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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
kilo 870b72f1e9 "No comments" message, avatar in comments, classic theme improvements, some other changes, Old Navigation (#1545)
* Update view.jet.html

* Update en-us.all.json

* Update view.jet.html

* Update

* fix travis

* Update classic.css

* Update view.jet.html

* Update main.css

* Update classic.css

* Update classic.css

* Update classic.css

* add link to user page & avatar in comment

* stylisation for avatar in main.css

* Update classic.css

* Fix wrongly placed ::before

* Add rule list to terms of service

* import rules on register

* fix refine-container-2's inputs

* Update base.jet.html

* Update en-us.all.json

* Update

* GenNav changes to constantly put HTML for nav arrows regardless of page

* css changes for website nav etc etc

* add OldNav global variable

* Add OldNav to test.go

* Update publicSettings.go

* change OldNav's value type

* Old navigation in settings

* add OldNav in user variables

* add oldNav input handler in settings.go

* Change OldNav's default value into false

* Create OldNav.jet.html

* Update search.jet.html

* remove character that had nothing to do here

* fix wrong variable name

* fix worng variable name and travis

* Update classic.css

* Add sort order & type to old nav

* add toString() function in test

* add toString() function

* translation string for oldnav setting

* Use translation string in settings.jet.html

* fix few html errors

* ditto

* travis fix test

* remove useless charset

* remove useless things

* add spaces before attributes

* attempt at fixing travis 2

* fix wrong variable name

* Update classic.css

* fix travis plsss
2017-09-11 19:45:39 +02:00

318 lignes
8,8 Kio

package publicSettings
import (
glang ""
// UserRetriever : this interface is required to prevent a cyclic import between the languages and userService package.
type UserRetriever interface {
RetrieveCurrentUser(c *gin.Context) (*models.User, error)
// Language localization language struct
type Language struct {
Name string
Code string
Tag string
// Languages Array of Language
type Languages []Language
// TemplateTfunc : T func used in template
type TemplateTfunc func(string, ...interface{}) template.HTML
var (
defaultLanguage = config.Get().I18n.DefaultLanguage
userRetriever UserRetriever
languages Languages
// InitI18n : Initialize the languages translation
func InitI18n(conf config.I18nConfig, retriever UserRetriever) error {
defaultLanguage = conf.DefaultLanguage
userRetriever = retriever
defaultFilepath := path.Join(conf.Directory, defaultLanguage+".all.json")
err := i18n.LoadTranslationFile(defaultFilepath)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to load default translation file '%s': %v", defaultFilepath, err))
paths, err := filepath.Glob(path.Join(conf.Directory, "*.json"))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get translation files: %v", err)
for _, file := range paths {
err := i18n.LoadTranslationFile(file)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load translation file '%s': %v", file, err)
return nil
// GetDefaultLanguage : returns the default language from config
func GetDefaultLanguage() string {
return defaultLanguage
// TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback : When go-i18n finds a language with >0 translations, it uses it as the Tfunc
// However, if said language has a missing translation, it won't fallback to the "main" language
func TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback(language string, languages ...string) (i18n.TranslateFunc, *language.Language, error) {
fallbackLanguage := GetDefaultLanguage()
tFunc, tLang, err1 := i18n.TfuncAndLanguage(language, languages...)
// If fallbackLanguage fails, it will give the "id" field so we don't
// care about the error
fallbackT, fallbackTlang, _ := i18n.TfuncAndLanguage(fallbackLanguage)
translateFunction := func(translationID string, args ...interface{}) string {
if translated := tFunc(translationID, args...); translated != translationID {
return translated
return fallbackT(translationID, args...)
if err1 != nil {
tLang = fallbackTlang
return translateFunction, tLang, err1
// GetAvailableLanguages : Get languages available on the website, languages are parsed once at runtime
func GetAvailableLanguages() Languages {
if len(languages) > 0 {
return languages
// Need this to sort out languages alphabetically by language tag
var codes []string
for _, languageTag := range i18n.LanguageTags() {
codes = append(codes, languageTag)
languages = ParseLanguages(codes)
return languages
// GetParentTag returns the highest parent of a language (e.g. fr-fr -> fr)
func GetParentTag(languageTag string) glang.Tag {
lang := glang.Make(languageTag)
for !lang.Parent().IsRoot() {
lang = lang.Parent()
return lang
// ParseLanguages takes a list of language codes and convert them in languages object
func ParseLanguages(codes []string) Languages {
var langs Languages
