* Megacheck friendly applied megacheck and fixed some unwanted behaviour (markdown) * Forgot this file * Captcha Audio Should make #993 happen * Fix style issue in comments * Added margin auto and width on input * Moved width on captcha div instead * fixing width issue with audio tag * Captcha final style fix
432 lignes
14 Kio
432 lignes
14 Kio
package userService
import (
formStruct "github.com/NyaaPantsu/nyaa/service/user/form"
msg "github.com/NyaaPantsu/nyaa/util/messages"
// NewCurrentUserRetriever create CurrentUserRetriever Struct for languages
func NewCurrentUserRetriever() *CurrentUserRetriever {
return &CurrentUserRetriever{}
// CurrentUserRetriever struct for languages
type CurrentUserRetriever struct{}
// RetrieveCurrentUser retrieve current user for languages
func (*CurrentUserRetriever) RetrieveCurrentUser(r *http.Request) (model.User, error) {
user, _, err := RetrieveCurrentUser(r)
return user, err
// SuggestUsername suggest user's name if user's name already occupied.
func SuggestUsername(username string) string {
var count int
var usernameCandidate string
db.ORM.Model(model.User{}).Where(&model.User{Username: username}).Count(&count)
log.Debugf("count Before : %d", count)
if count == 0 {
return username
var postfix int
for {
usernameCandidate = username + strconv.Itoa(postfix)
log.Debugf("usernameCandidate: %s\n", usernameCandidate)
db.ORM.Model(model.User{}).Where(&model.User{Username: usernameCandidate}).Count(&count)
log.Debugf("count after : %d\n", count)
postfix = postfix + 1
if count == 0 {
return usernameCandidate
// CheckEmail : check if email is in database
func CheckEmail(email string) bool {
if len(email) == 0 {
return false
var count int
db.ORM.Model(model.User{}).Where("email = ?", email).Count(&count)
return count != 0
// CreateUserFromForm creates a user from a registration form.
func CreateUserFromForm(registrationForm formStruct.RegistrationForm) (model.User, error) {
var user model.User
log.Debugf("registrationForm %+v\n", registrationForm)
modelHelper.AssignValue(&user, ®istrationForm)
if user.Email == "" {
user.MD5 = ""
} else {
// Despite the email not being verified yet we calculate this for convenience reasons
var err error
user.MD5, err = crypto.GenerateMD5Hash(user.Email)
if err != nil {
return user, err
user.Email = "" // unset email because it will be verified later
user.CreatedAt = time.Now()
// User settings to default
// currently unused but needs to be set:
user.APIToken, _ = crypto.GenerateRandomToken32()
user.APITokenExpiry = time.Unix(0, 0)
if db.ORM.Create(&user).Error != nil {
return user, errors.New("user not created")
return user, nil
// CreateUser creates a user.
func CreateUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
var user model.User
var registrationForm formStruct.RegistrationForm
var status int
var err error
modelHelper.BindValueForm(®istrationForm, r)
usernameCandidate := SuggestUsername(registrationForm.Username)
if usernameCandidate != registrationForm.Username {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Errorf("Username already taken, you can choose: %s", usernameCandidate)
if registrationForm.Email != "" && CheckEmail(registrationForm.Email) {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("email address already in database")
password, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(registrationForm.Password), 10)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
registrationForm.Password = string(password)
user, err = CreateUserFromForm(registrationForm)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
if registrationForm.Email != "" {
SendVerificationToUser(user, registrationForm.Email)
status, err = RegisterHandler(w, r)
return status, err
// RetrieveUser retrieves a user.
func RetrieveUser(r *http.Request, id string) (*model.PublicUser, bool, uint, int, error) {
var user model.User
var currentUserID uint
var isAuthor bool
if db.ORM.First(&user, id).RecordNotFound() {
return nil, isAuthor, currentUserID, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("user not found")
currentUser, err := CurrentUser(r)
if err == nil {
currentUserID = currentUser.ID
isAuthor = currentUser.ID == user.ID
return &model.PublicUser{User: &user}, isAuthor, currentUserID, http.StatusOK, nil
// RetrieveUsers retrieves users.
func RetrieveUsers() []*model.PublicUser {
var users []*model.User
var userArr []*model.PublicUser
for _, user := range users {
userArr = append(userArr, &model.PublicUser{User: user})
return userArr
// UpdateUserCore updates a user. (Applying the modifed data of user).
