Bifurcation 0
Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
kilo dd94402f04
Fixes & improvements (#1684)
* Update main.css

* Update torrent_item.jet.html

* Update main.js

* Update torrent_item.jet.html

* Update main.js

* Update main.js

* Update main.js

* Update main.js

* Update main.js

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update user.go

* Update profile.jet.html

* Update view.jet.html

* Update template_functions.go

* Update en-us.all.json

* Add files via upload

* Update

* Update main.css

* Update template_functions.go

* Add files via upload

* Update en-us.all.json

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update view.jet.html

* Update main.css

* Update ja-jp.all.json

* Update main.css

* Update edit.jet.html

* Update main.css

* Update tomorrow.css

* Update ja-jp.all.json

* Update main.css

* Update view.jet.html

* Update comment.go

* Update create.go

* Update classic.css

* Make GetOldNavFromRequest return true by default

* Update view.jet.html

* Force torrent date in UTC+0 timezone during display

* ditto

* Update ja-jp.all.json

* Update oldNav.jet.html

* Update structs.go

* Update default_config.yml

* Update torrent.go

* Update stats.go

* Update stats.go

* Update user.go

* Update template_functions.go

* Update template_functions_test.go

* Update torrent.go

* Update comment.go

* Update view.jet.html

* Update main.css

* Update user.go

* Update template_functions.go

* Update profile.jet.html

* Update main.js
2017-10-28 18:28:59 +02:00

1990 lignes
45 Kio

"id": "rules",
"translation": "Rules"
"id": "no_cp",
"translation": "No child pornography (lolicon doesn't count)"
"id": "asia",
"translation": "Asian related content only (no Western Movies, no Cartoon)"
"id": "rules_spam",
"translation": "No spam"
"id": "rules_sukebei",
"translation": "NSFW content belongs in"
"id": "verify_email_title",
"translation": "Erősítsd meg az e-mail címedet a hozzáféréshez."
"id": "verify_email_content",
"translation": "Kattints az alábbi linkre, hogy megerősítsd az e-mail címed."
"id": "reset_password_title",
"translation": "Állítsd vissza a jelszavad a hozzáféréshez."
"id": "reset_password_content",
"translation": "Kattints az alábbi linkre jelszavad visszaállításához."
"id": "register_title",
"translation": "Új felhasználói fiók létrehozása"
"id": "signup_box_title",
"translation": "Kérlek Regisztrálj <small>Ingyenes, és mindig is az lesz.</small>"
"id": "username",
"translation": "Felhasználónév"
"id": "email_address_or_username",
"translation": "E-mail Cím vagy Felhasználónév"
"id": "email_address",
"translation": "E-mail Cím"
"id": "password",
"translation": "Jelszó"
"id": "confirm_password",
"translation": "Jelszó mégegyszer"
"id": "terms_conditions_confirm",
"translation": "A <b>Regisztráció</b>-ra kattintva beleegyezel az oldal <a id=\"modal_active\" href=\"#\">Felhasználási Feltételei</a>-be, és a Cookie-k használatába."
"id": "signin",
"translation": "Bejelentkezés"
"id": "register",
"translation": "Regisztráció"
"id": "terms_conditions",
"translation": "Felhasználási Feltételek"
"id": "terms_conditions_full",
"translation": "Valami Szar."
"id": "remember_me",
"translation": "Emlékezz Rám"
"id": "forgot_password",
"translation": "Elfelejtett Jelszó?"
"id": "sign_in_box_title",
"translation": "Kérlek Jelentkezz Be"
"id": "sign_in_title",
"translation": "Bejelentkezés"
"id": "register_success_title",
"translation": "Sikeres Regisztráció"
"id": "sign_up_success",
"translation": "Köszönjük, hogy regisztráltál!"
"id": "verify_success",
"translation": "<i style=\"color:limegreen\" class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle\"></i>A felhasználói fiókod aktiválásra került."
"id": "signup_verification_email",
"translation": "Végezetül kérlek nézd meg a bejövő e-mailjeidet (a Spam mappát is!) az Ellenörző E-mail miatt."
"id": "signup_verification_noemail",
"translation": "Sikeres Regisztráció, mostmár használhatod a felhasználói fiókodat."
"id": "email_placeholder",
"translation": "Can be left blank."
"id": "settings",
"translation": "Fiók Beállításai"
"id": "torrents",
"translation": "Torrentek"
"id": "follow",
"translation": "Követés"
"id": "unfollow",
"translation": "Unfollow"
"id": "user_followed_msg",
"translation": "You have followed %s!"
"id": "user_unfollowed_msg",
"translation": "You have unfollowed %s!"
"id": "profile_page",
"translation": "%s Profilja"
"id": "see_more_torrents_from",
"translation": "További torrentek megtekintése %s-től "
"id": "torrents_uploaded",
"translation": "Torrents uploaded"
"id": "category",
