Bifurcation 0
Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
Miiiiaaooooo 25e6fe2942 Ads enabled settings, ads in FAQ, ads actually in code (#1493)
* Update base.jet.html

* Remove inline styling, put whole thing into a div instead of center to be able to move it at other places at will

* Move inline styling in there & some adjustements that will need further tweaking

* Add GetAdsEnabledFromRequest() function

* Ads Enabled global var

* Need to add global var in test file for it to work properly

* AdEnabled handler in settings

* Create AdsEnabled var for users

* Check if user wants to hide ads

* change var name

* change var name

* change var name

* change var name

* var name changes

* Add ad enabled settings & put each indiviidual setting into a span

* add |raw

* add translation strings

* add ads to faq

* Remove <br> and add faq link

* Fix travis

* Fix wrong condition check

* exclude aldColors & hideAds cookie from deletion

* remove useless things

* Fix template_test.go

* No idea why that part got removed

* Forgot }}

* lower padding for ad container
2017-09-04 21:48:47 +10:00

425 lignes
12 Kio

package models
import (
const (
// UserStatusBanned : Int for User status banned
UserStatusBanned = -1
// UserStatusMember : Int for User status member
UserStatusMember = 0
// UserStatusTrusted : Int for User status trusted
UserStatusTrusted = 1
// UserStatusModerator : Int for User status moderator
UserStatusModerator = 2
// UserStatusScraped : Int for User status scrapped
UserStatusScraped = 3
// User model
type User struct {
ID uint `gorm:"column:user_id;primary_key"`
Username string `gorm:"column:username;unique"`
Password string `gorm:"column:password"`
Email string `gorm:"column:email;unique"`
Status int `gorm:"column:status"`
CreatedAt time.Time `gorm:"column:created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `gorm:"column:updated_at"`
APIToken string `gorm:"column:api_token"`
APITokenExpiry time.Time `gorm:"column:api_token_expiry"`
Language string `gorm:"column:language"`
Theme string `gorm:"column:theme"`
AltColors string `gorm:"column:alt_colors"`
HideAds string `gorm:"column:hide_ads"`
Mascot string `gorm:"column:mascot"`
MascotURL string `gorm:"column:mascot_url"`
UserSettings string `gorm:"column:settings"`
Pantsu float64 `gorm:"column:pantsu"`
// TODO: move this to PublicUser
Followers []User // Don't work `gorm:"foreignkey:user_id;associationforeignkey:follower_id;many2many:user_follows"`
Likings []User // Don't work `gorm:"foreignkey:follower_id;associationforeignkey:user_id;many2many:user_follows"`
MD5 string `json:"md5" gorm:"column:md5"` // Hash of email address, used for Gravatar
Torrents []Torrent `gorm:"ForeignKey:UploaderID"`
Notifications []Notification `gorm:"ForeignKey:UserID"`
UnreadNotifications int `gorm:"-"` // We don't want to loop every notifications when accessing user unread notif
Settings UserSettings `gorm:"-"` // We don't want to load settings everytime, stock it as a string, parse it when needed
Tags Tags `gorm:"-"` // We load tags only when viewing a torrent
// UserJSON : User model conversion in JSON
type UserJSON struct {
ID uint `json:"user_id"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Status int `json:"status"`
APIToken string `json:"token,omitempty"`
MD5 string `json:"md5"`
CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"`
LikingCount int `json:"liking_count"`
LikedCount int `json:"liked_count"`
// UserFollows association table : different users following eachother
type UserFollows struct {
UserID uint `gorm:"column:user_id"`
FollowerID uint `gorm:"column:following"`
// UserUploadsOld model : Is it deprecated?
type UserUploadsOld struct {
Username string `gorm:"column:username"`
TorrentID uint `gorm:"column:torrent_id"`
// UserSettings : Struct for user settings, not a model
type UserSettings struct {
Settings map[string]bool `json:"settings"`
* User Model
// Size : Returns the total size of memory recursively allocated for this struct
func (u User) Size() (s int) {
s += 4 + // ints
6*2 + // string pointers
4*3 + //time.Time
3*2 + // arrays
// string arrays
len(u.Username) + len(u.Password) + len(u.Email) + len(u.APIToken) + len(u.MD5) + len(u.Language) + len(u.Theme)
s *= 8
// Ignoring foreign key users. Fuck them.
// IsBanned : Return true if user is banned
func (u *User) IsBanned() bool {
return u.Status == UserStatusBanned
// IsMember : Return true if user is member
func (u *User) IsMember() bool {
return u.Status == UserStatusMember
// IsTrusted : Return true if user is tusted
func (u *User) IsTrusted() bool {
return u.Status == UserStatusTrusted
// IsModerator : Return true if user is moderator
func (u *User) IsModerator() bool {
return u.Status == UserStatusModerator
// IsScraped : Return true if user is a scrapped user
func (u *User) IsScraped() bool {
return u.Status == UserStatusScraped
