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akuma06 5376b9e271 New config files (#854)
* New config files

As decided, config files are parsed at runtime.
I decided to go for YAML config files because there can be comments in
There are 2 files:
* config/default_config.yml <= which shouldn't be edited unless we add a
config parameter
* config/config.yml <= which is the user-defined config. This file
shouldn't be commited

Changed every call to config.XXX to config.Conf.XXX (look to the new
stucture of config in config/types.go)

Of course, putting config parameters in config.yml overrides config in
config_default.yml. You don't have to put everything in it, just add
what you want to override.

* Fixing test

Replacing conf.New by config.Conf

* Fixing call to config.Conf to config.Config{} in test files

* Might have fixed testing with this

Printf instead of Fatalf

* Renaming config.yml in example file

* Forbid commiting config.yml

* Should be now fixed

* Do not need this file anymore
2017-05-30 21:21:57 -05:00

97 lignes
2,5 Kio

package db
import (
type errorLogger struct {
t *testing.T
func (logger *errorLogger) Print(values ...interface{}) {
if len(values) > 1 {
message := gorm.LogFormatter(values...)
level := values[0]
if level == "log" {
func TestGormInitSqlite(t *testing.T) {
config.Conf.DBType = SqliteType
config.Conf.DBParams = ":memory:?cache=shared&mode=memory"
config.Conf.DBLogMode = "detailed"
config.Conf.Models.CommentsTableName = "comments"
config.Conf.Models.FilesTableName = "files"
config.Conf.Models.NotificationsTableName = "notifications"
config.Conf.Models.ReportsTableName = "torrent_reports"
config.Conf.Models.TorrentsTableName = "torrents"
config.Conf.Models.UploadsOldTableName = "user_uploads_old"
config.Conf.Models.LastOldTorrentID = 90000
db, err := GormInit(config.Conf, &errorLogger{t})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to initialize database: %v", err)
if db == nil {
err = db.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to close database: %v", err)
// This test requires a running postgres instance. To run it in CI build add these settings in the .travis.yml
// services:
// - postgresql
// before_script:
// - psql -c "CREATE DATABASE nyaapantsu;" -U postgres
// - psql -c "CREATE USER nyaapantsu WITH PASSWORD 'nyaapantsu';" -U postgres
// Then enable the test by setting this variable to "true" via ldflags:
// go test ./... -v -ldflags="-X"
var testPostgres = "false"
func TestGormInitPostgres(t *testing.T) {
if testPostgres != "true" {
t.Skip("skip", testPostgres)
config.Conf.DBType = "postgres"
config.Conf.DBParams = "host=localhost user=nyaapantsu dbname=nyaapantsu sslmode=disable password=nyaapantsu"
config.Conf.DBLogMode = "detailed"
config.Conf.Models.CommentsTableName = "comments"
config.Conf.Models.FilesTableName = "files"
config.Conf.Models.NotificationsTableName = "notifications"
config.Conf.Models.ReportsTableName = "torrent_reports"
config.Conf.Models.TorrentsTableName = "torrents"
config.Conf.Models.UploadsOldTableName = "user_uploads_old"
config.Conf.Models.LastOldTorrentID = 90000
db, err := GormInit(config.Conf, &errorLogger{t})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to initialize database: %v", err)
if db == nil {
err = db.Close()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to close database: %v", err)