"translation": "Kategória"
"id": "name",
"translation": "Név"
"id": "date",
"translation": "Dátum"
"id": "size",
"translation": "Méret"
"id": "links",
"translation": "Linkek"
"id": "home",
"translation": "Főoldal"
"id": "error_404",
"translation": "Hiba: 404"
"id": "error_400",
"translation": "Error 400"
"id": "error_500",
"translation": "Error 500"
"id": "err_no_results",
"translation": "No results found"
"id": "upload",
"translation": "Feltöltés"
"id": "faq",
"translation": "GYIK"
"id": "fap",
"translation": "Fap"
"id": "fun",
"translation": "Fun"
"id": "nothing_here",
"translation": "Itt nincs semmi."
"id": "404_not_found",
"translation": "404 Not Found"
"id": "500_internal_server_error",
"translation": "500 Internal Server Error"
"id": "400_bad_request",
"translation": "400 Bad Request"
"id": "no_torrents_uploaded",
"translation": "Még egy torrent sem lett feltöltve!"
"id": "profile",
"translation": "Profil"
"id": "sign_out",
"translation": "Kijelentkezés"
"id": "userstatus_member",
"translation": "Tag"
"id": "no_results_found",
"translation": "Nincs találat"
"id": "notice_keep_seeding",
"id": "official_nyaapocalipse_faq",
"translation": "Hivatalos Nyaapokalipszis GYIK"
"id": "links_replacement_mirror",
"translation": "Linkek a pótláshoz"
"id": "what_happened",
"translation": "Mi történt?"
"id": "nyaa_se_went_offline",
"translation": " és a vele kapcsolatos domain-ek (pl. elérhetetlenné váltak 2017. május 1-én."
"id": "its_not_a_ddos",
"translation": "Deaktiválva lettek, szóval ez nem a szokásos DDoS."
"id": "future_not_looking_good",
"translation": "A jövő nem tűnik túl fényesnek a nyaa számára. (Halott)"
"id": "recovery_effort",
"translation": "Van egy helyreállítási erőfeszítés."
"id": "is_everything_lost",
"translation": "Minden elveszett?"
"id": "in_short_no",
"translation": "Röviden, Nem"
"id": "are_some_things_lost",
"translation": "Van, ami elveszett?"
"id": "answer_is_nyaa_db_lost",
"translation": "A nyaa-n lévő torrentekből van egy <s>Április 5-i</s> Május 1-i adatbázisunk. Ez azt jelenti, hogy szinte semmi sem veszett el."
"id": "answer_is_sukebei_db_lost",
"translation": "A Sukebei azonben lehet, hogy roszabb állapotban van. Jelenleg csak egy 2016-os sukebei adatbázisunk van, de lehet, hogy létezik újabb verzió"
"id": "how_are_we_recovering",
"translation": "Hogyan állunk helyre?"
"id": "answer_how_are_we_recovering",
"translation": "Az előbb említett adatbázisok a és domainen vannak hosztolva. Van kereső funkció, és (majdnem) teljes nyaa funkcionalitás is hamarosan érkezik. Seedelő/leech statisztikák lehetségesek scraping használatával, és lehet, hogy a közeljövőben elérhetőek lesznek, de más funkciók most a legfontosabbak."
"id": "how_do_i_link_my_old_account",
"translation": "How do I link my old uploads back to my new account?"
"id": "answer_how_do_i_link_my_old_account",
"translation": "Join <a href=\"ircs://\">#nyaapantsu-help@Rizon</a> and ask a moderator to migrate your old torrents while mentioning your old and new usernames."
"id": "are_the_trackers_working",
"translation": "A torrentek még mindig működnek?"
"id": "answer_are_the_trackers_working",
"translation": "Még ha a trackerek nem is működnek, a seederek még mindig csatlakozva vannak a decentralizált DHT hálózaton. Amíg a fájl listázva van a DHT hálózaton, mindennek a szokásos módon kellene működnie."
"id": "how_do_i_download_the_torrents",
"translation": "Hogyan töltöm le a torrenteket?"
"id": "answer_how_do_i_download_the_torrents",
"translation": "Használd a <b>magnet link</b>-et. A magnet linket a BitTorrent kliensed arra fogja használni, hogy megkeresse a fájlt a DHT hálózaton, aminek így simán le kell töltődnie."
"id": "magnet_link_should_look_like",
"translation": "A magnet link így néz ki:"
"id": "which_trackers_do_you_recommend",
"translation": "Milyen trackereket javasoltok?"
"id": "answer_which_trackers_do_you_recommend",
"translation": "Ha nem tudsz torrentet feltölteni a trackerek miatt, használd az alábbiakat::"
"id": "how_can_i_help",
"translation": "Hogyan tudok segíteni?"
"id": "answer_how_can_i_help",
"translation": "Ha van weblapkészítési szakértelmed, csatlakozz a #nyaapantsu IRC channel-hez az Ha van releváns adatbázisod, főleg a Sukebei-hez, <b>TÖLTSD FEL ŐKET</b>."
"id": "your_design_sucks_found_a_bug",
"translation": "Szar a design / Találtam egy bugot"
"id": "why_written_in_go",
"translation": "Miért Go-ban van írva?"
"id": "authors_favorite_language",
"translation": "Ez a dev kedvenc programozási nyelve."
"id": "torrent_file",
"translation": "Torrent fájl"
"id": "uploading_file_prefills_fields",
