* Torznab fix Added multiple category search Fixed issues in #1017 Now category from searchParam & torrentParam are arrays of category New Struct Categories * Fix travis error due to database code
164 lignes
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164 lignes
3,7 Kio
package postgres
import (
// build sql query from SearchParam for torrent search
func searchParamToTorrentQuery(param *common.TorrentParam) (q sqlQuery) {
counter := 1
q.query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s ", torrentSelectColumnsFull, tableTorrents)
if len(param.Category) > 0 {
conditionsOr := make([]string, len(param.Category))
for key, val := range param.Category {
conditionsOr[key] = fmt.Sprintf("(category = $%d AND sub_category = $%d)", counter, counter+1)
q.params = append(q.params, val.Main, val.Sub)
counter += 2
q.query += "WHERE " + strings.Join(conditionsOr, " OR ")
if counter > 1 {
q.query += "AND "
} else {
q.query += "WHERE "
q.query += fmt.Sprintf("status >= $%d ", counter)
q.params = append(q.params, param.Status)
if param.UserID > 0 {
q.query += fmt.Sprintf("AND uploader = $%d ", counter)
q.params = append(q.params, param.UserID)
notnulls := strings.Split(param.NotNull, ",")
for idx := range notnulls {
k := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(notnulls[idx]))
switch k {
case "date":
case "downloads":
case "filesize":
case "website_link":
case "deleted_at":
case "seeders":
case "leechers":
case "completed":
case "last_scrape":
q.query += fmt.Sprintf("AND %s IS NOT NULL ", k)
nulls := strings.Split(param.Null, ",")
for idx := range nulls {
k := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(nulls[idx]))
switch k {
case "date":
case "downloads":
case "filesize":
case "website_link":
case "deleted_at":
case "seeders":
case "leechers":
case "completed":
case "last_scrape":
q.query += fmt.Sprintf("AND %s IS NULL ", k)
nameLikes := strings.Split(param.NameLike, ",")
for idx := range nameLikes {
q.query += fmt.Sprintf("AND torrent_name ILIKE $%d", counter)
q.params = append(q.params, strings.TrimSpace(nameLikes[idx]))
var sort string
switch param.Sort {
case common.Name:
sort = "torrent_name"
case common.Date:
sort = "date"
case common.Downloads:
sort = "downloads"
case common.Size:
sort = "filesize"
case common.Seeders:
sort = "seeders"
case common.Leechers:
sort = "leechers"
case common.Completed:
sort = "completed"
case common.ID:
sort = config.Conf.Torrents.Order
q.query += fmt.Sprintf("ORDER BY %s ", sort)
if param.Order {
q.query += "ASC "
} else {
q.query += "DESC "
if param.Max > 0 {
q.query += fmt.Sprintf("LIMIT $%d ", counter)
q.params = append(q.params, param.Max)
if param.Offset > 0 {
q.query += fmt.Sprintf("OFFSET $%d ", counter)
q.params = append(q.params, param.Offset)
func (db *Database) GetTorrentsWhere(param *common.TorrentParam) (torrents []model.Torrent, err error) {
if param.TorrentID > 0 {
var torrent model.Torrent
var has bool
torrent, has, err = db.GetTorrentByID(param.TorrentID)
if has {
torrents = append(torrents, torrent)
if param.All {
torrents, err = db.GetAllTorrents(param.Offset, param.Max)
q := searchParamToTorrentQuery(param)
err = q.Query(db.conn, func(rows *sql.Rows) error {
if param.Max == 0 {
torrents = make([]model.Torrent, 0, 128)
} else {
torrents = make([]model.Torrent, 0, param.Max)
for rows.Next() {
var t model.Torrent
scanTorrentColumnsFull(rows, &t)
torrents = append(torrents, t)
// grow as needed
if len(torrents) >= cap(torrents) {
newtorrents := make([]model.Torrent, cap(torrents), cap(torrents)*3/2) // XXX: adjust as needed
copy(newtorrents, torrents)
torrents = newtorrents
return nil