* This allows changing the nyaa, sukebei and status URL via config. Previously only the nyaa address was configurable * This helps testing changes locally without having to set up a TLS terminating proxy * Also refactored uses of hardcoded URLs in the html templates The html templates will now also use the configured urls
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package userService
import (
var verificationHandler = securecookie.New(config.EmailTokenHashKey, nil)
// SendEmailVerification sends an email verification token via email.
func SendEmailVerification(to string, token string) error {
T, err := publicSettings.GetDefaultTfunc()
if err != nil {
return err
content := T("link") + " : " + config.Conf.WebAddress.Nyaa + "/verify/email/" + token
contentHTML := T("verify_email_content") + "<br/>" + "<a href=\"" + config.Conf.WebAddress.Nyaa + "/verify/email/" + token + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + util.GetHostname(config.Conf.WebAddress.Nyaa) + "/verify/email/" + token + "</a>"
return email.SendEmailFromAdmin(to, T("verify_email_title"), content, contentHTML)
// SendVerificationToUser sends an email verification token to user.
func SendVerificationToUser(user model.User, newEmail string) (int, error) {
validUntil := timeHelper.TwentyFourHoursLater() // TODO: longer duration?
value := map[string]string{
"t": strconv.FormatInt(validUntil.Unix(), 10),
"u": strconv.FormatUint(uint64(user.ID), 10),
"e": newEmail,
encoded, err := verificationHandler.Encode("", value)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
err = SendEmailVerification(newEmail, encoded)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
return http.StatusOK, nil
// EmailVerification verifies the token used for email verification
func EmailVerification(token string, w http.ResponseWriter) (int, error) {
value := make(map[string]string)
err := verificationHandler.Decode("", token, &value)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err)
return http.StatusForbidden, errors.New("Token is not valid")
timeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value["t"], 10, 0)
if timeHelper.IsExpired(time.Unix(timeInt, 0)) {
return http.StatusForbidden, errors.New("Token has expired")
var user model.User
if db.ORM.Where("user_id = ?", value["u"]).First(&user).RecordNotFound() {
return http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("User is not found")
user.Email = value["e"]
return UpdateUserCore(&user)