355 lignes
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355 lignes
12 Kio
package torrentService
import (
/* Function to interact with Models
* Get the torrents with where clause
// GetTorrentByID : get a torrent with its id
func GetTorrentByID(id string) (torrent model.Torrent, err error) {
// Postgres DB integer size is 32-bit
idInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(id, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
tmp := db.ORM.Where("torrent_id = ?", id).Preload("Scrape").Preload("Comments")
if idInt > int64(config.Conf.Models.LastOldTorrentID) {
tmp = tmp.Preload("FileList")
if idInt <= int64(config.Conf.Models.LastOldTorrentID) && !config.IsSukebei() {
// only preload old comments if they could actually exist
tmp = tmp.Preload("OldComments")
err = tmp.Error
if err != nil {
if tmp.Find(&torrent).RecordNotFound() {
err = errors.New("Article is not found")
// GORM relly likes not doing its job correctly
// (or maybe I'm just retarded)
torrent.Uploader = new(model.User)
db.ORM.Where("user_id = ?", torrent.UploaderID).Find(torrent.Uploader)
torrent.OldUploader = ""
if torrent.ID <= config.Conf.Models.LastOldTorrentID && torrent.UploaderID == 0 {
var tmp model.UserUploadsOld
if !db.ORM.Where("torrent_id = ?", torrent.ID).Find(&tmp).RecordNotFound() {
torrent.OldUploader = tmp.Username
for i := range torrent.Comments {
torrent.Comments[i].User = new(model.User)
err = db.ORM.Where("user_id = ?", torrent.Comments[i].UserID).Find(torrent.Comments[i].User).Error
if err != nil {
// GetRawTorrentByID : Get torrent with id without user or comments
// won't fetch user or comments
func GetRawTorrentByID(id uint) (torrent model.Torrent, err error) {
err = nil
if db.ORM.Where("torrent_id = ?", id).Find(&torrent).RecordNotFound() {
err = errors.New("Torrent is not found")
// GetRawTorrentByHash : Get torrent with id without user or comments
// won't fetch user or comments
func GetRawTorrentByHash(hash string) (torrent model.Torrent, err error) {
err = nil
if db.ORM.Where("torrent_hash = ?", hash).Find(&torrent).RecordNotFound() {
err = errors.New("Torrent is not found")
// GetTorrentsOrderByNoCount : Get torrents based on search without counting and user
func GetTorrentsOrderByNoCount(parameters *serviceBase.WhereParams, orderBy string, limit int, offset int) (torrents []model.Torrent, err error) {
torrents, _, err = getTorrentsOrderBy(parameters, orderBy, limit, offset, false, false, false)
// GetTorrentsOrderBy : Get torrents based on search without user
func GetTorrentsOrderBy(parameters *serviceBase.WhereParams, orderBy string, limit int, offset int) (torrents []model.Torrent, count int, err error) {
torrents, count, err = getTorrentsOrderBy(parameters, orderBy, limit, offset, true, false, false)
// GetTorrentsWithUserOrderBy : Get torrents based on search with user
func GetTorrentsWithUserOrderBy(parameters *serviceBase.WhereParams, orderBy string, limit int, offset int) (torrents []model.Torrent, count int, err error) {
torrents, count, err = getTorrentsOrderBy(parameters, orderBy, limit, offset, true, true, false)
func getTorrentsOrderBy(parameters *serviceBase.WhereParams, orderBy string, limit int, offset int, countAll bool, withUser bool, deleted bool) (
torrents []model.Torrent, count int, err error,
) {
var conditionArray []string
var params []interface{}
if parameters != nil { // if there is where parameters
if len(parameters.Conditions) > 0 {
conditionArray = append(conditionArray, parameters.Conditions)
params = parameters.Params
if !deleted {
conditionArray = append(conditionArray, "deleted_at IS NULL")
} else {
conditionArray = append(conditionArray, "deleted_at NOT NULL")
conditions := strings.Join(conditionArray, " AND ")
if countAll {
err = db.ORM.Unscoped().Model(&torrents).Where(conditions, params...).Count(&count).Error
if err != nil {
// build custom db query for performance reasons
dbQuery := "SELECT * FROM " + config.Conf.Models.TorrentsTableName
if conditions != "" {
dbQuery = dbQuery + " WHERE " + conditions
if orderBy == "" { // default OrderBy
orderBy = "torrent_id DESC"
dbQuery = dbQuery + " ORDER BY " + orderBy
if limit != 0 || offset != 0 { // if limits provided
dbQuery = dbQuery + " LIMIT " + strconv.Itoa(limit) + " OFFSET " + strconv.Itoa(offset)
dbQ := db.ORM.Preload("Scrape")
if withUser {
dbQ = dbQ.Preload("Uploader")
if countAll {
dbQ = dbQ.Preload("Comments")
err = dbQ.Preload("FileList").Raw(dbQuery, params...).Find(&torrents).Error
// GetTorrents obtain a list of torrents matching 'parameters' from the
// database. The list will be of length 'limit' and in default order.
