This commit removes usage of Categories queries in order to support postgres. The Categories in postgres is an enum instead of a table and we don't need to use the table in sqlite because the value are hardcoded in the html and are unlikely to ever change. This commit breaks the thumbnails in the index. Other functionality needs to be tested before merging.
48 lignes
1,2 Kio
48 lignes
1,2 Kio
package router
import (
var homeTemplate = template.Must(template.New("home").Funcs(FuncMap).ParseFiles("templates/index.html", "templates/home.html"))
func HomeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
page := vars["page"]
// db params url
maxPerPage, errConv := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("max"))
if errConv != nil {
maxPerPage = 50 // default Value maxPerPage
nbTorrents := 0
pagenum, _ := strconv.Atoi(html.EscapeString(page))
if pagenum == 0 {
pagenum = 1
b := []model.TorrentsJson{}
torrents, nbTorrents := torrentService.GetAllTorrents(maxPerPage, maxPerPage*(pagenum-1))
for i, _ := range torrents {
res := torrents[i].ToJson()
b = append(b, res)
navigationTorrents := templates.Navigation{nbTorrents, maxPerPage, pagenum, "search_page"}
htv := HomeTemplateVariables{b, templates.NewSearchForm(), navigationTorrents, r.URL, mux.CurrentRoute(r)}
err := homeTemplate.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", htv)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)