I tried locally and I'm kept logged in. @ewhal check after update that you do have the same hash set in both nyaa and sukebei. If you do, just change the domain name (".pantsu.cat") in the functions getDomainName() to the subdomain. Because I don't see why it wouldn't work otherwise
62 lignes
3,3 Kio
62 lignes
3,3 Kio
package userValidator
// RegistrationForm is used when creating a user.
type RegistrationForm struct {
Username string `validate:"required,min=3,max=20" form:"username" json:"username"`
Email string `form:"email" json:"email"`
Password string `validate:"required,min=6,max=72,eqfield=ConfirmPassword" form:"password" json:"password"`
ConfirmPassword string `validate:"required" omit:"true" form:"password_confirmation" json:"password_confirmation"` // Omit when binding to user model since user model doesn't have those field
CaptchaID string `validate:"required" omit:"true" form:"captchaID" json:"captchaID"`
TermsAndConditions string `validate:"eq=1" omit:"true" form:"t_and_c" json:"t_and_c"`
// LoginForm is used when a user logs in.
type LoginForm struct {
Username string `validate:"required" json:"username" form:"username"`
Password string `validate:"required" json:"password" form:"password"`
RedirectTo string `validate:"-" form:"redirectTo" json:"-"`
RememberMe string `validate:"-" form:"remember_me" json:"-"`
// UserForm is used when updating a user.
type UserForm struct {
Username string `validate:"required" form:"username" json:"username" needed:"true" len_min:"3" len_max:"20"`
Email string `json:"email" form:"email"`
Language string `validate:"default=en-us" form:"language" json:"language"`
CurrentPassword string `validate:"omitempty,min=6,max=72" form:"current_password" json:"current_password" omit:"true"`
Password string `validate:"omitempty,min=6,max=72" form:"password" json:"password" len_min:"6" len_max:"72" equalInput:"ConfirmPassword"`
ConfirmPassword string `validate:"omitempty" form:"password_confirmation" json:"password_confirmation" omit:"true"`
Status int `validate:"default=0" form:"status" json:"status"`
Theme string `form:"theme" json:"theme"`
// UserSettingsForm is used when updating a user.
type UserSettingsForm struct {
NewTorrent bool `validate:"-" json:"new_torrent" form:"new_torrent"`
NewTorrentEmail bool `validate:"-" json:"new_torrent_email" form:"new_torrent_email"`
NewComment bool `validate:"-" json:"new_comment" form:"new_comment"`
NewCommentEmail bool `validate:"-" json:"new_comment_email" form:"new_comment_email"`
NewResponses bool `validate:"-" json:"new_responses" form:"new_responses"`
NewResponsesEmail bool `validate:"-" json:"new_responses_email" form:"new_responses_email"`
NewFollower bool `validate:"-" json:"new_follower" form:"new_follower"`
NewFollowerEmail bool `validate:"-" json:"new_follower_email" form:"new_follower_email"`
Followed bool `validate:"-" json:"followed" form:"followed"`
FollowedEmail bool `validate:"-" json:"followed_email" form:"followed_email"`
// PasswordForm is used when updating a user password.
type PasswordForm struct {
CurrentPassword string `validate:"required" form:"current_password"`
Password string `validate:"required" form:"password"`
// SendPasswordResetForm is used when sending a password reset token.
type SendPasswordResetForm struct {
Email string `validate:"required" form:"email"`
// PasswordResetForm is used when reseting a password.
type PasswordResetForm struct {
PasswordResetToken string `validate:"required" form:"token"`
Password string `validate:"required" form:"password"`