers_working",
"translation": "트래커들이 다운 됬어도 분산 DHT network를 통해 시더들과 연결할 수 있습니다. DHT network에 파일 리스트들이 있는 한, 평소처럼 이용이 가능합니다."
"id": "how_do_i_download_the_torrents",
"translation": "어떻게 토렌트를 다운로드 하는거야?"
"id": "answer_how_do_i_download_the_torrents",
"translation": "그냥 <b>마그넷 링크</b>를 이용하세요. 마그넷 링크는 DHT network 에서 파일을 찾는걸 도와줍니다. 그냥 그렇게 쓰면 됩니다."
"id": "magnet_link_should_look_like",
"translation": "마그넷 링크는 이렇게 생겼습니다:"
"id": "which_trackers_do_you_recommend",
"translation": "어떤 트래커를 쓰는게 좋아?"
"id": "answer_which_trackers_do_you_recommend",
"translation": "트래커가 없어서 다운로드가 불가능 하다면, 다음을 이용하세요:"
"id": "how_can_i_help",
"translation": "뭐 도와줄거 없어?"
"id": "answer_how_can_i_help",
"translation": "웹 개발을 해보셨다면, irc.rizon.net에 오세요. 새 데이터베이스들, 특히 sukebei 쪽을 가지고 계시다면 <b>업로드 부탁드립니다</b>."
"id": "your_design_sucks_found_a_bug",
"translation": "디자인 거지같네 / 버그 있잖아"
"id": "why_written_in_go",
"translation": "왜 Go 언어요?"
"id": "authors_favorite_language",
"translation": "제일 좋아하는 언어입니다. >__- 찡긋"
"id": "torrent_file",
"translation": "토렌트 파일"
"id": "uploading_file_prefills_fields",
"translation": "토렌트 파일을 업로드하면 몇몇 필드가 자동으로 채워집니다. 추천드립니다."
"id": "magnet_link",
"translation": "마그넷 링크"
"id": "all_categories",
"translation": "모든 카테고리"
"id": "select_a_torrent_category",
"translation": "Select a Torrent Category"
"id": "anime",
"translation": "애니"
"id": "anime_amv",
"translation": "애니 - 애니메이션 뮤직 비디오"
"id": "anime_english_translated",
"translation": "애니 - 영문 번역"
"id": "anime_non_english_translated",
"translation": "애니 - 비-영문 번역"
"id": "anime_raw",
"translation": "애니 - Raw"
"id": "audio",
"translation": "Audio"
"id": "audio_lossless",
"translation": "Audio - 비손실"
"id": "audio_lossy",
"translation": "Audio - 손실"
"id": "literature",
"translation": "Literature"
"id": "literature_english_translated",
"translation": "Literature - 영문 번역"
"id": "literature_raw",
"translation": "Literature - Raw"
"id": "literature_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Literature - 비-영문 번역"
"id": "live_action",
"translation": "Live Action"
"id": "live_action_english_translated",
"translation": "Live Action - 영문 번역"
"id": "live_action_idol_pv",
"translation": "Live Action - 아이돌/상업적 영상"
"id": "live_action_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Live Action - 비-영문 번역"
"id": "live_action_raw",
"translation": "Live Action - Raw"
"id": "pictures",
"translation": "사진"
"id": "pictures_graphics",
"translation": "사진 - 그래픽"
"id": "pictures_photos",
"translation": "사진 - 사진"
"id": "software",
"translation": "소프트웨어"
"id": "software_applications",
"translation": "소프트웨어 - 응용프로그램"
"id": "software_games",
"translation": "소프트웨어 - 게임"
"id": "art",
"translation": "Art"
"id": "art_anime",
"translation": "Art - Anime"
"id": "art_doujinshi",
"translation": "Art - Doujinshi"
"id": "art_games",
"translation": "Art - Games"
"id": "art_manga",
"translation": "Art - Manga"
"id": "art_pictures",
"translation": "Art - Pictures"
"id": "real_life",
"translation": "Real Life"
"id": "real_life_photobooks_and_pictures",
"translation": "Real Life - Photobooks and Pictures"
"id": "real_life_videos",
"translation": "Real Life - Videos"
"id": "torrent_description",
"translation": "토렌트 설명"
"id": "limited_html_set_is_allowed_use",
"translation": "몇몇 HTML 태그가 사용 가능합니다"
"id": "show_all",
"translation": "모두 보기"
"id": "delete_all",
"translation": "Delete all"
"id": "filter_remakes",
"translation": "Filter Remakes"
"id": "trusted",
"translation": "신뢰된"
"id": "search",
"translation": "검색"
"id": "hash",
"translation": "해시"
"id": "description",
"translation": "설명"
"id": "no_description",
"translation": "No description provided!"
