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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
Ramon Dantas 8fbdeed9f5 CSS-only tree view. (#753)
* Make tree-view work with CSS only

Changed the file list tree-view to use recursive templating instead of
an external function, and improved it so that it works with only CSS.
Striped lines won't work though.

* Remove inline-block from folder label

It breaks with the text-overflow: ellipsis.

* Rename makeFolderData to makeTreeViewData
2017-05-26 11:53:18 +10:00

139 lignes
7,7 Kio
Brut Annotations Historique

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{{define "title"}}{{.Torrent.Name}}{{end}}
{{define "contclass"}}cont-view {{if eq .Torrent.Status 2}}remake{{end}} {{if eq .Torrent.Status 3}}trusted{{end}} {{if eq .Torrent.Status 4}}aplus{{end}}{{end}}
{{ define "make_treeview" }}
{{ range $index, $folder := .Folder.Folders }}
{{ $folderId := (print $.IdentifierChain "_" $index) }}
<tr class="tr-filelist tr-folder" style="--nest-level: {{ $.NestLevel }}">
<td><label for="contents_{{$folderId}}">{{$folder.FolderName}}</label></td>
<td>{{ fileSize $folder.TotalSize $.T }}</td>
<td colspan="2">
<input id="contents_{{$folderId}}" type="checkbox" class="filelist-checkbox">
<table class="table-filelist">
{{ template "make_treeview" (makeTreeViewData $folder (inc $.NestLevel) $.T $folderId) }}
{{ end }}
{{ range .Folder.Files }}
<tr class="tr-filelist tr-file" style="--nest-level: {{ $.NestLevel }}">
<td>{{fileSize .Filesize $.T}}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{define "content"}}
<div style="text-align: left;" class="box">
{{with .Torrent}}
{{ range (index $.FormErrors "errors")}}
<div class="alert alert-danger"><a class="panel-close close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign"></i> {{ . }}</div>
{{ range (index $.Infos "infos")}}
<div class="alert alert-info"><a class="panel-close close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></i> {{ . }}</div>
<div id="torrent-name" class="{{if eq .Status 2}}remake{{end}}
{{if eq .Status 3}}trusted{{end}}
{{if eq .Status 4}}aplus{{end}}">
<p style="text-align: center;" class="torrent-hr">{{.Name}}</p>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ call $.T "category" }}:</td><td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-data"><a href="{{$.URL.Parse (printf "/search?c=%s_%s" .Category .SubCategory) }}">{{ if Sukebei}}{{ call $.T (CategoryName .Category .SubCategory) }}{{else}}{{ call $.T (CategoryName .Category .SubCategory) }}{{end}}</a> <br></td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ call $.T "date" }}:</td><td class="torrent-info-td date-full">{{.Date}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ call $.T "uploaded_by" }}:</td><td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data"><a href="{{ genRoute "user_profile" "id" ( print .UploaderID ) "username" (print .UploaderName) }}">{{.UploaderName}}</a></td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "seeders"}}:</td><td class="torrent-info-td">{{if .LastScrape.IsZero}}{{call $.T "unknown"}}{{else}}{{.Seeders}}{{end}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{ call $.T "website_link" }}:</td><td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{if ne .WebsiteLink ""}}<a href="{{.WebsiteLink}}">{{.WebsiteLink}}</a>{{else}}<a href="//">{{end}}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "leechers"}}:</td><td class="torrent-info-td">{{if .LastScrape.IsZero}}{{call $.T "unknown"}}{{else}}{{.Leechers}}{{end}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "hash"}}:</td><td style="font-size: small;" class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{.Hash}}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "completed"}}:</td><td class="torrent-info-td">{{if .LastScrape.IsZero}}{{call $.T "unknown"}}{{else}}{{.Completed}}{{end}}</td>
<tr class="torrent-info-row">
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "size"}}:</td><td class="torrent-view-td torrent-info-data">{{ fileSize .Filesize $.T }}</td>
<td class="torrent-info-td torrent-info-label">{{call $.T "last_scraped"}}</td><td class="torrent-info-td">{{if not .LastScrape.IsZero}}{{formatDateRFC .LastScrape}}{{else}}{{call $.T "unknown"}}{{end}}</td>
<div class="torrent-buttons">
<a href="{{.Magnet}}" class="form-input">{{call $.T "magnet_link"}}</a>
<a href="{{.TorrentLink}}" class="form-input">{{call $.T "torrent_file"}}</a>
{{ if gt $.User.ID 0}}
function reportPopup() {
reportContent = `
<h4>{{ call $.T "report_torrent_number" (print $.Torrent.ID) }}</h4>
<b>{{ call $.T "report_type" }}:</b>
<form method="post" action="/report/{{$.Torrent.ID}}">
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="illegal" id="illegal" required> <label for="illegal">{{ call $.T "illegal_content" }}</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="spam" id="spam" required> <label for="spam">{{ call $.T "spam_garbage" }}</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="wrongcat" id="wrongcat" required> <label for="wrongcat">{{ call $.T "wrong_category" }}</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="report_type" value="dup" id="dup" required> <label for="dup">{{ call $.T "duplicate_deprecated" }}</label><br />
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">{{ call $.T "report_btn" }}</button>
</form> <br />
reportWindow ="", 'reportWindow', "width=300,height=300"); // Opens a new window
<a onclick="reportPopup();" class="form-input">{{ call $.T "report_btn" }}</a>
<p class="torrent-hr">{{call $.T "description"}}</p>
{{ if ne .Description ""}}
<div style="padding-left: 14px;" class="torrent-info-box">{{.Description}}</div>
<p>No description provided!</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="show-filelist">
<label class="torrent-hr filelist-control" for="show-filelist">{{call $.T "files"}}</label>
{{ if gt (len .FileList) 0 }}
{{/* how do i concat lol */}}
<div class="torrent-info-box" id="filelist">
<th style="width: 70%">{{call $.T "filename"}}</th>
<th>{{call $.T "size"}}</th>
{{ template "make_treeview" (makeTreeViewData $.RootFolder 0 $.T "root") }}
{{ else }}
<p>No files found? That doesn't even make sense!</p>
<p class="torrent-hr">{{call $.T "comments"}}</p>
{{range $index, $element := .Comments}}
<div class="torrent-info-box comment-box">
<span class="comment-index"><a href="#comment_{{inc $index}}">#{{inc $index}}</a><small style="padding-left: 4px;" class="date-short"> {{.Date}}</small></span>
<div style="margin-top: 10px" class="torrent-info-box">
<form method="post">
<div class="comment-form">
<div class="comment-text">
<h3>{{ if gt .User.ID 0}} {{call $.T "submit_a_comment_as_username" .User.Username}} {{else}} {{call $.T "submit_a_comment_as_anonymous"}} {{end}}</h3>
<textarea style="height: 10rem;" placeholder="サンキュー" name="comment" class="form-input up-input"></textarea>
<div class="comment-captcha">
{{block "captcha" (makeCaptchaData .CaptchaID $.T)}}{{end}}
<button type="submit" class="form-input up-btn">{{call $.T "submit" }}</button>