I tried locally and I'm kept logged in. @ewhal check after update that you do have the same hash set in both nyaa and sukebei. If you do, just change the domain name (".pantsu.cat") in the functions getDomainName() to the subdomain. Because I don't see why it wouldn't work otherwise
182 lignes
5,2 Kio
182 lignes
5,2 Kio
package cookies
import (
const (
// CookieName : Name of cookie
CookieName = "session"
// UserContextKey : key for user context
UserContextKey = "nyaapantsu.user"
// NewCurrentUserRetriever create CurrentUserRetriever Struct for languages
func NewCurrentUserRetriever() *CurrentUserRetriever {
return &CurrentUserRetriever{}
// CurrentUserRetriever struct for languages
type CurrentUserRetriever struct{}
// RetrieveCurrentUser retrieve current user for languages
func (*CurrentUserRetriever) RetrieveCurrentUser(c *gin.Context) (*models.User, error) {
user, _, err := CurrentUser(c)
if user == nil {
return &models.User{}, err
return user, err
// CreateUserAuthentication creates user authentication.
func CreateUserAuthentication(c *gin.Context, form *userValidator.LoginForm) (*models.User, int, error) {
username := form.Username
pass := form.Password
user, status, err := users.Exists(username, pass)
if err != nil {
return user, status, err
status, err = SetLogin(c, user)
return user, status, err
// If you want to keep login cookies between restarts you need to make these permanent
var cookieHandler = securecookie.New(
getOrGenerateKey(config.Get().Cookies.HashKey, 64),
getOrGenerateKey(config.Get().Cookies.EncryptionKey, 32))
func getOrGenerateKey(key string, requiredLen int) []byte {
data := []byte(key)
if len(data) == 0 {
log.Infof("No cookie key '%s' is set in config files. The users won't be kept logged in during restart and accross websites.", key)
data = securecookie.GenerateRandomKey(requiredLen)
} else if len(data) != requiredLen {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to load cookie key. required key length is %d bytes and the provided key length is %d bytes.", requiredLen, len(data)))
return data
// Decode : Encoding & Decoding of the cookie value
func Decode(cookieValue string) (uint, error) {
value := make(map[string]string)
err := cookieHandler.Decode(CookieName, cookieValue, &value)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
timeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value["t"], 10, 0)
if timeHelper.IsExpired(time.Unix(timeInt, 0)) {
return 0, errors.New("Cookie is expired")
ret, err := strconv.ParseUint(value["u"], 10, 0)
return uint(ret), err
// Encode : Encoding of the cookie value
func Encode(userID uint, validUntil time.Time) (string, error) {
value := map[string]string{
"u": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(userID), 10),
"t": strconv.FormatInt(validUntil.Unix(), 10),
return cookieHandler.Encode(CookieName, value)
// Clear : Erase cookie session
func Clear(c *gin.Context) {
c.SetCookie(CookieName, "", -1, "/", getDomainName(), false, true)
// SetLogin sets the authentication cookie
func SetLogin(c *gin.Context, user *models.User) (int, error) {
maxAge := getMaxAge(false)
if c.PostForm("remember_me") == "remember" {
maxAge = getMaxAge(true)
validUntil := timeHelper.FewDurationLater(time.Duration(maxAge) * time.Second)
encoded, err := Encode(user.ID, validUntil)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
c.SetCookie(CookieName, encoded, maxAge, "/", getDomainName(), false, true)
// also set response header for convenience
c.Header("X-Auth-Token", encoded)
return http.StatusOK, nil
// CurrentUser retrieves a current user.
func CurrentUser(c *gin.Context) (*models.User, int, error) {
encoded := c.Request.Header.Get("X-Auth-Token")
var user = &models.User{}
if len(encoded) == 0 {
// check cookie instead
cookie, err := c.Cookie(CookieName)
if err != nil {
return user, http.StatusInternalServerError, err
encoded = cookie
userID, err := Decode(encoded)
if err != nil {
return user, http.StatusInternalServerError, err
userFromContext := getUserFromContext(c)
if userFromContext.ID > 0 && userID == userFromContext.ID {
user = userFromContext
} else {
user, _, _ = users.SessionByID(userID)
setUserToContext(c, user)
if user.IsBanned() {
// recheck as user might've been banned in the meantime
return user, http.StatusUnauthorized, errors.New("account_banned")
if err != nil {
return user, http.StatusInternalServerError, err
return user, http.StatusOK, nil
func getUserFromContext(c *gin.Context) *models.User {
if rv, ok := c.Get(UserContextKey); ok {
return rv.(*models.User)
return &models.User{}
func setUserToContext(c *gin.Context, val *models.User) {
c.Set(UserContextKey, val)
// RetrieveUserFromRequest retrieves a user.
func RetrieveUserFromRequest(c *gin.Context, id uint) (*models.User, bool, uint, int, error) {
var user models.User
var currentUserID uint
var isAuthor bool
if models.ORM.First(&user, id).RecordNotFound() {
return nil, isAuthor, currentUserID, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("user_not_found")
currentUser, _, err := CurrentUser(c)
if err == nil {
currentUserID = currentUser.ID
isAuthor = currentUser.ID == user.ID
return &user, isAuthor, currentUserID, http.StatusOK, nil