* Update view.jet.html * Update en-us.all.json * Update view.jet.html * Update CHANGELOG.md * fix travis * Update classic.css * Update view.jet.html * Update main.css * Update classic.css * Update classic.css * Update classic.css * add link to user page & avatar in comment * stylisation for avatar in main.css * Update classic.css * Fix wrongly placed ::before * Add rule list to terms of service * import rules on register * fix refine-container-2's inputs * Update base.jet.html * Update en-us.all.json * Update CHANGELOG.md * GenNav changes to constantly put HTML for nav arrows regardless of page * css changes for website nav etc etc * add OldNav global variable * Add OldNav to test.go * Update publicSettings.go * change OldNav's value type * Old navigation in settings * add OldNav in user variables * add oldNav input handler in settings.go * Change OldNav's default value into false * Create OldNav.jet.html * Update search.jet.html * remove character that had nothing to do here * fix wrong variable name * fix worng variable name and travis * Update classic.css * Add sort order & type to old nav * add toString() function in test * add toString() function * translation string for oldnav setting * Use translation string in settings.jet.html * fix few html errors * ditto * travis fix test * remove useless charset * remove useless things * add spaces before attributes * attempt at fixing travis 2 * fix wrong variable name * Update classic.css * fix travis plsss
103 lignes
5,5 Kio
103 lignes
5,5 Kio
{{import "helpers/errors"}}
{{import "helpers/infos"}}
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{{block additional_header()}}{{end}}
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{{ yield infos()}}
{{ yield errors()}}
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{{ block mascot() }}
{{if Mascot != "hide"}}
<div id="mascot" class="hide-xs{{if MascotURL != ""}} custom-mascot{{end}}" onclick="playVoice();" {{if MascotURL != ""}}style="background-image: url('{{MascotURL}}');"{{end}}></div>
{* Only play the sounds with the default mascot *}
{{ if MascotURL == "" }}
{{ if Sukebei() }}
<audio id="kawaii" hidden preload="none">
<source src="https://a.doko.moe/spbyif.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
{{else if Theme == "tomorrow" }}
<audio id="explosion" hidden preload="none">
<source src="https://a.doko.moe/vrlrtw.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
{{ else if User.ID > 0}}
<audio id="nyanpassu2" hidden preload="none">
<source src="https://a.doko.moe/znadfr.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
{{ else }}
<audio id="nyanpassu" hidden preload="none">
<source src="https://a.doko.moe/sewang.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
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{{ genNav(Navigation, URL, 15)|raw }}
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{{ if !EUCookieLaw && URL.String() == ""}}<div id="cookie-warning"><span id="cookie-warning-close" class="close">×</span>{{ T("cookie_warning")|raw }}</div>{{ end }}
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