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2017-06-23 12:45:48 +02:00

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<title>{{if Sukebei}}Sukebei{{else}}Nyaa{{end}} Pantsu - {{block "title" .}}{{ call $.T "error_404" }}{{end}}</title>
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{{ block "additional_header" .}}{{end}}
<body {{if Sukebei}}class="sukebei"{{end}}>
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<a href="{{.URL.Parse "/upload"}}" class="nav-btn"><div class="icon-upload visible-md"></div><span class="hide-md">{{ call $.T "upload" }}</span></a>
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<a href="{{.URL.Parse "/faq"}}" class="nav-btn"><div class="icon-help-circled visible-md"></div><span class="hide-md">{{ call $.T "faq" }}</span></a>
{{if Sukebei}}
<a href="{{.Config.WebAddress.Nyaa}}" class="nav-btn"><div class="icon-heart visible-md"></div><span class="hide-md">{{ call $.T "fun" }}</span></a>
<a href="{{.Config.WebAddress.Sukebei}}" class="nav-btn"><div class="icon-heart visible-md"></div><span class="hide-md">{{ call $.T "fap" }}</span></a>
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{{block "badge_user" .}}{{end}}
<div class="h-search">
<form role="search" action="/search" method="get">
{{block "search_common" .}}{{end}}
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{{block "content" .}}{{call $.T "nothing_here"}}{{end}}
{{ block "mascot" .}}
{{if ne .Mascot "hide"}}
<div id="mascot" class="hide-xs{{if ne .MascotURL ""}} custom-mascot{{end}}" onclick="playVoice();" {{if ne .MascotURL ""}}style="background-image: url('{{.MascotURL}}');"{{end}}></div>
{{/* Only play the sounds with the default mascot */}}
{{ if eq .MascotURL "" }}
{{ if Sukebei }}
<audio id="kawaii" hidden preload="none">
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
{{ if eq .Theme "tomorrow" }}
<audio id="explosion" hidden preload="none">
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
{{ else }}
<audio id="nyanpassu" hidden preload="none">
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
<div class="pagination">
{{ genNav .Navigation .URL 15 }}
<footer id="footer">
<div class="container footer center">
<div class="footer-opt">
<p><a href="/settings">{{ call $.T "change_settings" }}</a></p>
<span><i>Powered by <a href="#">Nyaa Pantsu</a> v{{ .Config.Version }} - commit <a href="{{ .Config.Build }}">{{ .Config.Build }}</a></i></span>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="{{.URL.Parse "/js/main.js"}}?v={{ .Config.Version }}{{ .Config.Build }}" async></script>
{{ block "footer_js" .}}{{end}}