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akuma06 a41f938cec Add Godep support (#758)
As we have seen, dependencies version can prevent the build. We should
user lock versions on dependencies that we know work:
* Packages are vendored
* Add Godep support
* Added addtional install step in readme
* Fix travis build error
2017-05-26 13:07:22 +02:00

46 lignes
1,3 Kio

package slices
import (
// Returns a copy of all the elements of slice []T as a slice of interface{}.
func ToEmptyInterface(slice interface{}) (ret []interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
l := v.Len()
ret = make([]interface{}, 0, l)
for i := range iter.N(v.Len()) {
ret = append(ret, v.Index(i).Interface())
// Makes and sets a slice at *ptrTo, and type asserts all the elements from
// from to it.
func MakeInto(ptrTo interface{}, from interface{}) {
fromSliceValue := reflect.ValueOf(from)
fromLen := fromSliceValue.Len()
if fromLen == 0 {
// Deref the pointer to slice.
slicePtrValue := reflect.ValueOf(ptrTo)
if slicePtrValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic("destination is not a pointer")
destSliceValue := slicePtrValue.Elem()
// The type of the elements of the destination slice.
destSliceElemType := destSliceValue.Type().Elem()
destSliceValue.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(destSliceValue.Type(), fromLen, fromLen))
for i := range iter.N(fromSliceValue.Len()) {
// The value inside the interface in the slice element.
itemValue := fromSliceValue.Index(i)
if itemValue.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
itemValue = itemValue.Elem()
convertedItem := itemValue.Convert(destSliceElemType)