"translation": "A torrent fájl feltöltése lehetővé teszi néhány mező automatikus kitöltését. Ez ajánlott."
"id": "magnet_link",
"translation": "Magnet Link"
"id": "all_categories",
"translation": "Minden kategória"
"id": "select_a_torrent_category",
"translation": "Select a Torrent Category"
"id": "anime",
"translation": "Anime"
"id": "anime_amv",
"translation": "Anime - Anime Music Video"
"id": "anime_english_translated",
"translation": "Anime - Angolra lefordított"
"id": "anime_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Anime - Nem Angolra lefordított"
"id": "anime_raw",
"translation": "Anime - Raw"
"id": "audio",
"translation": "Hang"
"id": "audio_lossless",
"translation": "Hang - Lossless"
"id": "audio_lossy",
"translation": "Hang - Lossy"
"id": "literature",
"translation": "Irodalom"
"id": "literature_english_translated",
"translation": "Irodalom - Angolra lefordított"
"id": "literature_raw",
"translation": "Irodalom - Raw"
"id": "literature_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Irodalom - Nem Angolra lefordított"
"id": "live_action",
"translation": "Élőszereplős"
"id": "live_action_english_translated",
"translation": "Élőszereplős - Angolra lefordított"
"id": "live_action_idol_pv",
"translation": "Élőszereplős - Idol/Promóciós Videó"
"id": "live_action_non_english_translated",
"translation": "Élőszereplős - Nem Angolra lefordított"
"id": "live_action_raw",
"translation": "Élőszereplős - Raw"
"id": "pictures",
"translation": "Képek"
"id": "pictures_graphics",
"translation": "Képek - Grafika"
"id": "pictures_photos",
"translation": "Képek - Fotók"
"id": "software",
"translation": "Szoftver"
"id": "software_applications",
"translation": "Szoftver - Alkalmazások"
"id": "software_games",
"translation": "Szoftver - Játékok"
"id": "art",
"translation": "Art"
"id": "art_anime",
"translation": "Art - Anime"
"id": "art_doujinshi",
"translation": "Art - Doujinshi"
"id": "art_games",
"translation": "Art - Games"
"id": "art_manga",
"translation": "Art - Manga"
"id": "art_pictures",
"translation": "Art - Pictures"
"id": "real_life",
"translation": "Real Life"
"id": "real_life_photobooks_and_pictures",
"translation": "Real Life - Photobooks and Pictures"
"id": "real_life_videos",
"translation": "Real Life - Videos"
"id": "torrent_description",
"translation": "Torrent Leírás"
"id": "description_markdown_notice",
"translation": "A leírásban Markdown használható."
"id": "show_all",
"translation": "Összes mutatása"
"id": "delete_all",
"translation": "Delete all"
"id": "filter_remakes",
"translation": "Remake-ek filterelése"
"id": "trusted",
"translation": "Megbízható"
"id": "search",
"translation": "Keresés"
"id": "hash",
"translation": "Hash"
"id": "description",
"translation": "Leírás"
"id": "no_description",
"translation": "No description provided!"
"id": "comments",
"translation": "Kommentek"
"id": "submit_a_comment_as_username",
"translation": "Komment írása %s-ként"
"id": "submit_a_comment_as_anonymous",
"translation": "Anonymous komment írása"
"id": "submit",
"translation": "Küldés"
"id": "personal_info",
"translation": "Személyes adatok"
"id": "language",
"translation": "Nyelv"
"id": "current_password",
"translation": "Jelenlegi jelszó"
"id": "role",
"translation": "Szerep"
"id": "userstatus_banned",
"translation": "Bannolt"
"id": "default",
"translation": "Alapértelmezett"
"id": "userstatus_trusted",
"translation": "Megbízható Tag"
"id": "userstatus_scraped",
"translation": "Scraped user"
"id": "userstatus_moderator",
"translation": "Moderátor"
"id": "api_token",
"translation": "API Token"
"id": "save_changes",
"translation": "Változtatások mentése"
"id": "profile_updated",
"translation": "A felhasználói fiókod sikeresen frissítve lett!"
"id": "delete_account",
"translation": "Fiók törlése"
"id": "delete_account_confirm",
"translation": "Biztosan ki akarod törölni ezt a fiókot?"
"id": "delete_success",
"translation": "A fiók törlésre került."
"id": "moderation",
"translation": "Moderáció"
"id": "extensions_and_plugins",
"translation": "Extensions and Plugins (made by third-party developers)"
"id": "qbittorrent_plugin",
"translation": "qBittorrent Plugin"
"id": "local_client",
"translation": "Local Client"
"id": "chrome_extension",
"translation": "Chrome Extension"
"id": "firefox_extension",
"translation": "Firefox Extension"
"id": "android_app",
"translation": "Android App"
"id": "who_is_renchon",
"translation": "Ki a fasz az a <span lang=\"ja\">れんちょん</span>?"
"id": "renchon_anon_explanation",
