* Add Anidb, Vndb, Vgmdb links * Anidb, Vndb, Vgmdb and Dlsite links into tag design * Add external links to Anidb, Vndb, Vgmdb and dlsite * Add filter links to tags * Filter string translation already exists * Fix display tags * Update translation changelog * Do not display tag type when default
365 lignes
16 Kio
365 lignes
16 Kio
{{ extends "layouts/index_site" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/csrf" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/captcha" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/errors" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/tags" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/treeview" }}
{{ import "layouts/partials/helpers/tag_form" }}
{{block title()}}{{Torrent.Name}}{{end}}
{{block content_body()}}
<div style="text-align: left;" class="box">
<div id="torrent-name" class="{{if Torrent.Status == 2}}remake{{else if Torrent.Status == 3}}trusted{{else if Torrent.Status == 4}}aplus{{end}}">
<h1 style="text-align: center;" class="torrent-hr">{{Torrent.Name}}</h1>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("category") }}:</td>
<td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">
<a href="{{URL.Parse("/search?c="+Torrent.Category+"_"+Torrent.SubCategory) }}">{{ CategoryName(Torrent.Category, Torrent.SubCategory) == "" ? T("unknown") : T(CategoryName(Torrent.Category, Torrent.SubCategory)) }}</a>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("date") }}:</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td date-full">{{Torrent.Date}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("uploaded_by") }}:</td>
<td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{ genUploaderLink(Torrent.UploaderID, Torrent.UploaderName, Torrent.Hidden)|raw }}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("seeders")}}:</td>
<td class="tr-se torrent-info-td">{{if Torrent.LastScrape.IsZero}}{{ T("unknown")}}{{else}}{{Torrent.Seeders}}{{end}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("website_link") }}:</td>
<td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">
{{if Torrent.WebsiteLink != ""}}
<a href="{{Torrent.WebsiteLink}}">{{Torrent.WebsiteLink}}</a>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("leechers")}}:</td>
<td class="tr-le torrent-info-td">{{if Torrent.LastScrape.IsZero}}{{ T("unknown")}}{{else}}{{Torrent.Leechers}}{{end}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("hash")}}:</td>
<td style="font-family: monospace;" class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{Torrent.Hash}}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("completed")}}:</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td">
<b>{{if Torrent.LastScrape.IsZero}}{{ T("unknown")}}{{else}}{{Torrent.Completed}}{{end}}</b>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("size")}}:</td>
<td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{ fileSize(Torrent.Filesize, T) }}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("last_scraped")}}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td scrape-date{{if !Torrent.LastScrape.IsZero && formatDateRFC(Torrent.LastScrape) != "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}} date-full">{{formatDateRFC(Torrent.LastScrape)}}{{else}}">{{ T("unknown")}}{{end}}</td>
{{ if len(Torrent.Languages) > 0 && Torrent.Languages[0] != "" }}
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("torrent_language")}}:</td>
<td class="tr-flag torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">
{{ range _, language := Torrent.Languages}}
{{ if language != "" }}
<span {{ if len(Torrent.Languages) > 5 }}class="big"{{ end }}>
<img src="/img/blank.gif" alt="{{ LanguageNameFromCode(language, T) }}" class="flag flag-{{ FlagCode(language) }}" title="{{ LanguageNameFromCode(language, T) }}"></img>
{{ LanguageNameFromCode(language, T) }}
{{ if Torrent.AnidbID > 0 || Torrent.VndbID > 0 || Torrent.VgmdbID > 0 || Torrent.Dlsite > 0 }}
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("related_to") }}</td>
<td class="tr-flag torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">
{{ if Torrent.AnidbID > 0 }}
<span class="tag accepted">
<span class="tag-text votable">{{ T("tagtype_anidbid") }}: <a href="http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid={{Torrent.AnidbID}}">{{ Torrent.AnidbID }}</a></span>
<a href="/search?anidb={{ Torrent.AnidbID }}" title="{{ T("filter") }}"><i style="padding: 0px 0px 2px;" class="icon-search"></i></a>
{{ if Torrent.VndbID > 0 }}
<span class="tag accepted">
<span class="tag-text votable">{{ T("tagtype_vndbid") }}: <a href="https://vndb.org/v{{ Torrent.VndbID }}">{{ Torrent.VndbID }}</a></span>
<a href="/search?vndb={{ Torrent.VndbID }}" title="{{ T("filter") }}"><i style="padding: 0px 0px 2px;" class="icon-search"></i></a>