"id": "comments",
"translation": "댓글"
"id": "submit_a_comment_as_username",
"translation": "내 이름(%s)으로 댓글"
"id": "submit_a_comment_as_anonymous",
"translation": "익명으로 댓글"
"id": "submit",
"translation": "확인"
"id": "personal_info",
"translation": "Personal Info"
"id": "language",
"translation": "Language"
"id": "current_password",
"translation": "Current password"
"id": "role",
"translation": "Role"
"id": "banned",
"translation": "Banned"
"id": "default",
"translation": "Default"
"id": "trusted_member",
"translation": "Trusted member"
"id": "scraped_user",
"translation": "Scraped user"
"id": "moderator",
"translation": "Moderator"
"id": "api_token",
"translation": "API Token"
"id": "save_changes",
"translation": "Save Changes"
"id": "profile_updated",
"translation": "Your profile has been correctly updated!"
"id": "delete_account",
"translation": "Delete Account"
"id": "delete_account_confirm",
"translation": "Are you sure you want to delete this account?"
"id": "delete_success",
"translation": "The account has been successfully deleted!"
"id": "moderation",
"translation": "Moderation"
"id": "extensions_and_plugins",
"translation": "Extensions and Plugins (made by third-party developers)"
"id": "qbittorrent_plugin",
"translation": "qBittorrent Plugin"
"id": "local_client",
"translation": "Local Client"
"id": "chrome_extension",
"translation": "Chrome Extension"
"id": "firefox_extension",
"translation": "Firefox Extension"
"id": "android_app",
"translation": "Android App"
"id": "who_is_renchon",
"translation": "Who the fuck is <span lang=\"ja\">れんちょん</span>?"
"id": "renchon_anon_explanation",
"translation": "<span lang=\"ja\">れんちょん</span> (Ren-chon) is the username assigned to uploads and comments made anonymously. It is also used for torrents imported from the original nyaa, though sometimes the original uploader can be displayed alongside."
"id": "mark_as_remake",
"translation": "Mark as remake"
"id": "email_changed",
"translation": "Email changed successfully! You will have, however, to confirm it by clicking to the link sent to: %s"
"id": "torrent_status",
"translation": "Torrent status"
"id": "torrent_status_normal",
"translation": "Normal"
"id": "torrent_status_remake",
"translation": "Remake"
"id": "torrent_status_blocked",
"translation": "Locked"
"id": "profile_edit_page",
"translation": "Edit %s's profile"
"id": "seeders",
"translation": "Seeders"
"id": "leechers",
"translation": "Leechers"
"id": "completed",
"translation": "Completed"
"id": "change_language",
"translation": "Change Language"
"id": "language_name",
"translation": "한국어"
"id": "language_code",
"translation": "ko-kr"
"id": "delete",
"translation": "Delete"
"id": "website_link",
"translation": "Website Link"
"id": "files",
"translation": "Files"
"id": "no_files",
"translation": "No files found? That doesn't even make sense!"
"id": "uploaded_by",
"translation": "Uploaded by"
"id": "report_btn",
"translation": "Report"
"id": "are_you_sure",
"translation": "Are you sure?"