// GetTorrents returns the first records found. Later records may be retrieved
// by providing a positive 'offset'
func GetTorrents(parameters serviceBase.WhereParams, limit int, offset int) ([]model.Torrent, int, error) {
return GetTorrentsOrderBy(¶meters, "", limit, offset)
// GetTorrentsDB : Get Torrents with where parameters but no limit and order by default (get all the torrents corresponding in the db)
func GetTorrentsDB(parameters serviceBase.WhereParams) ([]model.Torrent, int, error) {
return GetTorrentsOrderBy(¶meters, "", 0, 0)
// GetAllTorrentsOrderBy : Get all torrents ordered by parameters
func GetAllTorrentsOrderBy(orderBy string, limit int, offset int) ([]model.Torrent, int, error) {
return GetTorrentsOrderBy(nil, orderBy, limit, offset)
// GetAllTorrents : Get all torrents without order
func GetAllTorrents(limit int, offset int) ([]model.Torrent, int, error) {
return GetTorrentsOrderBy(nil, "", limit, offset)
// GetAllTorrentsDB : Get all torrents
func GetAllTorrentsDB() ([]model.Torrent, int, error) {
return GetTorrentsOrderBy(nil, "", 0, 0)
// DeleteTorrent : delete a torrent based on id
func DeleteTorrent(id string) (*model.Torrent, int, error) {
var torrent model.Torrent
if db.ORM.First(&torrent, id).RecordNotFound() {
return &torrent, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("Torrent is not found")
if db.ORM.Delete(&torrent).Error != nil {
return &torrent, http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("Torrent was not deleted")
if db.ElasticSearchClient != nil {
err := torrent.DeleteFromESIndex(db.ElasticSearchClient)
if err == nil {
log.Infof("Successfully deleted torrent to ES index.")
} else {
log.Errorf("Unable to delete torrent to ES index: %s", err)
return &torrent, http.StatusOK, nil
// DefinitelyDeleteTorrent : deletes definitely a torrent based on id
func DefinitelyDeleteTorrent(id string) (*model.Torrent, int, error) {
var torrent model.Torrent
if db.ORM.Unscoped().Model(&torrent).First(&torrent, id).RecordNotFound() {
return &torrent, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("Torrent is not found")
if db.ORM.Unscoped().Model(&torrent).Delete(&torrent).Error != nil {
return &torrent, http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("Torrent was not deleted")
if db.ElasticSearchClient != nil {
err := torrent.DeleteFromESIndex(db.ElasticSearchClient)
if err == nil {
log.Infof("Successfully deleted torrent to ES index.")
} else {
log.Errorf("Unable to delete torrent to ES index: %s", err)
return &torrent, http.StatusOK, nil
// ToggleBlockTorrent ; Lock/Unlock a torrent based on id
func ToggleBlockTorrent(id string) (model.Torrent, int, error) {
var torrent model.Torrent
if db.ORM.Unscoped().Model(&torrent).First(&torrent, id).RecordNotFound() {
return torrent, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("Torrent is not found")
if torrent.Status == model.TorrentStatusBlocked {
torrent.Status = model.TorrentStatusNormal
} else {
torrent.Status = model.TorrentStatusBlocked
if db.ORM.Unscoped().Model(&torrent).UpdateColumn(&torrent).Error != nil {
return torrent, http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("Torrent was not updated")
return torrent, http.StatusOK, nil
// UpdateTorrent : Update a torrent based on model
func UpdateTorrent(torrent *model.Torrent) (int, error) {
if db.ORM.Model(torrent).UpdateColumn(torrent).Error != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("Torrent was not updated")
// TODO Don't create a new client for each request
if db.ElasticSearchClient != nil {
err := torrent.AddToESIndex(db.ElasticSearchClient)
if err == nil {
log.Infof("Successfully updated torrent to ES index.")