"translation": "<span lang=\"ja\">れんちょん</span> (Ren-chon) nevet az kapja, aki névtelenül ír kommentet vagy tölt fel valamit. Ezt a nevet kapják az eredeti nyaa-ról átimportált torrentek is, viszont az eredeti feltöltő neve megjelenhet mellette."
"id": "mark_as_remake",
"translation": "Remake-ként jelölés"
"id": "email_changed",
"translation": "Az email megváltoztatása sikeres volt, viszont még meg kell erősítened a(z) %s címre küldött linkkel."
"id": "torrent_status",
"translation": "Torrent állapota"
"id": "torrent_status_normal",
"translation": "Normál"
"id": "torrent_status_remake",
"translation": "Remake"
"id": "torrent_status_blocked",
"translation": "Locked"
"id": "profile_edit_page",
"translation": "%s profiljának szerkesztése."
"id": "seeders",
"translation": "Seederek"
"id": "leechers",
"translation": "Leecherek"
"id": "completed",
"translation": "Befejezett"
"id": "change_language",
"translation": "Nyelv megváltoztatása"
"id": "language_name",
"translation": "Magyar"
"id": "language_code",
"translation": "hu-hu"
"id": "delete",
"translation": "Törlés"
"id": "website_link",
"translation": "Oldal linkje"
"id": "files",
"translation": "Fájlok"
"id": "no_files",
"translation": "Nincsenek meg a fájlok? Na, az meg hogy lehet?"
"id": "uploaded_by",
"translation": "Feltöltötte: "
"id": "report_btn",
"translation": "Bejelentés"
"id": "are_you_sure",
"translation": "Biztos vagy benne?"
"id": "report_torrent_number",
"translation": "#%s számú torránt bejelentése"
"id": "report_type",
"translation": "Bejelentés jellege"
"id": "illegal_content",
"translation": "Illegális tartalom"
"id": "spam_garbage",
"translation": "Spam / Szemét"
"id": "wrong_category",
"translation": "Hibás kategória"
"id": "duplicate_deprecated",
"translation": "Másolat / elavult"
"id": "captcha",
"translation": "Captcha"
"id": "captcha_audio",
"translation": "Captcha Audio"
"id": "file_name",
"translation": "Fájlnév"
"id": "cancel",
"translation": "Mégse"
"id": "please_include_our_tracker",
"translation": "Kérlek a trackerek között add meg a udp:// is."
"id": "unknown",
"translation": "Ismeretlen"
"id": "last_scraped",
"translation": "legutóbb kiselejtezett: "
"id": "server_status_link",
"translation": "Itt találhatod meg a szerver állapotát"
"id": "no_database_dumps_available",
"translation": "Jelenleg nincsenek adatbázis dumpok. "
"id": "clear_notifications",
"translation": "Értesítések törlése"
"id": "notifications_cleared",
"translation": "Értesítések törölve!"
"id": "my_notifications",
"translation": "Értesítéseim"
"id": "new_torrent_uploaded",
"translation": "Új torrent: \"%s\". Feltöltötte: %s"
"id": "torrent_uploaded",
"translation": "torrent uploaded successfully!"
"id": "preferences",
"translation": "Beállítások"
"id": "new_torrent_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts, ha egy követett felhasználó új torrentet tölt fel."
"id": "new_torrent_email_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts e-mailben, ha egy követett felhasználó új torrentet tölt fel."
"id": "new_comment_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts, ha a torrentemre új megjegyzés érkezik"
"id": "new_comment_email_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts e-mailben, ha a torrentemre új megjegyzés érkezik"
"id": "new_responses_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts, ha válasz érkezik az egyik megjegyzésemre"
"id": "new_responses_email_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts e-mailben, ha válasz érkezik az egyik megjegyzésemre"
"id": "new_follower_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts, ha valaki elkezd követni."
"id": "new_follower_email_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts e-mailban, ha valaki elkezd követni."
"id": "followed_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts, ha elkezdek valakit követni"
"id": "followed_email_settings",
"translation": "Értesíts e-mailben, ha elkezdek valakit követni"
"id": "yes",
"translation": "Igen"
"id": "no",
"translation": "Nem"
"id": "new_comment_on_torrent",
"translation": "Új komment a torrenten: \"%s\""
"id": "no_action_selected",
"translation": "Meg kell adnod, hogy mit akarsz csinálni a kijelöléssel."
"id": "no_move_location_selected",
"translation": "Té ném mégmondání hová vinni kijelulés"
"id": "select_one_element",
"translation": "Legalább egy elemet ki kell választanod"
"id": "torrent_moved",
"translation": "Torrent %s elmozdítva!"
"id": "no_status_exist",
"translation": "Nincs olyan állapot, hogy %d."
"id": "torrent_deleted",
"translation": "Torrent %s kitörölve!"
"id": "torrent_deleted_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been deleted by %s."