{{ if Torrent.VgmdbID > 0 }}
<span class="tag accepted">
<span class="tag-text votable">{{ T("tagtype_vgmdbid") }}: <a href="http://vgmdb.net/album/{{ Torrent.VgmdbID }}">{{ Torrent.VgmdbID }}</a></span>
<a href="/search?vgmdb={{ Torrent.VgmdbID }}" title="{{ T("filter") }}"><i style="padding: 0px 0px 2px;" class="icon-search"></i></a>
{{ if Torrent.Dlsite > 0 }}
<span class="tag accepted">
<span class="tag-text votable">{{ T("tagtype_dlsite") }}: <a href="www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/{{ Torrent.Dlsite }}.html">{{ Torrent.Dlsite }}</a></span>
<a href="/search?dlsite={{ Torrent.Dlsite }}" title="{{ T("filter") }}"><i style="padding: 0px 0px 2px;" class="icon-search"></i></a>
{{ end }}
{{ if Torrent.VideoQuality != "" }}
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("tagtype_videoquality") }}:</td>
<td class="tr-flag torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">
{{ T("tagvalue_"+Torrent.VideoQuality) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if len(Torrent.AcceptedTags) > 0 }}
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("accepted_tags")}}:</td>
<td class="tr-flag torrent-view-td torrent-info-data" id="tags-torrent">
{{ range Torrent.AcceptedTags }}
{{ yield tag(tag=., accepted=true, user=User, torrent=Torrent) }}
{* if tags are not accepted and user is not logged, we don't display them *}
{{ if User.ID > 0 }}
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ T("recommended_tags")}}:</td>
<td class="tr-flag torrent-view-td torrent-info-data" id="tags-torrent">
{{ range Torrent.Tags }}
{{ yield tag(tag=., accepted=false, user=User, torrent=Torrent) }}
<a id="tagPopup" href="/torrent/tag?id={{ Torrent.ID }}" class="add-tag">{{ T("complement") }}</a>
{{ end }}
<div class="torrent-buttons">
<a href="{{Torrent.Magnet}}" class="form-input btn-green download" style="float:left;height: auto;margin-right: 0.5em;">
<div class="icon-magnet"></div> {{ T("magnet_link")}}
{{ if Torrent.TorrentLink != ""}}
<a href="{{Torrent.TorrentLink}}" class="form-input download" style="float:left;height: auto;">
<div class="icon-floppy"></div> {{ T("torrent_file")}}
{{ if User.ID > 0}}
<a id="reportPopup" href="#" class="form-input">{{ T("report_btn") }}</a>
{{ if User.HasAdmin()}}
<a href="/mod/torrent/delete?id={{ Torrent.ID }}" class="form-input btn-red" onclick="if (!confirm('{{ T("are_you_sure") }}')) return false;">{{ T("delete") }}</a>
<a href="/mod/torrent?id={{ Torrent.ID }}" class="form-input btn-orange">{{ T("edit") }}</a>
{{ else if User.CurrentUserIdentical(Torrent.UploaderID) }}
<a href="/torrent/delete?id={{ Torrent.ID }}" class="form-input btn-red" onclick="if (!confirm('{{ T("are_you_sure") }}')) return false;">{{ T("delete") }}</a>
<a href="/torrent?id={{ Torrent.ID }}" class="form-input btn-orange">{{ T("edit") }}</a>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<p class="torrent-hr">{{ T("description")}}</p>
{{ if Torrent.Description != ""}}
<div id="description-box" class="torrent-info-box">{{Torrent.Description|raw}}</div>
<p>{{ T("no_description") }}</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="show-filelist" {{if len(Torrent.FileList) < 4 && len(Torrent.FileList) > 1}}checked{{end}}/>
<label class="torrent-hr filelist-control{{if len(Torrent.FileList) == 0}} hidden{{end}}" for="show-filelist">
{{ T("files")}}
<div class="torrent-info-box{{if len(Torrent.FileList) == 0}} hidden{{end}}" id="filelist">
{{ if len(Torrent.FileList) > 0 }}
{* how do i concat lol *}
<table class="table-filelist">
<th style="width: 80%">{{ T("file_name")}}</th>
<th>{{ T("size")}}</th>
{{ yield make_treeview(treeviewData=makeTreeViewData(RootFolder, 0, "root")) }}
{{ else }}
<p>{{ T("no_files") }}</p>
{{ end }}
<p class="torrent-hr">{{ T("comments")}}</p>
{{range index, element := Torrent.Comments}}
<div class="torrent-info-box comment-box">
<span class="comment-index">
<a href="#comment_{{index}}">#{{index}}</a>
<small style="padding-left: 4px;" class="date-short">{{formatDateRFC(element.Date)}}</small>
<div style="margin-top: 10px" class="torrent-info-box">
<form method="post">
{{ yield csrf_field()}}
<div class="comment-form">
<div class="comment-text">
<h3>{{ if User.ID > 0}} {{ T("submit_a_comment_as_username", User.Username) }} {{else}} {{ T("submit_a_comment_as_anonymous")|raw}} {{end}}</h3>
<textarea style="height: 10rem;" placeholder="サンキュー" name="comment" class="form-input up-input"></textarea>
<div class="comment-captcha">
{{ yield captcha(captchaid=CaptchaID)}}
<button type="submit" class="form-input up-btn">{{ T("submit") }}</button>
{{ if User.ID > 0 }}
<!-- Modal to report a torrent -->
<div id="modal_mod_tools" class="modal">
<!-- Modal content -->
<div class="modal-content">
<form method="post" action="/report/{{Torrent.ID}}">
<div class="modal-header">
<span class="close">×</span>