"id": "report_torrent_number",
"translation": "Report Torrent #%d"
"id": "report_type",
"translation": "Report type"
"id": "illegal_content",
"translation": "Illegal content"
"id": "spam_garbage",
"translation": "Spam / Garbage"
"id": "wrong_category",
"translation": "Wrong category"
"id": "duplicate_deprecated",
"translation": "Duplicate / Deprecated"
"id": "captcha",
"translation": "Captcha"
"id": "captcha_audio",
"translation": "Captcha Audio"
"id": "file_name",
"translation": "File Name"
"id": "cancel",
"translation": "Cancel"
"id": "please_include_our_tracker",
"translation": "Please include udp://tracker.doko.moe:6969 in your trackers."
"id": "unknown",
"translation": "Unknown"
"id": "last_scraped",
"translation": "Last scraped: "
"id": "server_status_link",
"translation": "Server status can be found here"
"id": "no_database_dumps_available",
"translation": "No database dumps are available at this moment."
"id": "clear_notifications",
"translation": "Clear Notifications"
"id": "notifications_cleared",
"translation": "Notifications erased!"
"id": "my_notifications",
"translation": "My Notifications"
"id": "new_torrent_uploaded",
"translation": "New torrent: \"%s\" from %s"
"id": "torrent_uploaded",
"translation": "torrent uploaded successfully!"
"id": "preferences",
"translation": "Preferences"
"id": "new_torrent_settings",
"translation": "Be notified when a new torrent is added from a user followed"
"id": "new_torrent_email_settings",
"translation": "Be notified by e-mail when a new torrent is added from a user followed"
"id": "new_comment_settings",
"translation": "Be notified when there is a new comment on your torrents"
"id": "new_comment_email_settings",
"translation": "Be notified by e-mail when there is a new comment on your torrents"
"id": "new_responses_settings",
"translation": "Be notified when there is a new response to your comment"
"id": "new_responses_email_settings",
"translation": "Be notified by e-mail when there is a new response to your comment"
"id": "new_follower_settings",
"translation": "Be notified when you have a new follower"
"id": "new_follower_email_settings",
"translation": "Be notified by e-mail when you have a new follower"
"id": "followed_settings",
"translation": "Be notified when you have followed someone"
"id": "followed_email_settings",
"translation": "Be notified by e-mail when you have followed someone"
"id": "yes",
"translation": "Yes"
"id": "no",
"translation": "No"
"id": "new_comment_on_torrent",
"translation": "New comment on torrent: \"%s\""
"id": "no_action_selected",
"translation": "You have to tell what you want to do with your selection!"
"id": "no_move_location_selected",
"translation": "Thou has't to telleth whither thee wanteth to moveth thy selection!"
"id": "select_one_element",
"translation": "You need to select at least 1 element!"
"id": "torrent_moved",
"translation": "Torrent %s moved!"
"id": "no_status_exist",
"translation": "No such status %d exist!"
"id": "torrent_deleted",
"translation": "Torrent %s deleted!"
"id": "torrent_deleted_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been deleted by %s."
"id": "torrent_edited_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been edited by %s."
"id": "torrent_blocked_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been locked by %s."
"id": "torrent_blocked_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been unlocked by %s."
"id": "torrents_deleted",
"translation": "Torrents Deleted"
"id": "delete_torrent",
"translation": "Delete Torrent"
"id": "delete_report",
"translation": "Delete Report"
"id": "comment_deleted",
"translation": "Comment has been deleted!"
"id": "comment_deleted_by",
"translation": "Comment #%d from %s has been deleted by %s."
"id": "comment_edited_by",
"translation": "Comment #%d from %s has been edited by %s."
"id": "oauth_client_deleted",
"translation": "Oauth API Client has been deleted!"
"id": "oauth_client_deleted_by",
"translation": "Oauth API Client #%s from %s has been deleted by %s."
"id": "no_action_exist",
"translation": "No such action %s exist!"
"id": "torrent_not_exist",
"translation": "Torrent with ID %d doesn't exist!"
"id": "something_went_wrong",
"translation": "Something went wrong"
"id": "nb_torrents_updated",
"translation": "%d torrents updated."
"id": "torrent_updated",
"translation": "Torrent details updated."
"id": "fail_torrent_update",
"translation": "Failed to update torrent!"
"id": "bad_captcha",
"translation": "Bad captcha!"
"id": "comment_empty",
"translation": "Comment empty!"