"id": "torrent_edited_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been edited by %s."
"id": "torrent_blocked_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been locked by %s."
"id": "torrent_blocked_by",
"translation": "Torrent #%d from %s has been unlocked by %s."
"id": "torrents_deleted",
"translation": "Torrents Deleted"
"id": "delete_torrent",
"translation": "Delete Torrent"
"id": "delete_report",
"translation": "Delete Report"
"id": "comment_deleted",
"translation": "Comment has been deleted!"
"id": "comment_deleted_by",
"translation": "Comment #%d from %s has been deleted by %s."
"id": "comment_edited_by",
"translation": "Comment #%d from %s has been edited by %s."
"id": "oauth_client_deleted",
"translation": "Oauth API Client has been deleted!"
"id": "oauth_client_deleted_by",
"translation": "Oauth API Client #%s from %s has been deleted by %s."
"id": "no_action_exist",
"translation": "Nincs olyan művelet, hogy %s."
"id": "torrent_not_exist",
"translation": "Nem létezik torrent %s azonosítóval."
"id": "something_went_wrong",
"translation": "Valami elromlott..."
"id": "nb_torrents_updated",
"translation": "%d torrent feltöltve."
"id": "torrent_updated",
"translation": "Torrent részletek frissítve."
"id": "fail_torrent_update",
"translation": "Nem sikerült frissíteni a torrentet."
"id": "bad_captcha",
"translation": "Hibás captcha."
"id": "comment_empty",
"translation": "Üres megjegyzés."
"id": "no_owner_selected",
"translation": "Szükség van egy új torrent tulajra."
"id": "no_category_selected",
"translation": "Nincs kijelölve kategória"
"id": "no_user_found_id",
"translation": "Az adatbázisban nincs felhasználó %d azonosítóval."
"id": "invalid_torrent_category",
"translation": "Ez a kategória nem létezik."
"id": "torrent_owner_changed",
"translation": "\"%s\" torrent tulaját sikeresen lecserélted."
"id": "torrent_category_changed",
"translation": "\"%s\" torrent kategóriájáját sikeresen megváltoztattad."
"id": "torrent_reports_deleted",
"translation": "\"%s\" torrent bejelentéseit sikeresen kitörölted."
"id": "edit",
"translation": "Szerkesztés"
"id": "lock_delete",
"translation": "Lock & Delete"
"id": "delete_definitely_torrent_warning",
"translation": "A fájlokat nem leszel képes visszaszerezni, viszont másokat sem tudsz megállítani attól, hogy újra feltöltsék."
"id": "delete_definitely",
"translation": "Biztosan töröld."
"id": "torrent_unblock",
"translation": "Felnyitás"
"id": "torrent_block",
"translation": "Lezárás"
"id": "torrent_deleted_definitely",
"translation": "A torrent ki lett törölve az adatbázisról."
"id": "torrent_not_deleted",
"translation": "Torrent was not deleted"
"id": "torrent_unblocked",
"translation": "A torrent fel van nyitva."
"id": "torrent_blocked",
"translation": "A torrent le van zárva."
"id": "torrent_nav_notdeleted",
"translation": "A Torrentek nincsenek törölve"
"id": "torrent_nav_deleted",
"translation": "A Torrentek törölve lettek"
"id": "change_settings",
"translation": "Change Appearance/Language"
"id": "mascot",
"translation": "Mascot"
"id": "theme",
"translation": "Theme"
"id": "theme_select",
"translation": "Select a Theme"
"id": "theme_none",
"translation": "None"
"id": "upload_as_anon",
"translation": "Upload Anonymously"
"id": "cookies",
"translation": "By clicking save, you consent to our use of cookies"
"id": "show",
"translation": "Show"
"id": "hide",
"translation": "Hide"
"id": "nyaa_pantsu",
"translation": "Nyaa Pantsu"
"id": "users",
"translation": "Users"
"id": "torrent_reports",
"translation": "Torrent Reports"
"id": "show_mod_tools",
"translation": "Show Mod Tools"
"id": "hide_mod_tools",
"translation": "Hide Mod Tools"
"id": "following_changes_applied",
"translation": "Following changes will be applied"
"id": "changes_in_following_order",
"translation": "Changes will be made in the following order:"
"id": "edit_changes",
"translation": "Edit Changes"
"id": "delete_changes",
"translation": "Delete Changes"
"id": "owner_id_placeholder",
"translation": "New Owner"
"id": "try_new_attempt",
"translation": "Trying a new attempt..."
"id": "query_is_broken",
"translation": "The query ({0}?{1}) seems broken!"
"id": "query_executed_success",
"translation": "Query executed with success!"
"id": "all_operations_done",
"translation": "All operations are done!"
"id": "refreshing_in",
"translation": "Refreshing the page in {0} seconds..."
"id": "delete_reports_with_torrents",
"translation": "Do you want to delete the reports along the selected torrents?"
"id": "with_st",
"translation": "with {0}"
"id": "and_reports",
"translation": " and reports"
"id": "reports",
