List Torrent delete log Torrent edit log Comment delete log And every other logged activities Can be filtered out by a filter tag ("edit" or "delete" supported) Pages navigation Can be accessed by /activities Added some translation string Fixed hidden username on api request Fixed comments username on modpanel New Activity model New Activity handler New Activity Service Fixed some updating issue for ES when moderating torrents Be aware deleting torrents and comments return the model now!
103 lignes
2,3 Kio
103 lignes
2,3 Kio
package db
import (
_ "" // Need for postgres support
_ "" // Need for sqlite
elastic ""
const (
SqliteType = "sqlite3"
// Logger interface
type Logger interface {
Print(v ...interface{})
// DefaultLogger : use the default gorm logger that prints to stdout
var DefaultLogger Logger
// ORM : Variable for interacting with database
var ORM *gorm.DB
var ElasticSearchClient *elastic.Client
// IsSqlite : Variable to know if we are in sqlite or postgres
var IsSqlite bool
func ElasticSearchInit() (*elastic.Client, error) {
client, err := elastic.NewClient()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to create elasticsearch client: %s", err)
return nil, err
} else {
log.Infof("Using elasticsearch client")
return client, nil
// GormInit init gorm ORM.
func GormInit(conf *config.Config, logger Logger) (*gorm.DB, error) {
db, openErr := gorm.Open(conf.DBType, conf.DBParams)
if openErr != nil {
return nil, openErr
IsSqlite = conf.DBType == SqliteType
connectionErr := db.DB().Ping()
if connectionErr != nil {
return nil, connectionErr
// Negative MaxIdleConns means don't retain any idle connection
maxIdleConns := -1
if IsSqlite {
// sqlite doesn't like having a negative maxIdleConns
maxIdleConns = 10
if config.Conf.Environment == "DEVELOPMENT" {
switch conf.DBLogMode {
case "detailed":
case "silent":
if logger != nil {
db.AutoMigrate(&model.User{}, &model.UserFollows{}, &model.UserUploadsOld{}, &model.Notification{}, &model.Activity{})
if db.Error != nil {
return db, db.Error
db.AutoMigrate(&model.Torrent{}, &model.TorrentReport{})
if db.Error != nil {
return db, db.Error
if db.Error != nil {
return db, db.Error
db.AutoMigrate(&model.Comment{}, &model.OldComment{})
if db.Error != nil {
return db, db.Error
return db, nil