When a user had hidden torrents, they were still listed on his user page even if it's not the actual user who is viewing it. That's why I added a new function for searching which filter out hidden torrents. Now when a user go to his own page (or a moderator), he can see all his torrents. However if another person visit the page, only non hidden torrents will be listed. I added the hidden parameter in ES database, it permits also to use the search instead of SQL when listing torrents on the user page. Less load time, go with the idea that we should use ES everywhere when needed.
273 lignes
7,4 Kio
273 lignes
7,4 Kio
package common
import (
elastic "gopkg.in/olivere/elastic.v5"
// TorrentParam defines all parameters that can be provided when searching for a torrent
type TorrentParam struct {
All bool // True means ignore everything but Max and Offset
Full bool // True means load all members
Order bool // True means ascending
Hidden bool // True means filter hidden torrents
Status Status
Sort SortMode
Category Categories
Max uint32
Offset uint32
UserID uint32
TorrentID uint32
FromID uint32
FromDate DateFilter
ToDate DateFilter
NotNull string // csv
Null string // csv
NameLike string // csv
Language string
MinSize SizeBytes
MaxSize SizeBytes
// FromRequest : parse a request in torrent param
// TODO Should probably return an error ?
func (p *TorrentParam) FromRequest(r *http.Request) {
var err error
nameLike := strings.TrimSpace(r.URL.Query().Get("q"))
max, err := strconv.ParseUint(r.URL.Query().Get("limit"), 10, 32)
if err != nil {
max = uint64(config.Conf.Navigation.TorrentsPerPage)
} else if max > uint64(config.Conf.Navigation.MaxTorrentsPerPage) {
max = uint64(config.Conf.Navigation.MaxTorrentsPerPage)
// FIXME 0 means no userId defined
userID, err := strconv.ParseUint(r.URL.Query().Get("userID"), 10, 32)
if err != nil {
userID = 0
// FIXME 0 means no userId defined
fromID, err := strconv.ParseUint(r.URL.Query().Get("fromID"), 10, 32)
if err != nil {
fromID = 0
var status Status
maxage, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("maxage"))
fromDate, toDate := DateFilter(""), DateFilter("")
if err != nil {
// if to xxx is not provided, fromDate is equal to from xxx
if r.URL.Query().Get("toDate") != "" {
fromDate.Parse(r.URL.Query().Get("toDate"), r.URL.Query().Get("dateType"))
toDate.Parse(r.URL.Query().Get("fromDate"), r.URL.Query().Get("dateType"))
} else {
fromDate.Parse(r.URL.Query().Get("fromDate"), r.URL.Query().Get("dateType"))
} else {
fromDate = DateFilter(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -maxage).Format("2006-01-02"))
categories := ParseCategories(r.URL.Query().Get("c"))
var sortMode SortMode
var minSize SizeBytes
var maxSize SizeBytes
minSize.Parse(r.URL.Query().Get("minSize"), r.URL.Query().Get("sizeType"))
maxSize.Parse(r.URL.Query().Get("maxSize"), r.URL.Query().Get("sizeType"))
ascending := false
if r.URL.Query().Get("order") == "true" {
ascending = true
language := strings.TrimSpace(r.URL.Query().Get("lang"))
p.NameLike = nameLike
p.Max = uint32(max)
p.UserID = uint32(userID)
// TODO Use All
p.All = false
// TODO Use Full
p.Full = false
p.Order = ascending
p.Status = status
p.Sort = sortMode
p.Category = categories
p.Language = language
p.FromDate = fromDate
p.ToDate = toDate
p.MinSize = minSize
p.MaxSize = maxSize
// FIXME 0 means no TorrentId defined
// Do we even need that ?