"id": "no_owner_selected",
"translation": "New torrent owner is needed!"
"id": "no_category_selected",
"translation": "No category selected!"
"id": "no_user_found_id",
"translation": "User with id %d isn't in the database!"
"id": "invalid_torrent_category",
"translation": "Torrent category doesn't exist!"
"id": "torrent_owner_changed",
"translation": "Owner of torrent \"%s\" has been successfully changed!"
"id": "torrent_category_changed",
"translation": "Category of torrent \"%s\" has been changed!"
"id": "torrent_reports_deleted",
"translation": "Reports of torrent \"%s\" were deleted!"
"id": "edit",
"translation": "Edit"
"id": "lock_delete",
"translation": "Lock & Delete"
"id": "delete_definitely_torrent_warning",
"translation": "You will not be able to recover the file, neither stop someone to reupload it!"
"id": "delete_definitely",
"translation": "Delete definitely"
"id": "torrent_unblock",
"translation": "Unlock"
"id": "torrent_block",
"translation": "Lock"
"id": "torrent_deleted_definitely",
"translation": "Torrent has been erased from the database!"
"id": "torrent_not_deleted",
"translation": "Torrent was not deleted"
"id": "torrent_unblocked",
"translation": "Torrent has been unlocked!"
"id": "torrent_blocked",
"translation": "Torrent has been locked!"
"id": "torrent_nav_notdeleted",
"translation": "Torrents not deleted"
"id": "torrent_nav_deleted",
"translation": "Torrents deleted"
"id": "change_settings",
"translation": "Change Appearance/Language"
"id": "mascot",
"translation": "Mascot"
"id": "theme",
"translation": "Theme"
"id": "theme_select",
"translation": "Select a Theme"
"id": "theme_none",
"translation": "None"
"id": "upload_as_anon",
"translation": "Upload Anonymously"
"id": "cookies",
"translation": "By clicking save, you consent to our use of cookies"
"id": "show",
"translation": "Show"
"id": "hide",
"translation": "Hide"
"id": "nyaa_pantsu",
"translation": "Nyaa Pantsu"
"id": "users",
"translation": "Users"
"id": "torrent_reports",
"translation": "Torrent Reports"
"id": "show_mod_tools",
"translation": "Show Mod Tools"
"id": "hide_mod_tools",
"translation": "Hide Mod Tools"
"id": "following_changes_applied",
"translation": "Following changes will be applied"
"id": "changes_in_following_order",
"translation": "Changes will be made in the following order:"
"id": "edit_changes",
"translation": "Edit Changes"
"id": "delete_changes",
"translation": "Delete Changes"
"id": "owner_id_placeholder",
"translation": "New Owner"
"id": "try_new_attempt",
"translation": "Trying a new attempt..."
"id": "query_is_broken",
"translation": "The query ({0}?{1}) seems broken!"
"id": "query_executed_success",
"translation": "Query executed with success!"
"id": "all_operations_done",
"translation": "All operations are done!"
"id": "refreshing_in",
"translation": "Refreshing the page in {0} seconds..."
"id": "delete_reports_with_torrents",
"translation": "Do you want to delete the reports along the selected torrents?"
"id": "with_st",
"translation": "with {0}"
"id": "and_reports",
"translation": " and reports"
"id": "reports",
"translation": "reports"
"id": "lock",
"translation": "lock"
"id": "status_js",
"translation": "status: {0}"
"id": "owner_id_js",
"translation": "owner_id: {0}"
"id": "category_js",
"translation": "category: {0}"
"id": "no_changes",
"translation": "No changes"
"id": "query_nb",
"translation": "Query #{0}"
"id": "reason",
"translation": "Reason"
"id": "actions",
"translation": "Actions"
"id": "action_select",
"translation": "Action..."
"id": "change_status",
"translation": "Change Status"
"id": "to_status",
"translation": "To..."
