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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
akuma06 2c8344faf9 Controllers are now separated
They are in different folders and all loaded in controllers/router.go.
This means that you only have to create a folder with a router.go file and import this folder in main router.go to add a handler.
2017-07-16 17:14:21 +02:00

79 lignes
2,7 Kio

package settingsController
import (
msg ""
// SeePublicSettingsHandler : Controller to view the languages and themes
func SeePublicSettingsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
_, Tlang := publicSettings.GetTfuncAndLanguageFromRequest(c)
availableLanguages := publicSettings.GetAvailableLanguages()
languagesJson := templates.LanguagesJSONResponse{Tlang.Tag, availableLanguages}
contentType := c.Request.Header.Get("Content-Type")
if contentType == "application/json" {
c.Header("Content-Type", "application/json")
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, languagesJson)
} else {
templates.Form(c, "site/user/public/settings.jet.html", languagesJson)
// ChangePublicSettingsHandler : Controller for changing the current language and theme
func ChangePublicSettingsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
theme := c.PostForm("theme")
lang := c.PostForm("language")
mascot := c.PostForm("mascot")
mascotURL := c.PostForm("mascot_url")
messages := msg.GetMessages(c)
availableLanguages := publicSettings.GetAvailableLanguages()
if !availableLanguages.Exist(lang) {
messages.AddErrorT("errors", "language_not_available")
// FIXME Are the settings actually sanitized?
// Limit the mascot URL, so base64-encoded images aren't valid
if len(mascotURL) > 256 {
messages.AddErrorT("errors", "mascot_url_too_long")
_, err := url.Parse(mascotURL)
if err != nil {
messages.AddErrorTf("errors", "mascor_url_parse_error", err.Error())
// If logged in, update user settings.
user := router.GetUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
user.Language = lang
user.Theme = theme
user.Mascot = mascot
user.MascotURL = mascotURL
// Set cookie with http and not gin for expires (maxage not supported in <IE8)
http.SetCookie(c.Writer, &http.Cookie{Name: "lang", Value: lang, Domain: getDomainName(), Path: "/", Expires: timeHelper.FewDaysLater(365)})
http.SetCookie(c.Writer, &http.Cookie{Name: "theme", Value: theme, Domain: getDomainName(), Path: "/", Expires: timeHelper.FewDaysLater(365)})
http.SetCookie(c.Writer, &http.Cookie{Name: "mascot", Value: mascot, Domain: getDomainName(), Path: "/", Expires: timeHelper.FewDaysLater(365)})
http.SetCookie(c.Writer, &http.Cookie{Name: "mascot_url", Value: mascotURL, Domain: getDomainName(), Path: "/", Expires: timeHelper.FewDaysLater(365)})
c.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/")
func getDomainName() string {
domain := config.Get().Cookies.DomainName
if config.Get().Environment == "DEVELOPMENT" {
domain = ""
return domain