"translation": "reports"
"id": "lock",
"translation": "lock"
"id": "status_js",
"translation": "status: {0}"
"id": "owner_id_js",
"translation": "owner_id: {0}"
"id": "category_js",
"translation": "category: {0}"
"id": "no_changes",
"translation": "No changes"
"id": "query_nb",
"translation": "Query #{0}"
"id": "reason",
"translation": "Reason"
"id": "actions",
"translation": "Actions"
"id": "action_select",
"translation": "Action..."
"id": "change_status",
"translation": "Change Status"
"id": "to_status",
"translation": "To..."
"id": "torrents_not_deleted",
"translation": "Torrents Not Deleted"
"id": "more",
"translation": "More"
"id": "last_comments",
"translation": "Last Comments"
"id": "last_reports",
"translation": "Last Reports"
"id": "last_torrents",
"translation": "Last Torrents"
"id": "last_users",
"translation": "Last Users"
"id": "moderation_overview",
"translation": "Moderation Overview"
"id": "users_list",
"translation": "Users List"
"id": "comments_list",
"translation": "Comments List"
"id": "reports_list",
"translation": "Reports List"
"id": "torrents_list",
"translation": "Torrents List"
"id": "torrent_edit_panel",
"translation": "Torrent Edit Panel"
"id": "torrent_reassign",
"translation": "Torrent Reassign"
"id": "reassign_warning",
"translation": "Reassigning torrents to a new user is not easily reverted and should be done with care."
"id": "previous_username",
"translation": "Previous Username"
"id": "torrent_id",
"translation": "Torrent ID"
"id": "reassign_indication",
"translation": "One ID per line <b>or</b> a single username"
"id": "reassign_warning_2",
"translation": "Might take a long time, do <b>NOT</b> abort the request."
"id": "reassign_to",
"translation": "Reassign to:"
"id": "reassign_based_on",
"translation": "Reassign based on:"
"id": "user_id",
"translation": "User ID"
"id": "mascot_url",
"translation": "Mascot URL"
"id": "no_notifications",
"translation": "No Notifications"
"id": "report_msg",
"translation": "The torrent #%d has been reported!"
"id": "email_not_valid",
"translation": "Email Address is not valid!"
"id": "username_illegal",
"translation": "Username contains illegal characters!"
"id": "torrent_language",
"translation": "Torrent language"
"id": "language_not_mandatory",
"translation": "Language is not mandatory anymore"
"id": "language_en-us_name",
"translation": "English"
"id": "language_ca-es_name",
"translation": "Catalan"
"id": "language_de-de_name",
"translation": "German"
"id": "language_es-es_name",
"translation": "Spanish"
"id": "language_es-mx_name",
"translation": "Spanish (LATAM)"
"id": "language_fr-fr_name",
"translation": "French"
"id": "language_hu-hu_name",
"translation": "Hungarian"
"id": "language_is-is_name",
"translation": "Icelandic"
"id": "language_it-it_name",
"translation": "Italian"
"id": "language_ja-jp_name",
"translation": "Japanese"
"id": "language_ko-kr_name",
"translation": "Korean"
"id": "language_nb-no_name",
"translation": "Norwegian"
"id": "language_nl-nl_name",
"translation": "Dutch"
"id": "language_pt-br_name",
"translation": "Portuguese (Brazil)"
"id": "language_pt-pt_name",
"translation": "Portuguese (Portugal)"
"id": "language_ro-ro_name",
"translation": "Romanian"
"id": "language_ru-ru_name",
"translation": "Russian"
"id": "language_sv-se_name",
"translation": "Swedish"
"id": "language_th-th_name",
"translation": "Thai"
"id": "language_zh-cn_name",
"translation": "Simplified Chinese"
"id": "language_zh-tw_name",
"translation": "Traditional Chinese"
"id": "language_other_name",
"translation": "Other"
"id": "language_multiple_name",
"translation": "Multiple Languages"
"id": "activity_list",
"translation": "Activity List"
"id": "activities",
"translation": "Activities"
"id": "filter",
"translation": "Filter"
"id": "error_min_length",
"translation": "Minimal length of %s required for the input: %s"
"id": "error_min_number",
"translation": "%s must be %s or greater"
"id": "error_min_field",
"translation": "%s must be equal or greater to %s"
"id": "error_min_array",
"translation": "%s must contain at least %s items"
"id": "error_less_date",
"translation": "%s must be less than the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_less_array",
"translation": "%s must contain less than %s items"
"id": "error_less_length",
"translation": "%s must be less than %s in length"
"id": "error_less_number",
"translation": "%s must be less than %s"
"id": "error_less_equal_date",
"translation": "%s must be less than or equal to the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_greater_date",