"id": "torrents_not_deleted",
"translation": "Torrents Not Deleted"
"id": "more",
"translation": "More"
"id": "last_comments",
"translation": "Last Comments"
"id": "last_reports",
"translation": "Last Reports"
"id": "last_torrents",
"translation": "Last Torrents"
"id": "last_users",
"translation": "Last Users"
"id": "moderation_overview",
"translation": "Moderation Overview"
"id": "users_list",
"translation": "Users List"
"id": "comments_list",
"translation": "Comments List"
"id": "reports_list",
"translation": "Reports List"
"id": "torrents_list",
"translation": "Torrents List"
"id": "torrent_edit_panel",
"translation": "Torrent Edit Panel"
"id": "torrent_reassign",
"translation": "Torrent Reassign"
"id": "reassign_warning",
"translation": "Reassigning torrents to a new user is not easily reverted and should be done with care."
"id": "previous_username",
"translation": "Previous Username"
"id": "torrent_id",
"translation": "Torrent ID"
"id": "reassign_indication",
"translation": "One ID per line <b>or</b> a single username"
"id": "reassign_warning_2",
"translation": "Might take a long time, do <b>NOT</b> abort the request."
"id": "reassign_to",
"translation": "Reassign to:"
"id": "reassign_based_on",
"translation": "Reassign based on:"
"id": "user_id",
"translation": "User ID"
"id": "mascot_url",
"translation": "Mascot URL"
"id": "no_notifications",
"translation": "No Notifications"
"id": "report_msg",
"translation": "The torrent #%d has been reported!"
"id": "email_not_valid",
"translation": "Email Address is not valid!"
"id": "username_illegal",
"translation": "Username contains illegal characters!"
"id": "torrent_language",
"translation": "Torrent language"
"id": "language_not_mandatory",
"translation": "Language is not mandatory anymore"
"id": "language_en-us_name",
"translation": "English"
"id": "language_ca-es_name",
"translation": "Catalan"
"id": "language_de-de_name",
"translation": "German"
"id": "language_es-es_name",
"translation": "Spanish"
"id": "language_es-mx_name",
"translation": "Spanish (LATAM)"
"id": "language_fr-fr_name",
"translation": "French"
"id": "language_hu-hu_name",
"translation": "Hungarian"
"id": "language_is-is_name",
"translation": "Icelandic"
"id": "language_it-it_name",
"translation": "Italian"
"id": "language_ja-jp_name",
"translation": "Japanese"
"id": "language_ko-kr_name",
"translation": "Korean"
"id": "language_nb-no_name",
"translation": "Norwegian"
"id": "language_nl-nl_name",
"translation": "Dutch"
"id": "language_pt-br_name",
"translation": "Portuguese (Brazil)"
"id": "language_pt-pt_name",
"translation": "Portuguese (Portugal)"
"id": "language_ro-ro_name",
"translation": "Romanian"
"id": "language_ru-ru_name",
"translation": "Russian"
"id": "language_sv-se_name",
"translation": "Swedish"
"id": "language_th-th_name",
"translation": "Thai"
"id": "language_zh-cn_name",
"translation": "Simplified Chinese"
"id": "language_zh-tw_name",
"translation": "Traditional Chinese"
"id": "language_other_name",
"translation": "Other"
"id": "language_multiple_name",
"translation": "Multiple Languages"
"id": "activity_list",
"translation": "Activity List"
"id": "activities",
"translation": "Activities"
"id": "filter",
"translation": "Filter"
"id": "error_min_length",
"translation": "Minimal length of %s required for the input: %s"
"id": "error_min_number",
"translation": "%s must be %s or greater"
"id": "error_min_field",
"translation": "%s must be equal or greater to %s"
"id": "error_min_array",
"translation": "%s must contain at least %s items"
"id": "error_less_date",
"translation": "%s must be less than the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_less_array",
"translation": "%s must contain less than %s items"
"id": "error_less_length",
"translation": "%s must be less than %s in length"
"id": "error_less_number",
"translation": "%s must be less than %s"
"id": "error_less_equal_date",
"translation": "%s must be less than or equal to the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_greater_date",
"translation": "%s must be greater than the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_greater_length",
"translation": "%s must be greater than %s in length"
"id": "error_greater_number",
"translation": "%s must be greater than %s"
"id": "error_greater_equal_date",
"translation": "%s must be greater than or equal to the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_max_field",