func UpdateUserCore(user *model.User) (int, error) {
if user.Email == "" {
user.MD5 = ""
} else {
var err error
user.MD5, err = crypto.GenerateMD5Hash(user.Email)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
user.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
err := db.ORM.Save(user).Error
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
return http.StatusOK, nil
// UpdateRawUser : Function to update a user without updating his associations model
func UpdateRawUser(user *model.User) (int, error) {
user.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
err := db.ORM.Model(&user).UpdateColumn(&user).Error
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
return http.StatusOK, nil
// UpdateUser updates a user.
func UpdateUser(w http.ResponseWriter, form *formStruct.UserForm, formSet *formStruct.UserSettingsForm, currentUser *model.User, id string) (model.User, int, error) {
var user model.User
if db.ORM.First(&user, id).RecordNotFound() {
return user, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("user not found")
if form.Password != "" {
err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(user.Password), []byte(form.CurrentPassword))
if err != nil && !userPermission.HasAdmin(currentUser) {
log.Error("Password Incorrect.")
return user, http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("password incorrect")
newPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(form.Password), 10)
if err != nil {
return user, http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("password not generated")
form.Password = string(newPassword)
} else { // Then no change of password
form.Password = user.Password
if !userPermission.HasAdmin(currentUser) { // We don't want users to be able to modify some fields
form.Status = user.Status
form.Username = user.Username
if form.Email != user.Email {
// send verification to new email and keep old
SendVerificationToUser(user, form.Email)
form.Email = user.Email
log.Debugf("form %+v\n", form)
modelHelper.AssignValue(&user, form)
// We set settings here
user.Settings.Set("new_torrent", formSet.NewTorrent)
user.Settings.Set("new_torrent_email", formSet.NewTorrentEmail)
user.Settings.Set("new_comment", formSet.NewComment)
user.Settings.Set("new_comment_email", formSet.NewCommentEmail)
user.Settings.Set("new_responses", formSet.NewResponses)
user.Settings.Set("new_responses_email", formSet.NewResponsesEmail)
user.Settings.Set("new_follower", formSet.NewFollower)
user.Settings.Set("new_follower_email", formSet.NewFollowerEmail)
user.Settings.Set("followed", formSet.Followed)
user.Settings.Set("followed_email", formSet.FollowedEmail)
status, err := UpdateUserCore(&user)
return user, status, err
// DeleteUser deletes a user.
func DeleteUser(w http.ResponseWriter, currentUser *model.User, id string) (int, error) {
var user model.User
if db.ORM.First(&user, id).RecordNotFound() {
return http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("user not found")
if user.ID == 0 {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("You can't delete that")
if db.ORM.Delete(&user).Error != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("user not deleted")
if userPermission.CurrentUserIdentical(currentUser, user.ID) {
return ClearCookie(w)
return http.StatusOK, nil
// RetrieveCurrentUser retrieves a current user.
func RetrieveCurrentUser(r *http.Request) (model.User, int, error) {
user, err := CurrentUser(r)
if err != nil {
return user, http.StatusInternalServerError, err
return user, http.StatusOK, nil
// RetrieveUserByEmail retrieves a user by an email
func RetrieveUserByEmail(email string) (*model.User, string, int, error) {
var user model.User
if db.ORM.Unscoped().Where("email = ?", email).First(&user).RecordNotFound() {
return &user, email, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("user not found")
return &user, email, http.StatusOK, nil
// RetrieveUserByAPIToken retrieves a user by an API token
func RetrieveUserByAPIToken(apiToken string) (*model.User, string, int, error) {
var user model.User
if db.ORM.Unscoped().Where("api_token = ?", apiToken).First(&user).RecordNotFound() {
return &user, apiToken, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("user not found")
return &user, apiToken, http.StatusOK, nil
// RetrieveUserByAPITokenAndName retrieves a user by an API token and his username
func RetrieveUserByAPITokenAndName(apiToken string, username string) (*model.User, string, string, int, error) {
var user model.User
if db.ORM.Unscoped().Where("api_token = ? AND username = ?", apiToken, username).First(&user).RecordNotFound() {
return &user, apiToken, username, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("user not found")
return &user, apiToken, username, http.StatusOK, nil
// RetrieveUsersByEmail retrieves users by an email
func RetrieveUsersByEmail(email string) []*model.User {
var users []*model.User
db.ORM.Where("email = ?", email).Find(&users)
return users
// RetrieveUserByUsername retrieves a user by username.
