314 lignes
8,4 Kio
314 lignes
8,4 Kio
package metainfoFetcher
import (
serviceBase "github.com/ewhal/nyaa/service"
torrentService "github.com/ewhal/nyaa/service/torrent"
type MetainfoFetcher struct {
torrentClient *torrent.Client
results chan Result
queueSize int
timeout int
maxDays int
baseFailCooldown int
maxFailCooldown int
done chan int
queue []*FetchOperation
queueMutex sync.Mutex
failedOperations map[uint]time.Time
numFails map[uint]int
failsMutex sync.Mutex
wakeUp *time.Ticker
wg sync.WaitGroup
func New(fetcherConfig *config.MetainfoFetcherConfig) (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher, err error) {
clientConfig := torrent.Config{}
// Well, it seems this is the right way to convert speed -> rate.Limiter
// https://github.com/anacrolix/torrent/blob/master/cmd/torrent/main.go
if fetcherConfig.UploadRateLimiter != -1 {
clientConfig.UploadRateLimiter = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Limit(fetcherConfig.UploadRateLimiter*1024), 256<<10)
if fetcherConfig.DownloadRateLimiter != -1 {
clientConfig.DownloadRateLimiter = rate.NewLimiter(rate.Limit(fetcherConfig.DownloadRateLimiter*1024), 1<<20)
client, err := torrent.NewClient(&clientConfig)
fetcher = &MetainfoFetcher{
torrentClient: client,
results: make(chan Result, fetcherConfig.QueueSize),
queueSize: fetcherConfig.QueueSize,
timeout: fetcherConfig.Timeout,
maxDays: fetcherConfig.MaxDays,
baseFailCooldown: fetcherConfig.BaseFailCooldown,
maxFailCooldown: fetcherConfig.MaxFailCooldown,
done: make(chan int, 1),
failedOperations: make(map[uint]time.Time),
numFails: make(map[uint]int),
wakeUp: time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(fetcherConfig.WakeUpInterval)),
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) isFetchingOrFailed(t model.Torrent) bool {
for _, op := range fetcher.queue {
if op.torrent.ID == t.ID {
return true
_, ok := fetcher.failedOperations[t.ID]
return ok
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) addToQueue(op *FetchOperation) bool {
defer fetcher.queueMutex.Unlock()
if len(fetcher.queue)+1 > fetcher.queueSize {
return false
fetcher.queue = append(fetcher.queue, op)
return true
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) removeFromQueue(op *FetchOperation) bool {
defer fetcher.queueMutex.Unlock()
for i, queueOP := range fetcher.queue {
if queueOP == op {
fetcher.queue = append(fetcher.queue[:i], fetcher.queue[i+1:]...)
return true
return false
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) markAsFailed(tID uint) {
defer fetcher.failsMutex.Unlock()
if n, ok := fetcher.numFails[tID]; ok {
fetcher.numFails[tID] = n + 1
} else {
fetcher.numFails[tID] = 1
fetcher.failedOperations[tID] = time.Now()
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) removeFromFailed(tID uint) {
defer fetcher.failsMutex.Unlock()
delete(fetcher.failedOperations, tID)
func updateFileList(dbEntry model.Torrent, info *metainfo.Info) error {
torrentFiles := info.UpvertedFiles()
log.Infof("TID %d has %d files.", dbEntry.ID, len(torrentFiles))
for _, file := range torrentFiles {
var path []string
if file.Path != nil {
path = file.Path
} else {
// If it's nil, use the torrent name (info.Name) as the path (single-file torrent)
path = append(path, info.Name)
// Can't read FileList from the GetTorrents output, rely on the unique_index
// to ensure no files are duplicated.