// Now build languages array
for _, languageTag := range codes {
lang := GetParentTag(languageTag)
langs = append(langs, Language{strings.Title(display.Self.Name(glang.Make(languageTag))), lang.String(), languageTag})
return langs
// GetDefaultTfunc : Gets T func from default language
func GetDefaultTfunc() (i18n.TranslateFunc, error) {
return i18n.Tfunc(defaultLanguage)
// GetTfuncAndLanguageFromRequest : Gets the T func and chosen language from the request
func GetTfuncAndLanguageFromRequest(c *gin.Context) (T i18n.TranslateFunc, Tlang *language.Language) {
userLanguage := ""
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
userLanguage = user.Language
cookie, err := c.Cookie("lang")
cookieLanguage := ""
if err == nil {
cookieLanguage = cookie
// go-i18n supports the format of the Accept-Language header
headerLanguage := c.Request.Header.Get("Accept-Language")
T, Tlang, _ = TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback(userLanguage, cookieLanguage, headerLanguage)
// GetTfuncFromRequest : Gets the T func from the request
func GetTfuncFromRequest(c *gin.Context) TemplateTfunc {
T, _ := GetTfuncAndLanguageFromRequest(c)
return func(id string, args ...interface{}) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(T(id), args...))
// GetThemeFromRequest : Gets the user selected theme from the request
func GetThemeFromRequest(c *gin.Context) string {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.Theme
cookie, err := c.Cookie("theme")
if err == nil {
return cookie
return ""
// GetAltColorsFromRequest : Return whether user has enabled alt colors or not
func GetAltColorsFromRequest(c *gin.Context) bool {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.AltColors != "false"
//Doing this in order to make it return true should the field be empty
cookie, err := c.Cookie("altColors")
if err == nil {
return cookie == "true"
return true
// GetOldNavFromRequest : Return whether user has enabled old navigation or not
func GetOldNavFromRequest(c *gin.Context) bool {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.OldNav == "true"
cookie, err := c.Cookie("oldNav")
if err == nil {
return cookie == "true"
return false
// GetMascotFromRequest : Return whether user has enabled mascot or not
func GetMascotFromRequest(c *gin.Context) string {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.Mascot
cookie, err := c.Cookie("mascot")
if err == nil {
return cookie
return "show"
// GetMascotURLFromRequest : Get the user selected mascot url from the request.
// Returns an empty string if not set.
func GetMascotURLFromRequest(c *gin.Context) string {
user, _ := getCurrentUser(c)
if user.ID > 0 {
return user.MascotURL
cookie, err := c.Cookie("mascot_url")
if err == nil {
return cookie
return ""
func GetEUCookieFromRequest(c *gin.Context) bool {
_, err := c.Cookie("EU_Cookie")
if err == nil {
return true
//Cookie exists, everything good
http.SetCookie(c.Writer, &http.Cookie{Name: "EU_Cookie", Value: "true", Domain: getDomainName(), Path: "/", Expires: timeHelper.FewDaysLater(365)})
return false
//Cookie doesn't exist, we create it to prevent the message from popping up anymore after that and return false
func getCurrentUser(c *gin.Context) (*models.User, error) {
if userRetriever == nil {
return &models.User{}, errors.New("failed to get current user: no user retriever set")
return userRetriever.RetrieveCurrentUser(c)
// Exist evaluate if a language exists or not (language code or language name)
func (langs Languages) Exist(name string) bool {
for _, language := range langs {
if language.Code == name || language.Name == name {
return true
return false
// Translate accepts a languageCode in string and translate the language to the language from the language code
func (lang *Language) Translate(languageCode template.HTML) string {
return Translate(lang.Tag, string(languageCode))
// Translate accepts a languageCode in string and translate the language to the language from the language code in to
func Translate(languageCode string, to string) string {
langTranslate := display.Tags(GetParentTag(to))
translated := langTranslate.Name(glang.Make(languageCode))
if translated == "Root" {
return ""
return translated
// Flag reads the language's country code and return the country's flag if national true or the international flag for the language
func (lang *Language) Flag(national bool) string {
if !national {
if !strings.Contains(lang.Tag, ",") {
return Flag(lang.Tag, false)
return Flag(lang.Code, false)
return lang.Code
// Flag reads the language's country code and return the country's flag if national true or the international flag for the language
func Flag(languageCode string, parent bool) string {
lang := glang.Make(languageCode)
if parent {
lang = GetParentTag(languageCode)
languageSplit := strings.Split(lang.String(), "-")
if len(languageSplit) > 1 {
return languageSplit[1]
return lang.String()
func getDomainName() string {
domain := config.Get().Cookies.DomainName
if config.Get().Environment == "DEVELOPMENT" {
domain = ""
return domain