func RetrieveUserByUsername(username string) (*model.User, string, int, error) {
var user model.User
if db.ORM.Where("username = ?", username).First(&user).RecordNotFound() {
return &user, username, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("user not found")
return &user, username, http.StatusOK, nil
// RetrieveOldUploadsByUsername retrieves olduploads by username
func RetrieveOldUploadsByUsername(username string) ([]uint, error) {
var ret []uint
var tmp []*model.UserUploadsOld
err := db.ORM.Where("username = ?", username).Find(&tmp).Error
if err != nil {
return ret, err
for _, tmp2 := range tmp {
ret = append(ret, tmp2.TorrentID)
return ret, nil
// RetrieveUserForAdmin retrieves a user for an administrator.
func RetrieveUserForAdmin(id string) (model.User, int, error) {
var user model.User
if db.ORM.Preload("Notifications").Preload("Torrents").Last(&user, id).RecordNotFound() {
return user, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("user not found")
var liked, likings []model.User
db.ORM.Joins("JOIN user_follows on user_follows.user_id=?", user.ID).Where("users.user_id = user_follows.following").Group("users.user_id").Find(&likings)
db.ORM.Joins("JOIN user_follows on user_follows.following=?", user.ID).Where("users.user_id = user_follows.user_id").Group("users.user_id").Find(&liked)
user.Followers = likings
user.Likings = liked
return user, http.StatusOK, nil
// RetrieveUsersForAdmin retrieves users for an administrator.
func RetrieveUsersForAdmin(limit int, offset int) ([]model.User, int) {
var users []model.User
var nbUsers int
return users, nbUsers
// GetLikings : Gets who is followed by the user
func GetLikings(user *model.User) *model.User {
var liked []model.User
db.ORM.Joins("JOIN user_follows on user_follows.following=?", user.ID).Where("users.user_id = user_follows.user_id").Group("users.user_id").Find(&liked)
user.Likings = liked
return user
// GetFollowers : Gets who is following the user
func GetFollowers(user *model.User) *model.User {
var likings []model.User
db.ORM.Joins("JOIN user_follows on user_follows.user_id=?", user.ID).Where("users.user_id = user_follows.following").Group("users.user_id").Find(&likings)
user.Followers = likings
return user
// CreateUserAuthentication creates user authentication.
func CreateUserAuthentication(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, error) {
var form formStruct.LoginForm
modelHelper.BindValueForm(&form, r)
user, status, err := CreateUserAuthenticationAPI(r, &form)
if err != nil {
return status, err
status, err = SetCookieHandler(w, r, user)
return status, err
// CreateUserAuthenticationAPI creates user authentication.
func CreateUserAuthenticationAPI(r *http.Request, form *formStruct.LoginForm) (model.User, int, error) {
username := form.Username
pass := form.Password
user, status, err := checkAuth(r, username, pass)
return user, status, err
func checkAuth(r *http.Request, email string, pass string) (model.User, int, error) {
var user model.User
if email == "" || pass == "" {
return user, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("No username/password entered")
messages := msg.GetMessages(r)
// search by email or username
isValidEmail := formStruct.EmailValidation(email, messages)
messages.ClearErrors("email") // We need to clear the error added on messages
if isValidEmail {
if db.ORM.Where("email = ?", email).First(&user).RecordNotFound() {
return user, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("User not found")
} else {
if db.ORM.Where("username = ?", email).First(&user).RecordNotFound() {
return user, http.StatusNotFound, errors.New("User not found")
err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(user.Password), []byte(pass))
if err != nil {
return user, http.StatusUnauthorized, errors.New("Password incorrect")
if user.IsBanned() {
return user, http.StatusUnauthorized, errors.New("Account banned")
if user.IsScraped() {
return user, http.StatusUnauthorized, errors.New("Account need activation from Moderators, please contact us")
return user, http.StatusOK, nil
// SetFollow : Makes a user follow another
func SetFollow(user *model.User, follower *model.User) {
if follower.ID > 0 && user.ID > 0 {
var userFollows = model.UserFollows{UserID: user.ID, FollowerID: follower.ID}
// RemoveFollow : Remove a user following another
func RemoveFollow(user *model.User, follower *model.User) {
if follower.ID > 0 && user.ID > 0 {
var userFollows = model.UserFollows{UserID: user.ID, FollowerID: follower.ID}