<h2>{{ T("report_torrent_number", Torrent.ID) }}</h2>
<div class="modal-body">
<h4>{{ T("report_type") }}</h4>
{{ yield csrf_field() }}
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="illegal_content" id="illegal" required/>
<label for="illegal">{{ T("illegal_content") }}</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="spam_garbage" id="spam" required/>
<label for="spam">{{ T("spam_garbage") }}</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="wrong_category" id="wrongcat" required/>
<label for="wrongcat">{{ T("wrong_category") }}</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="duplicate_deprecated" id="dup" required/>
<label for="dup">{{ T("duplicate_deprecated") }}</label><br />
<div class="comment-captcha">
{{yield captcha(captchaid=CaptchaID)}}
<div class="modal-footer">
<button id="confirm_changes" type="submit">{{ T("yes")}}</button>
<button class="close" onclick="Modal.CloseActive();">{{ T("no")}}</button>
<h3>{{ T("are_you_sure") }} </h3>
<!-- Modal to add a tag -->
<div id="modal_tag_form" class="modal">
<!-- Modal content -->
<div class="modal-content">
<form method="post" action="/torrent/tag?id={{Torrent.ID}}">
<div class="modal-header">
<span class="close">×</span>
<h2>{{ T("add_tag") }}</h2>
<div class="modal-body">
<h4>{{ T("add_tag") }}</h4>
{{ yield csrf_field() }}
{{ range Config.Torrents.Tags.Types }}
{{ yield tagForm(tagType=.) }}
{{ end }}
<div class="form-input">
<label class="input-label" for="tag_{{Config.Torrents.Tags.Default}}">{{ T("tagtype_tags") }}</label>
<input type="text" name="tag_{{Config.Torrents.Tags.Default}}" id="tag_{{Config.Torrents.Tags.Default}}" value="" />
<div class="modal-footer">
<button id="confirm_changes" type="submit">{{ T("add")}}</button>
<button class="close" onclick="Modal.CloseActive();">{{ T("close")}}</button>
<h3>{{ T("are_you_sure") }} </h3>
{{ block footer_js()}}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/modal.js") }}"></script>
{{ if User.ID > 0 }}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/query.js") }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/template.js") }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/modal.js") }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ URL.Parse("/js/translation.js") }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// {{ range Config.Torrents.Tags.Types }}
T.Add("tagtype_{{ .Name }}", '{{ T("tagtype_" + .Name) }}')
// {{ if len(.Defaults) > 0 }}
// {{ range key, value := .Defaults }}
T.Add("{{ .Name }}", '{{ T("tagvalue_" + .Name) }}')
// {{ end }}
// {{ end }}
// {{ end }}
Templates.Add("tag", function(tag) {
var tagClass = (tag.accepted) ? "tag" : "tag pending"
var tagTitle = (tag.accepted) ? 'Tag: ' + tag.type + '({{ T("accepted") }} )' : 'Tag: ' + tag.type + "(" + tag.weight + ")"
return `<span class="`+ tagClass +`" title="`+ tagTitle +`" data-weight="` + tag.weight + `">
<span class="tag-text votable">
` + T.r("tagtype_" + tag.type) + `: ` + T.R(tag.tag) + `
<a href="/torrent/tag/remove?id={{Torrent.ID}}&tag=` + tag.tag + `&type=` + tag.type + `" class="tag-form minus" onclick="handleVotes(event)"></a>
// Modal initialization
elements: document.getElementsByClassName("modal"),
// order of apparition of the modals
button: ["#reportPopup", "#tagPopup"]
document.querySelector("#modal_tag_form form").addEventListener("submit", function(e) {
var form = e.target
var tags = form.querySelectorAll(".tagtype")
var csrf = form.querySelector("input[name='csrf_token']").value
// Build query
var len = tags.length
var query = "csrf_token="+encodeURIComponent(csrf)
for (var i=0; i < len; i++) {
query += "&"+tags[i].name+"="+tags[i].value
// Make query
Query.Post(form.action+"&json", query, function(data) {
if (data.ok) {
if (data.data === null) return
var len = data.data.length
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var tagHTml = Templates.Render("tag", data.data[i])
document.getElementById("tags-torrent").innerHTML = tagHTml + document.getElementById("tags-torrent").innerHTML
} else {
alert("Couldn't add a tag, please check your internet connexion and that all fields are filled.")
function handleVotes(e) {
var el = e.target
var hasplus = el.classList.contains("plus")
var weight = parseFloat(el.parentElement.dataset.weight)
Query.Get(el.href+"&json", function(data) {
if (data.ok) {
var tag = data.data
if (hasplus) {
el.href = "/torrent/tag/remove?id={{Torrent.ID}}&tag="+tag.tag+"&type="+tag.type
el.parentElement.title = 'Tag: ' + tag.type + "(" + (tag.weight+weight) + ")"
} else {
el.href = "/torrent/tag/add?id={{Torrent.ID}}&tag_"+ tag.type +"="+tag.tag
el.parentElement.title = 'Tag: ' + tag.type + "(" + (weight-tag.weight) + ")"
document.querySelectorAll(".tag-form").forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener("click", handleVotes)