List Torrent delete log Torrent edit log Comment delete log And every other logged activities Can be filtered out by a filter tag ("edit" or "delete" supported) Pages navigation Can be accessed by /activities Added some translation string Fixed hidden username on api request Fixed comments username on modpanel New Activity model New Activity handler New Activity Service Fixed some updating issue for ES when moderating torrents Be aware deleting torrents and comments return the model now!
90 lignes
3,1 Kio
90 lignes
3,1 Kio
package reportService
import (
// CreateTorrentReport : Return torrentReport in case we did modified it (ie: CreatedAt field)
func CreateTorrentReport(torrentReport model.TorrentReport) error {
if db.ORM.Create(&torrentReport).Error != nil {
return errors.New("TorrentReport was not created")
return nil
// DeleteTorrentReport : Delete a torrent report by id
func DeleteTorrentReport(id uint) (*model.TorrentReport, error, int) {
var torrentReport model.TorrentReport
if db.ORM.First(&torrentReport, id).RecordNotFound() {
return &torrentReport, errors.New("Trying to delete a torrent report that does not exists"), http.StatusNotFound
if err := db.ORM.Delete(&torrentReport).Error; err != nil {
return &torrentReport, err, http.StatusInternalServerError
return &torrentReport, nil, http.StatusOK
// DeleteDefinitelyTorrentReport : Delete definitely a torrent report by id
func DeleteDefinitelyTorrentReport(id uint) (error, int) {
var torrentReport model.TorrentReport
if db.ORM.Unscoped().First(&torrentReport, id).RecordNotFound() {
return errors.New("Trying to delete a torrent report that does not exists"), http.StatusNotFound
if err := db.ORM.Unscoped().Delete(&torrentReport).Error; err != nil {
return err, http.StatusInternalServerError
return nil, http.StatusOK
func getTorrentReportsOrderBy(parameters *serviceBase.WhereParams, orderBy string, limit int, offset int, countAll bool) (
torrentReports []model.TorrentReport, count int, err error,
) {
var conditionArray []string
var params []interface{}
if parameters != nil { // if there is where parameters
if len(parameters.Conditions) > 0 {
conditionArray = append(conditionArray, parameters.Conditions)
params = parameters.Params
conditions := strings.Join(conditionArray, " AND ")
if countAll {
err = db.ORM.Model(&torrentReports).Where(conditions, params...).Count(&count).Error
if err != nil {
// build custom db query for performance reasons
dbQuery := "SELECT * FROM torrent_reports"
if conditions != "" {
dbQuery = dbQuery + " WHERE " + conditions
if orderBy == "" { // default OrderBy
orderBy = "torrent_report_id DESC"
dbQuery = dbQuery + " ORDER BY " + orderBy
if limit != 0 || offset != 0 { // if limits provided
dbQuery = dbQuery + " LIMIT " + strconv.Itoa(limit) + " OFFSET " + strconv.Itoa(offset)
err = db.ORM.Preload("Torrent").Preload("User").Raw(dbQuery, params...).Find(&torrentReports).Error
// GetTorrentReportsOrderBy : Get torrents based on search parameters with order
func GetTorrentReportsOrderBy(parameters *serviceBase.WhereParams, orderBy string, limit int, offset int) ([]model.TorrentReport, int, error) {
return getTorrentReportsOrderBy(parameters, orderBy, limit, offset, true)
// GetAllTorrentReports : Get all torrents
func GetAllTorrentReports(limit int, offset int) ([]model.TorrentReport, int, error) {
return GetTorrentReportsOrderBy(nil, "", limit, offset)