* New config files As decided, config files are parsed at runtime. I decided to go for YAML config files because there can be comments in it. There are 2 files: * config/default_config.yml <= which shouldn't be edited unless we add a config parameter * config/config.yml <= which is the user-defined config. This file shouldn't be commited Changed every call to config.XXX to config.Conf.XXX (look to the new stucture of config in config/types.go) Of course, putting config parameters in config.yml overrides config in config_default.yml. You don't have to put everything in it, just add what you want to override. * Fixing test Replacing conf.New by config.Conf * Fixing call to config.Conf to config.Config{} in test files * Might have fixed testing with this Printf instead of Fatalf * Renaming config.yml in example file * Forbid commiting config.yml * Should be now fixed * Do not need this file anymore
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62 lignes
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package email
import (
gomail "gopkg.in/gomail.v2"
// Error type
type Error error
var (
mailer = InitGomail()
// InitGomail : init the gomail dialer
func InitGomail() *gomail.Dialer {
newMailer := gomail.NewDialer(config.Conf.Email.Host, config.Conf.Email.Port, config.Conf.Email.Username, config.Conf.Email.Password)
return newMailer
// SendEmailFromAdmin : send an email from system with email address in config/email.go
func SendEmailFromAdmin(to string, subject string, body string, bodyHTML string) error {
msg := gomail.NewMessage()
msg.SetHeader("From", config.Conf.Email.From)
msg.SetHeader("To", to, config.Conf.Email.TestTo)
msg.SetHeader("Subject", subject)
msg.SetBody("text/plain", body)
msg.AddAlternative("text/html", bodyHTML)
log.Debugf("to : %s", to)
log.Debugf("subject : %s", subject)
log.Debugf("body : %s", body)
log.Debugf("bodyHTML : %s", bodyHTML)
if config.Conf.Email.SendEmail {
log.Debug("SendEmail performed.")
err := mailer.DialAndSend(msg)
return err
return nil
// SendTestEmail : function to send a test email to email address in config/email.go
func SendTestEmail() error {
msg := gomail.NewMessage()
msg.SetHeader("From", config.Conf.Email.From)
msg.SetHeader("To", config.Conf.Email.TestTo)
msg.SetAddressHeader("Cc", config.Conf.Email.TestTo, "NyaaPantsu")
msg.SetHeader("Subject", "Hi(안녕하세요)?!")
msg.SetBody("text/plain", "Hi(안녕하세요)?!")
msg.AddAlternative("text/html", "<p><b>Nowplay(나우플레이)</b> means <i>Let's play</i>!!?</p>")
path, err := filepath.Abs("img/megumin.png")
if err != nil {
err = mailer.DialAndSend(msg)
return err