} else {
log.Errorf("Unable to update torrent to ES index: %s", err)
return http.StatusOK, nil
// UpdateUnscopeTorrent : Update a torrent based on model
func UpdateUnscopeTorrent(torrent *model.Torrent) (int, error) {
if db.ORM.Unscoped().Model(torrent).UpdateColumn(torrent).Error != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("Torrent was not updated")
// TODO Don't create a new client for each request
if db.ElasticSearchClient != nil {
err := torrent.AddToESIndex(db.ElasticSearchClient)
if err == nil {
log.Infof("Successfully updated torrent to ES index.")
} else {
log.Errorf("Unable to update torrent to ES index: %s", err)
return http.StatusOK, nil
// GetDeletedTorrents : Gets deleted torrents based on search params
func GetDeletedTorrents(parameters *serviceBase.WhereParams, orderBy string, limit int, offset int) (torrents []model.Torrent, count int, err error) {
torrents, count, err = getTorrentsOrderBy(parameters, orderBy, limit, offset, true, true, true)
// ExistOrDelete : Check if a torrent exist with the same hash and if it can be replaced, it is replaced
func ExistOrDelete(hash string, user *model.User) error {
torrentIndb := model.Torrent{}
db.ORM.Unscoped().Model(&model.Torrent{}).Where("torrent_hash = ?", hash).First(&torrentIndb)
if torrentIndb.ID > 0 {
if userPermission.CurrentUserIdentical(user, torrentIndb.UploaderID) && torrentIndb.IsDeleted() && !torrentIndb.IsBlocked() { // if torrent is not locked and is deleted and the user is the actual owner
torrent, _, err := DefinitelyDeleteTorrent(strconv.Itoa(int(torrentIndb.ID)))
if err != nil {
return err
activity.Log(&model.User{}, torrent.Identifier(), "delete", "torrent_deleted_by", strconv.Itoa(int(torrent.ID)), torrent.Uploader.Username, user.Username)
} else {
return errors.New("Torrent already in database")
return nil
// NewTorrentEvent : Should be called when you create a new torrent
func NewTorrentEvent(router *mux.Router, user *model.User, torrent *model.Torrent) error {
url, err := router.Get("view_torrent").URL("id", strconv.FormatUint(uint64(torrent.ID), 10))
if err != nil {
return err
if user.ID > 0 && config.Conf.Users.DefaultUserSettings["new_torrent"] { // If we are a member and notifications for new torrents are enabled
userService.GetFollowers(user) // We populate the liked field for users
if len(user.Followers) > 0 { // If we are followed by at least someone
for _, follower := range user.Followers {
follower.ParseSettings() // We need to call it before checking settings
if follower.Settings.Get("new_torrent") {
T, _, _ := publicSettings.TfuncAndLanguageWithFallback(follower.Language, follower.Language) // We need to send the notification to every user in their language
notifierService.NotifyUser(&follower, torrent.Identifier(), fmt.Sprintf(T("new_torrent_uploaded"), torrent.Name, user.Username), url.String(), follower.Settings.Get("new_torrent_email"))
return nil
// HideTorrentUser : hides a torrent user for hidden torrents
func HideTorrentUser(uploaderID uint, uploaderName string, torrentHidden bool) (uint, string) {
if torrentHidden {
return 0, "れんちょん"
if uploaderID == 0 {
return 0, uploaderName
return uploaderID, uploaderName
// TorrentsToAPI : Map Torrents for API usage without reallocations
func TorrentsToAPI(t []model.Torrent) []model.TorrentJSON {
json := make([]model.TorrentJSON, len(t))
for i := range t {
json[i] = t[i].ToJSON()
uploaderID, username := HideTorrentUser(json[i].UploaderID, string(json[i].UploaderName), json[i].Hidden)
json[i].UploaderName = template.HTML(username)
json[i].UploaderID = uploaderID
return json