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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
akuma06 2c8344faf9 Controllers are now separated
They are in different folders and all loaded in controllers/router.go.
This means that you only have to create a folder with a router.go file and import this folder in main router.go to add a handler.
2017-07-16 17:14:21 +02:00

59 lignes
2,1 Kio

package torrentController
import (
msg ""
// TorrentEditUserPanel : Controller for editing a user torrent by a user, after GET request
func TorrentEditUserPanel(c *gin.Context) {
id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Query("id"), 10, 32)
torrent, _ := torrents.FindByID(uint(id))
currentUser := router.GetUser(c)
if currentUser.CurrentOrAdmin(torrent.UploaderID) {
uploadForm := torrentValidator.TorrentRequest{}
uploadForm.Name = torrent.Name
uploadForm.Category = strconv.Itoa(torrent.Category) + "_" + strconv.Itoa(torrent.SubCategory)
uploadForm.Remake = torrent.Status == models.TorrentStatusRemake
uploadForm.WebsiteLink = string(torrent.WebsiteLink)
uploadForm.Description = string(torrent.Description)
uploadForm.Hidden = torrent.Hidden
uploadForm.Languages = torrent.Languages
templates.Form(c, "site/torrents/edit.jet.html", uploadForm)
} else {
// TorrentPostEditUserPanel : Controller for editing a user torrent by a user, after post request
func TorrentPostEditUserPanel(c *gin.Context) {
var uploadForm torrentValidator.UpdateRequest
id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Query("id"), 10, 32)
uploadForm.ID = uint(id)
messages := msg.GetMessages(c)
torrent, _ := torrents.FindByID(uint(id))
currentUser := router.GetUser(c)
if torrent.ID > 0 && currentUser.CurrentOrAdmin(torrent.UploaderID) {
errUp := upload.ExtractEditInfo(c, &uploadForm.Update)
if errUp != nil {
messages.AddErrorT("errors", "fail_torrent_update")
if !messages.HasErrors() {
upload.UpdateTorrent(&uploadForm, torrent, currentUser).Update(currentUser.HasAdmin())
messages.AddInfoT("infos", "torrent_updated")
templates.Form(c, "site/torrents/edit.jet.html", uploadForm.Update)
} else {