"translation": "%s must be equal or less to %s"
"id": "error_max_length",
"translation": "Maximal length of %s required for the input: %s"
"id": "error_max_number",
"translation": "%s must be %s or less"
"id": "error_max_array",
"translation": "%s must contain at maximum %s items"
"id": "error_length",
"translation": "Length of %s required for the input: %s"
"id": "error_equal",
"translation": "%s is not equal to %s"
"id": "error_same_value",
"translation": "Field '%s' must have the same value as the field '%s'"
"id": "error_field",
"translation": "Unexpected error on field: %s"
"id": "error_not_equal",
"translation": "%s should not be equal to %s"
"id": "error_wrong_value",
"translation": "Wrong value for the input: %s"
"id": "error_field_needed",
"translation": "Field needed: %s"
"id": "error_len_array",
"translation": "%s must contain %s items"
"id": "error_alpha",
"translation": "%s can only contain alphabetic characters"
"id": "error_alphanum",
"translation": "%s can only contain alphanumeric characters"
"id": "error_numeric_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid numeric value"
"id": "error_number_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid number"
"id": "error_hexadecimal_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid hexadecimal"
"id": "error_hex_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid HEX color"
"id": "error_rgb_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid RGB color"
"id": "error_rgba_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid RGBA color"
"id": "error_hsl_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid HSL color"
"id": "error_hsla_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid HSLA color"
"id": "error_url_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid URL"
"id": "error_uri_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid URI"
"id": "error_base64_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid Base64 string"
"id": "error_contains",
"translation": "%s must contain the text '%s'"
"id": "error_contains_any",
"translation": "%s must contain at least one of the following characters '%s'"
"id": "error_excludes",
"translation": "%s cannot contain the text '%s'"
"id": "error_excludes_all",
"translation": "%s cannot contain any of the following characters '%s'"
"id": "error_excludes_rune",
"translation": "%s cannot contain the following '%s'"
"id": "error_color_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid color"
"id": "error_",
"translation": "%s must contain %s items"
"id": "error_len_array",
"translation": "%s must contain %s items"
"id": "refine_search",
"translation": "Refine your search"
"id": "between",
"translation": "Between"
"id": "and",
"translation": "and"
"id": "days",
"translation": "Days"
"id": "months",
"translation": "Months"
"id": "years",
"translation": "Years"
"id": "refine",
"translation": "Refine"
"id": "large",
"translation": "large."
"id": "old",
"translation": "old"
"id": "optional",
"translation": "Optional"
"id": "search_for",
"translation": "Search for"
"id": "show",
"translation": "Show"
"id": "username_taken",
"translation": "Username already taken, you can choose: %s"
"id": "email_in_db",
"translation": "Email address already in database"
"id": "user_not_found",
"translation": "User not found"
"id": "incorrect_password",
"translation": "Password Incorrect"
"id": "password_error_generating",
"translation": "Error when generating your password hash"
"id": "permission_delete_error",
"translation": "You don't have the right to delete this"
"id": "no_username_password",
"translation": "No username/password entered"
"id": "account_banned",
"translation": "Account banned"
"id": "account_need_activation",
"translation": "This account needs activation from Moderators, please contact us"
"id": "retrieve_torrent_error",
"translation": "Couldn't retrieve torrents"
"id": "multiple_username_error",
"translation": "More than one username given"
"id": "elevating_user_error",
"translation": "Elevating status to moderator is prohibited"
"id": "parse_error_line",
"translation": "Couldn't parse on line %d"
"id": "language_not_available",
"translation": "Language not available"
"id": "mascot_url_too_long",
"translation": "Mascot URL is too long (max is 255 chars)"
"id": "mascor_url_parse_error",
"translation": "Error occurred when parsing mascot URL: %s"
"id": "no_id_given",
"translation": "No torrent ID given"
"id": "error_api_token",
