Showing how we can remove services, preventing cyclic imports and lessing the number of imports. Now db is in models. Db and models are highly tightened, according to go standards, you should put them in the same package. In models, there are folders separating the different methods used to modify the models. For example, if you want to create a user, you have to use /models (for the user struct) and /models/user (for creating a user. However, if you want to delete a torrent, you just have to import /models and do torrent.Delete(definitely bool). By the way packages in models are the plural name of a model. For example, you have torrent.go for a torrent model and its package torrents for db stuff related functions (Find, Create, Some helpers)
46 lignes
1,4 Kio
46 lignes
1,4 Kio
package models
import (
// Comment model
type Comment struct {
ID uint `gorm:"column:comment_id;primary_key"`
TorrentID uint `gorm:"column:torrent_id"`
UserID uint `gorm:"column:user_id"`
Content string `gorm:"column:content"`
CreatedAt time.Time `gorm:"column:created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `gorm:"column:updated_at"`
DeletedAt *time.Time
Torrent *Torrent `gorm:"AssociationForeignKey:TorrentID;ForeignKey:torrent_id"`
User *User `gorm:"AssociationForeignKey:UserID;ForeignKey:user_id"`
// CommentJSON for comment model in json
type CommentJSON struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
UserID int `json:"user_id"`
UserAvatar string `json:"user_avatar"`
Content template.HTML `json:"content"`
Date time.Time `json:"date"`
// Size : Returns the total size of memory recursively allocated for this struct
func (c Comment) Size() int {
return (3 + 3*3 + 2 + 2 + len(c.Content)) * 8
// TableName : Return the name of comment table
func (c Comment) TableName() string {
return config.Conf.Models.CommentsTableName
// Identifier : Return the identifier of the comment
func (c *Comment) Identifier() string { // We Can personalize the identifier but we would have to handle toggle read in that case
return c.Torrent.Identifier()