* removal of space * margin-right addition * Update flags.jet.html * margin into padding * add "highlighted" class for possible future use * bigger rules-drop, fix wrong display, remove useless line * add alt for category img & alt with every language for flag * literally no point of an alt on a div * flag alt
40 lignes
2,9 Kio
40 lignes
2,9 Kio
{{ range _, cat := GetCategories(false, true) }}
T.Add("{{ cat.ID }}", "{{ T(cat.Name) }}")
{{ range _, language := GetTorrentLanguages() }}
T.Add("{{ language.Code }}", "{{ LanguageName(language, T) }}")
{{ if language.Tag != language.Code }}
T.Add("{{ language.Tag }}", "{{ LanguageName(language, T) }}")
Templates.Add("torrents.item", function(torrent) {
return "<tr id=\"torrent_" + torrent.id + "\" class=\"torrent-info"+ ((torrent.status == 2) ? " remake" : ((torrent.status == 3) ? " trusted" : ((torrent.status == 3) ? " aplus" : "" )))+"\">"+
{{ if User.HasAdmin() }}
(( TorrentsMod.enabled ) ? "<td class=\"tr-cb\">" : "<td class=\"tr-cb hide\"" + ((TorrentsMod.enabled) ? "style=\"display:table-cell;\"" : "") +">")+
"<input data-name=\""+Templates.EncodeEntities(torrent.name)+"\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"torrent_cb_"+torrent.id+"\" name=\"torrent_id\" value=\""+torrent.id+"\">"+
{{ end }}
"<td class=\"tr-cat home-td\">"+
{{ if Sukebei() }}
"<div class=\"nyaa-cat sukebei-cat-"+ torrent.category + torrent.sub_category +"\">"+
"<div class=\"nyaa-cat nyaa-cat-"+ torrent.sub_category +"\">"+
"<a href=\"{{URL.Parse("/search?c=") }}"+ torrent.category + "_" + torrent.sub_category +"\" title=\""+ T.r(torrent.category+"_"+torrent.sub_category)+"\" class=\"category\">"+
((torrent.languages[0] != "") ? "<a href=\"{{URL.Parse("/search?c=") }}"+ torrent.category + "_" + torrent.sub_category +"&lang=" + torrent.languages.join(",") +"\"><img src=\"img/blank.gif\" class=\"flag flag-"+ ((torrent.languages.length == 1) ? flagCode(torrent.languages[0]) : "multiple") +"\" title=\""+torrent.languages.map(function (el, i) { return T.r(el)}).join(",")+"\" alt=\""+torrent.languages.map(function (el, i) { return T.r(el)}).join(",")+"\"></a>" : "") +
"<td class=\"tr-name home-td\""+ (torrent.comments.length == 0 ? "colspan=\"2\"" : "" ) +"><a href=\"/view/"+torrent.id+"\">"+Templates.EncodeEntities(torrent.name) +"</a></td>"+
((torrent.comments.length > 0) ? "<td class=\"tr-cs home-td\"><span>"+ torrent.comments.length + "</span></td>" : "")+
"<td class=\"tr-links home-td\">"+
"<a href=\""+torrent.magnet +"\" title=\"{{ T("magnet_link") }}\">"+
"<div class=\"icon-magnet\"></div>"+
"</a>"+(torrent.torrent != "" ? " <a href=\""+torrent.torrent+"\" title=\"{{ T("torrent_file") }}\"><div class=\"icon-floppy\"></div></a>" : "") +
"<td class=\"tr-size home-td hide-xs\">"+humanFileSize(torrent.filesize)+"</td>"+
"<td class=\"tr-se home-td hide-xs\">"+torrent.seeders+"</td>"+
"<td class=\"tr-le home-td hide-xs\">"+torrent.leechers+"</td>"+
"<td class=\"tr-dl home-td hide-xs\">"+torrent.completed+"</td>"+
"<td class=\"tr-date home-td date-short hide-xs\">"+torrent.date+"</td>"+