"translation": "Error API token doesn't exist"
"id": "uploads_disabled",
"translation": "Uploads are disabled"
"id": "try_to_delete_report_inexistant",
"translation": "Trying to delete a torrent report that does not exists"
"id": "torrent_report_not_created",
"translation": "TorrentReport was not created"
"id": "user_not_deleted",
"translation": "User wasn't deleted"
"id": "error_content_type_post",
"translation": "Please provide either of Content-Type: application/json header or multipart/form-data"
"id": "torrent_name_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent name is invalid"
"id": "torrent_private",
"translation": "Torrent is private"
"id": "torrent_no_working_trackers",
"translation": "Torrent does not have any (working) trackers: <a href=\"/faq#trackers\">Trackers List</a>"
"id": "torrent_desc_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent description is invalid"
"id": "torrent_cat_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent category is invalid"
"id": "torrent_lang_invalid",
"translation": "Language sent is not yet supported! You can help supporting it by contributing in our github page"
"id": "torrent_cat_is_english",
"translation": "Torrent's category is for English translations, but language wasn't English. We changed it to english"
"id": "torrent_cat_not_english",
"translation": "Torrent's category is for non-English translations, but language selected is only English"
"id": "torrent_magnet_invalid",
"translation": "Magnet couldn't be parsed, please check it"
"id": "torrent_hash_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent hash is incorrect"
"id": "torrent_plus_magnet",
"translation": "Upload either a torrent file or magnet link, not both"
"id": "torrent_file_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent File is invalid"
"id": "torrent_uri_invalid",
"translation": "Website url or IRC link is invalid"
"id": "api_documentation",
"translation": "API documentation"
"id": "api_help",
"translation": "Do you have an api?"
"id": "trusted",
"translation": "Torrents uploaded by trusted users."
"id": "reencodes",
"translation": "Re-encodes"
"id": "remux",
"translation": "Remux of another uploader's original release"
"id": "reupload",
"translation": "Reupload of another users torrent with missing and/or unrelated additional files."
"id": "red",
"translation": "Red entries are: "
"id": "green",
"translation": "Green entries are:"
"id": "torrent_colors",
"translation": "Torrent colors"
"id": "torrent_preview",
"translation": "Preview your torrent"
"id": "announcement",
"translation": "Announcement"
"id": "update_client_failed",
"translation": "Update of the client has failed!"
"id": "update_client_success",
"translation": "You have successfully updated the client!"
"id": "update_client_panel",
"translation": "Update a Client"
"id": "create_client_success",
"translation": "You have successfully created the client!"
"id": "create_client_failed",
"translation": "Client creation has failed!"
"id": "create_client_panel",
"translation": "Create a new Client"
"id": "redirect_uri",
"translation": "Redirect URI"
"id": "grant_types",
"translation": "Grant Types"
"id": "response_types",
"translation": "Response Types"
"id": "scope",
"translation": "Scopes"
"id": "owner",
"translation": "Owner"
"id": "policy_uri",
"translation": "Policy URI"
"id": "tos_uri",
"translation": "Terms Of Service URI"
"id": "logo_uri",
"translation": "Logo URI"
"id": "contacts",
"translation": "Owner Emails"
"id": "oauth_clients_list",
"translation": "OAuth API Clients"
"id": "add",
"translation": "Add"
"id": "remove",
"translation": "Remove"
"id": "secret",
"translation": "Client Secret"
"id": "torrent_age",
"translation": "{1} days {2} hours ago"
"id": "wrong_tag_type",
"translation": "The tag type selected doesn't exist"
"id": "add_tag",
"translation": "Add a Tag"
"id": "tagtype",
"translation": "Tag Type"
"id": "tagtype_anidbid",
"translation": "Anidb ID"
"id": "tagtype_vndbid",
"translation": "VNdb ID"
"id": "tagtype_videoquality",
"translation": "Video Quality"
"id": "torrent_tags",
"translation": "Torrent tags"
"id": "announcements",
"translation": "Announcements"
"id": "message",
"translation": "Message"
"id": "delay",
"translation": "Delay"
"id": "update_annoucement_panel",
"translation": "Update Announcement"
"id": "create_annoucement_panel",
"translation": "Create Announcement"
"id": "expire",
"translation": "Expire"