p.TorrentID = 0
// Needed to display result after a certain torrentID
p.FromID = uint32(fromID)
// ToFilterQuery : Builds a query string with for es query string query defined here
// https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html
func (p *TorrentParam) ToFilterQuery() string {
// Don't set sub category unless main category is set
query := ""
if len(p.Category) > 0 {
conditionsOr := make([]string, len(p.Category))
for key, val := range p.Category {
if val.IsSubSet() {
conditionsOr[key] = "(category: " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(val.Main), 10) + " AND sub_category: " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(val.Sub), 10) + ")"
} else {
conditionsOr[key] = "(category: " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(val.Main), 10) + ")"
query += "(" + strings.Join(conditionsOr, " OR ") + ")"
if p.UserID != 0 {
query += " uploader_id:" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(p.UserID), 10)
if p.Hidden {
query += " hidden:false"
if p.Status != ShowAll {
if p.Status != FilterRemakes {
query += " status:" + p.Status.ToString()
} else {
/* From the old nyaa behavior, FilterRemake means everything BUT
* remakes
query += " !status:" + p.Status.ToString()
if p.FromID != 0 {
query += " id:>" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(p.FromID), 10)
if p.FromDate != "" && p.ToDate != "" {
query += " date: [" + string(p.FromDate) + " " + string(p.ToDate) + "]"
} else if p.FromDate != "" {
query += " date: [" + string(p.FromDate) + " *]"
} else if p.ToDate != "" {
query += " date: [* " + string(p.ToDate) + "]"
sMinSize := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(p.MinSize), 10)
sMaxSize := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(p.MaxSize), 10)
if p.MinSize > 0 && p.MaxSize > 0 {
query += " filesize: [" + sMinSize + " " + sMaxSize + "]"
} else if p.MinSize > 0 {
query += " filesize: [" + sMinSize + " *]"
} else if p.MaxSize > 0 {
query += " filesize: [* " + sMaxSize + "]"
if p.Language != "" {
query += " language:" + p.Language
return query
// Find :
/* Uses elasticsearch to find the torrents based on TorrentParam
* We decided to fetch only the ids from ES and then query these ids to the
* database
func (p *TorrentParam) Find(client *elastic.Client) (int64, []model.Torrent, error) {
// TODO Why is it needed, what does it do ?
ctx := context.Background()
var query elastic.Query
if p.NameLike == "" {
query = elastic.NewMatchAllQuery()
} else {
query = elastic.NewSimpleQueryStringQuery(p.NameLike).
// TODO Find a better way to keep in sync with mapping in ansible
search := client.Search().
Sort(p.Sort.ToESField(), p.Order).
Sort("_score", false) // Don't put _score before the field sort, it messes with the sorting
filterQueryString := p.ToFilterQuery()
if filterQueryString != "" {
filterQuery := elastic.NewQueryStringQuery(filterQueryString).
search = search.PostFilter(filterQuery)
result, err := search.Do(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
log.Infof("Query '%s' took %d milliseconds.", p.NameLike, result.TookInMillis)
log.Infof("Amount of results %d.", result.TotalHits())
torrents := make([]model.Torrent, len(result.Hits.Hits))
if len(result.Hits.Hits) <= 0 {
return 0, nil, nil
for i, hit := range result.Hits.Hits {
// Deserialize hit.Source into a Tweet (could also be just a map[string]interface{}).
var tJson model.TorrentJSON
err := json.Unmarshal(*hit.Source, &tJson)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot unmarshal elasticsearch torrent: %s", err)
torrent := tJson.ToTorrent()
torrents[i] = torrent
return result.TotalHits(), torrents, nil
// Clone : To clone a torrent params
func (p *TorrentParam) Clone() TorrentParam {
return TorrentParam{
Order: p.Order,
Status: p.Status,
Sort: p.Sort,
Category: p.Category,
Max: p.Max,
Offset: p.Offset,
UserID: p.UserID,
TorrentID: p.TorrentID,
FromID: p.FromID,
FromDate: p.FromDate,
ToDate: p.ToDate,
NotNull: p.NotNull,
Null: p.Null,
NameLike: p.NameLike,
Language: p.Language,
MinSize: p.MinSize,
MaxSize: p.MaxSize,