"translation": "%s must be greater than the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_greater_length",
"translation": "%s must be greater than %s in length"
"id": "error_greater_number",
"translation": "%s must be greater than %s"
"id": "error_greater_equal_date",
"translation": "%s must be greater than or equal to the current Date & Time"
"id": "error_max_field",
"translation": "%s must be equal or less to %s"
"id": "error_max_length",
"translation": "Maximal length of %s required for the input: %s"
"id": "error_max_number",
"translation": "%s must be %s or less"
"id": "error_max_array",
"translation": "%s must contain at maximum %s items"
"id": "error_length",
"translation": "Length of %s required for the input: %s"
"id": "error_equal",
"translation": "%s is not equal to %s"
"id": "error_same_value",
"translation": "Field '%s' must have the same value as the field '%s'"
"id": "error_field",
"translation": "Unexpected error on field: %s"
"id": "error_not_equal",
"translation": "%s should not be equal to %s"
"id": "error_wrong_value",
"translation": "Wrong value for the input: %s"
"id": "error_field_needed",
"translation": "Field needed: %s"
"id": "error_len_array",
"translation": "%s must contain %s items"
"id": "error_alpha",
"translation": "%s can only contain alphabetic characters"
"id": "error_alphanum",
"translation": "%s can only contain alphanumeric characters"
"id": "error_numeric_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid numeric value"
"id": "error_number_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid number"
"id": "error_hexadecimal_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid hexadecimal"
"id": "error_hex_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid HEX color"
"id": "error_rgb_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid RGB color"
"id": "error_rgba_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid RGBA color"
"id": "error_hsl_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid HSL color"
"id": "error_hsla_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid HSLA color"
"id": "error_url_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid URL"
"id": "error_uri_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid URI"
"id": "error_base64_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid Base64 string"
"id": "error_contains",
"translation": "%s must contain the text '%s'"
"id": "error_contains_any",
"translation": "%s must contain at least one of the following characters '%s'"
"id": "error_excludes",
"translation": "%s cannot contain the text '%s'"
"id": "error_excludes_all",
"translation": "%s cannot contain any of the following characters '%s'"
"id": "error_excludes_rune",
"translation": "%s cannot contain the following '%s'"
"id": "error_color_valid",
"translation": "%s must be a valid color"
"id": "error_",
"translation": "%s must contain %s items"
"id": "error_len_array",
"translation": "%s must contain %s items"
"id": "refine_search",
"translation": "Refine your search"
"id": "between",
"translation": "Between"
"id": "and",
"translation": "and"
"id": "days",
"translation": "Days"
"id": "months",
"translation": "Months"
"id": "years",
"translation": "Years"
"id": "refine",
"translation": "Refine"
"id": "large",
"translation": "large."
"id": "old",
"translation": "old"
"id": "optional",
"translation": "Optional"
"id": "search_for",
"translation": "Search for"
"id": "show",
"translation": "Show"
"id": "username_taken",
"translation": "Username already taken, you can choose: %s"
"id": "email_in_db",
"translation": "Email address already in database"
"id": "user_not_found",
"translation": "User not found"
"id": "incorrect_password",
"translation": "Password Incorrect"
"id": "password_error_generating",
"translation": "Error when generating your password hash"
"id": "permission_delete_error",
"translation": "You don't have the right to delete this"
"id": "no_username_password",
"translation": "No username/password entered"
"id": "account_banned",
"translation": "Account banned"
"id": "account_need_activation",
"translation": "This account needs activation from Moderators, please contact us"
"id": "retrieve_torrent_error",
"translation": "Couldn't retrieve torrents"
"id": "multiple_username_error",
"translation": "More than one username given"
"id": "elevating_user_error",
"translation": "Elevating status to moderator is prohibited"
"id": "parse_error_line",
"translation": "Couldn't parse on line %d"
"id": "language_not_available",
"translation": "Language not available"
"id": "mascot_url_too_long",
"translation": "Mascot URL is too long (max is 255 chars)"
