* Gofmt friendly Keeping Go source code in line with what they preconize * Golint Friendly Next So I have made some variables unexported Added comments in every function that I know what it does Removed some deprecated stuff that I was sure of Added a comment on possible deprecated methods "Is it deprecated?" Changed some variable/method name according to golint recommendations * Update filelist.go
112 lignes
2,7 Kio
112 lignes
2,7 Kio
package database
import (
// Database obstraction layer
type Database interface {
// Initialize internal state
Init() error
// return true if we need to call MigrateNext again
NeedsMigrate() (bool, error)
// migrate to next database revision
MigrateNext() error
// get torrents given parameters
GetTorrentsWhere(param *common.TorrentParam) ([]model.Torrent, error)
// insert new comment
InsertComment(comment *model.Comment) error
// new torrent report
InsertTorrentReport(report *model.TorrentReport) error
// check if user A follows B (by id)
UserFollows(a, b uint32) (bool, error)
// delete reports given params
DeleteTorrentReportsWhere(param *common.ReportParam) (uint32, error)
// get reports given params
GetTorrentReportsWhere(param *common.ReportParam) ([]model.TorrentReport, error)
// bulk record scrape events in 1 transaction
RecordScrapes(scrapes []common.ScrapeResult) error
// insert new user
InsertUser(u *model.User) error
// update existing user info
UpdateUser(u *model.User) error
// get users given paramteters
GetUsersWhere(param *common.UserParam) ([]model.User, error)
// delete many users given parameters
DeleteUsersWhere(param *common.UserParam) (uint32, error)
// get comments by given parameters
GetCommentsWhere(param *common.CommentParam) ([]model.Comment, error)
// delete comment by given parameters
DeleteCommentsWhere(param *common.CommentParam) (uint32, error)
// add user A following B
AddUserFollowing(a, b uint32) error
// delete user A following B
DeleteUserFollowing(a, b uint32) (bool, error)
// insert/update torrent
UpsertTorrent(t *model.Torrent) error
// XXX: add more as needed
var errInvalidDatabaseDialect = errors.New("invalid database dialect")
var errSqliteSucksAss = errors.New("sqlite3 sucks ass so it's not supported yet")
// Impl : Database variable
var Impl Database
// Configure : Configure Database
func Configure(conf *config.Config) (err error) {
switch conf.DBType {
case "postgres":
Impl, err = postgres.New(conf.DBParams)
case "sqlite3":
err = errSqliteSucksAss
// Impl, err = sqlite.New(conf.DBParams)
err = errInvalidDatabaseDialect
if err == nil {
log.Infof("Init %s database", conf.DBType)
err = Impl.Init()
// Migrate migrates the database to latest revision, call after Configure
func Migrate() (err error) {
next := true
for err == nil && next {
next, err = Impl.NeedsMigrate()
if next {
err = Impl.MigrateNext()