log.Infof("Adding file %s to filelist of TID %d", file.DisplayPath(info), dbEntry.ID)
dbFile := model.File{
TorrentID: dbEntry.ID,
Filesize: file.Length,
err := dbFile.SetPath(path)
if err != nil {
return err
err = db.ORM.Create(&dbFile).Error
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) gotResult(r Result) {
updatedSuccessfully := false
if r.err != nil {
log.Infof("Failed to get torrent metainfo (TID: %d), err %v", r.operation.torrent.ID, r.err)
} else if r.info.TotalLength() == 0 {
log.Infof("Got length 0 for torrent TID: %d. Possible bug?", r.operation.torrent.ID)
} else {
lengthOK := true
if r.operation.torrent.Filesize != r.info.TotalLength() {
log.Infof("Got length %d for torrent TID: %d. Updating.", r.info.TotalLength(), r.operation.torrent.ID)
r.operation.torrent.Filesize = r.info.TotalLength()
_, err := torrentService.UpdateTorrent(r.operation.torrent)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("Failed to update torrent TID: %d with new filesize", r.operation.torrent.ID)
lengthOK = false
filelistOK := true
// Create the file list, if it's missing.
if len(r.operation.torrent.FileList) == 0 {
err := updateFileList(r.operation.torrent, r.info)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("Failed to update file list of TID %d", r.operation.torrent.ID)
filelistOK = false
updatedSuccessfully = lengthOK && filelistOK
if !updatedSuccessfully {
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) removeOldFailures() {
// Cooldown is disabled
if fetcher.baseFailCooldown < 0 {
maxCd := time.Duration(fetcher.maxFailCooldown) * time.Second
now := time.Now()
for id, failTime := range fetcher.failedOperations {
cdMult := int(math.Pow(2, float64(fetcher.numFails[id]-1)))
cd := time.Duration(cdMult*fetcher.baseFailCooldown) * time.Second
if cd > maxCd {
cd = maxCd
if failTime.Add(cd).Before(now) {
log.Infof("Torrent TID %d gone through cooldown, removing from failures", id)
// Deleting keys inside a loop seems to be safe.
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) fillQueue() {
toFill := fetcher.queueSize - len(fetcher.queue)
if toFill <= 0 {
oldest := time.Now().Add(0 - (time.Hour * time.Duration(24*fetcher.maxDays)))
excludedIDS := make([]uint, 0, len(fetcher.failedOperations))
for id, _ := range fetcher.failedOperations {
excludedIDS = append(excludedIDS, id)
// Nice query lol
// Select the torrents with no filesize, or without any rows with torrent_id in the files table, that are younger than fetcher.MaxDays
var params serviceBase.WhereParams
if len(excludedIDS) > 0 {
params = serviceBase.CreateWhereParams("((filesize IS NULL OR filesize = 0) OR ("+config.TableName+".torrent_id NOT IN (SELECT files.torrent_id FROM files WHERE files.torrent_id = "+config.TableName+".torrent_id))) AND date > ? AND torrent_id NOT IN (?)", oldest, excludedIDS)
} else {
params = serviceBase.CreateWhereParams("((filesize IS NULL OR filesize = 0) OR ("+config.TableName+".torrent_id NOT IN (SELECT files.torrent_id FROM files WHERE files.torrent_id = "+config.TableName+".torrent_id))) AND date > ?", oldest)
dbTorrents, err := torrentService.GetTorrentsOrderByNoCount(¶ms, "", fetcher.queueSize, 0)
if len(dbTorrents) == 0 {
log.Infof("No torrents for filesize update")
if err != nil {
log.Infof("Failed to get torrents for metainfo updating")
for _, T := range dbTorrents {
if fetcher.isFetchingOrFailed(T) {
operation := NewFetchOperation(fetcher, T)
if fetcher.addToQueue(operation) {
log.Infof("Added TID %d for filesize fetching", T.ID)
go operation.Start(fetcher.results)
} else {
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) run() {
var result Result
defer fetcher.wg.Done()
done := 0
for done == 0 {
select {
case done = <-fetcher.done:
case result = <-fetcher.results:
case <-fetcher.wakeUp.C:
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) RunAsync() {
go fetcher.run()
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) Close() error {
defer fetcher.queueMutex.Unlock()
// Send the done event to every Operation
for _, op := range fetcher.queue {
op.done <- 1
fetcher.done <- 1
log.Infof("Send done signal to everyone, waiting...")
return nil
func (fetcher *MetainfoFetcher) Wait() {