"id": "mascor_url_parse_error",
"translation": "Error occurred when parsing mascot URL: %s"
"id": "no_id_given",
"translation": "No torrent ID given"
"id": "error_api_token",
"translation": "Error API token doesn't exist"
"id": "uploads_disabled",
"translation": "Uploads are disabled"
"id": "try_to_delete_report_inexistant",
"translation": "Trying to delete a torrent report that does not exists"
"id": "torrent_report_not_created",
"translation": "TorrentReport was not created"
"id": "user_not_deleted",
"translation": "User wasn't deleted"
"id": "error_content_type_post",
"translation": "Please provide either of Content-Type: application/json header or multipart/form-data"
"id": "torrent_name_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent name is invalid"
"id": "torrent_private",
"translation": "Torrent is private"
"id": "torrent_no_working_trackers",
"translation": "Torrent does not have any (working) trackers: <a href=\"/faq#trackers\">Trackers List</a>"
"id": "torrent_desc_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent description is invalid"
"id": "torrent_cat_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent category is invalid"
"id": "torrent_lang_invalid",
"translation": "Language sent is not yet supported! You can help supporting it by contributing in our github page"
"id": "torrent_cat_is_english",
"translation": "Torrent's category is for English translations, but language wasn't English. We changed it to english"
"id": "torrent_cat_not_english",
"translation": "Torrent's category is for non-English translations, but language selected is only English"
"id": "torrent_magnet_invalid",
"translation": "Magnet couldn't be parsed, please check it"
"id": "torrent_hash_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent hash is incorrect"
"id": "torrent_plus_magnet",
"translation": "Upload either a torrent file or magnet link, not both"
"id": "torrent_file_invalid",
"translation": "Torrent File is invalid"
"id": "torrent_uri_invalid",
"translation": "Website url or IRC link is invalid"
"id": "api_documentation",
"translation": "API documentation"
"id": "api_help",
"translation": "Do you have an api?"
"id": "trusted",
"translation": "Torrents uploaded by trusted users."
"id": "reencodes",
"translation": "Re-encodes"
"id": "remux",
"translation": "Remux of another uploader's original release"
"id": "reupload",
"translation": "Reupload of another users torrent with missing and/or unrelated additional files."
"id": "red",
"translation": "Red entries are: "
"id": "green",
"translation": "Green entries are:"
"id": "torrent_colors",
"translation": "Torrent colors"
"id": "torrent_preview",
"translation": "Preview your torrent"
"id": "announcement",
"translation": "Announcement"
"id": "update_client_failed",
"translation": "Update of the client has failed!"
"id": "update_client_success",
"translation": "You have successfully updated the client!"
"id": "update_client_panel",
"translation": "Update a Client"
"id": "create_client_success",
"translation": "You have successfully created the client!"
"id": "create_client_failed",
"translation": "Client creation has failed!"
"id": "create_client_panel",
"translation": "Create a new Client"
"id": "redirect_uri",
"translation": "Redirect URI"
"id": "grant_types",
"translation": "Grant Types"
"id": "response_types",
"translation": "Response Types"
"id": "scope",
"translation": "Scopes"
"id": "owner",
"translation": "Owner"
"id": "policy_uri",
"translation": "Policy URI"
"id": "tos_uri",
"translation": "Terms Of Service URI"
"id": "logo_uri",
"translation": "Logo URI"
"id": "contacts",
"translation": "Owner Emails"
"id": "oauth_clients_list",
"translation": "OAuth API Clients"
"id": "add",
"translation": "Add"
"id": "remove",
"translation": "Remove"
"id": "secret",
"translation": "Client Secret"
"id": "torrent_age",
"translation": "{1} days {2} hours ago"
"id": "wrong_tag_type",
"translation": "The tag type selected doesn't exist"
"id": "add_tag",
"translation": "Add a Tag"
"id": "tagtype",
"translation": "Tag Type"
"id": "tagtype_anidbid",
"translation": "Anidb ID"
"id": "tagtype_vndbid",
"translation": "VNdb ID"
"id": "tagtype_videoquality",
"translation": "Video Quality"
"id": "torrent_tags",
"translation": "Torrent tags"
"id": "announcements",
"translation": "Announcements"
"id": "message",
"translation": "Message"
"id": "delay",
"translation": "Delay"
"id": "update_annoucement_panel",
"translation": "Update Announcement"
"id": "create_annoucement_panel",
"translation": "Create Announcement"
"id": "expire",
"translation": "Expire"