// GetUnreadNotifications : Get unread notifications from a user
func (u *User) GetUnreadNotifications() int {
if u.UnreadNotifications == 0 {
for _, notif := range u.Notifications {
if !notif.Read {
return u.UnreadNotifications
// HasAdmin checks that user has an admin permission. Deprecated
func (u *User) HasAdmin() bool {
return u.IsModerator()
// CurrentOrAdmin check that user has admin permission or user is the current user.
func (u *User) CurrentOrAdmin(userID uint) bool {
if userID == 0 && !u.IsModerator() {
return false
log.Debugf("user.ID == userID %d %d %s", u.ID, userID, u.ID == userID)
return (u.IsModerator() || u.ID == userID)
// CurrentUserIdentical check that userID is same as current user's ID.
// TODO: Inline this (won't go do this for us?)
func (u *User) CurrentUserIdentical(userID uint) bool {
return u.ID == userID
// NeedsCaptcha : Check if a user needs captcha
func (u *User) NeedsCaptcha() bool {
// Trusted members & Moderators don't
return !(u.IsTrusted() || u.IsModerator())
// CanUpload : Check if a user can upload or if upload is enabled in config
func (u *User) CanUpload() bool {
if config.Get().Torrents.UploadsDisabled {
if config.Get().Torrents.AdminsAreStillAllowedTo && u.IsModerator() {
return true
if config.Get().Torrents.TrustedUsersAreStillAllowedTo && u.IsTrusted() {
return true
return false
return true
// GetRole : Get the status/role of a user
func (u *User) GetRole() string {
switch u.Status {
case UserStatusBanned:
return "Banned"
case UserStatusMember:
return "Member"
case UserStatusScraped:
return "Member"
case UserStatusTrusted:
return "Trusted Member"
case UserStatusModerator:
return "Moderator"
return "Member"
// IsFollower : Check if a user is following another
func (follower *User) IsFollower(u *User) bool {
var likingUserCount int
ORM.Model(&UserFollows{}).Where("user_id = ? and following = ?", follower.ID, u.ID).Count(&likingUserCount)
return likingUserCount != 0
// ToJSON : Conversion of a user model to json
func (u *User) ToJSON() UserJSON {
json := UserJSON{
ID: u.ID,
Username: u.Username,
APIToken: u.APIToken,
MD5: u.MD5,
Status: u.Status,
CreatedAt: u.CreatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339),
LikingCount: len(u.Followers),
LikedCount: len(u.Likings),
return json
// GetLikings : Gets who is followed by the user
func (u *User) GetLikings() {
var liked []User
ORM.Joins("JOIN user_follows on user_follows.following=?", u.ID).Where("users.user_id = user_follows.user_id").Group("users.user_id").Find(&liked)
u.Likings = liked
// GetFollowers : Gets who is following the user
func (u *User) GetFollowers() {
var likings []User
ORM.Joins("JOIN user_follows on user_follows.user_id=?", u.ID).Where("users.user_id = user_follows.following").Group("users.user_id").Find(&likings)
u.Followers = likings
// SetFollow : Makes a user follow another
func (u *User) SetFollow(follower *User) {
if follower.ID > 0 && u.ID > 0 {
var userFollows = UserFollows{UserID: u.ID, FollowerID: follower.ID}
// RemoveFollow : Remove a user following another
func (u *User) RemoveFollow(follower *User) {
if follower.ID > 0 && u.ID > 0 {
var userFollows = UserFollows{UserID: u.ID, FollowerID: follower.ID}
* Old User
// TableName : Return the name of OldComment table
func (c UserUploadsOld) TableName() string {
// is this needed here?
return config.Get().Models.UploadsOldTableName
* User Settings
// Get a user setting by keyname
func (s *UserSettings) Get(key string) bool {
if val, ok := s.Settings[key]; ok {
return val
return config.Get().Users.DefaultUserSettings[key]
// GetSettings : get all user settings
func (s *UserSettings) GetSettings() map[string]bool {
return s.Settings
// Set a user setting by keyname
func (s *UserSettings) Set(key string, val bool) {
if s.Settings == nil {
s.Settings = make(map[string]bool)
s.Settings[key] = val
// ToDefault : Set user settings to default
func (s *UserSettings) ToDefault() {
s.Settings = config.Get().Users.DefaultUserSettings
func (s *UserSettings) initialize() {
s.Settings = make(map[string]bool)
// SaveSettings : Format settings into a json string for preparing before user insertion
func (u *User) SaveSettings() {
byteArray, err := json.Marshal(u.Settings)
if err != nil {
u.UserSettings = string(byteArray)
// ParseSettings : Function to parse json string into usersettings struct, only parse if necessary
func (u *User) ParseSettings() {
if len(u.Settings.GetSettings()) == 0 && u.UserSettings != "" {
json.Unmarshal([]byte(u.UserSettings), &u.Settings)
} else if len(u.Settings.GetSettings()) == 0 && u.UserSettings != "" {
// Update updates a user. (Applying the modifed data of user).
func (u *User) Update() (int, error) {
if u.Email == "" {
u.MD5 = ""
} else {
var err error
u.MD5, err = crypto.GenerateMD5Hash(u.Email)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
u.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
err := ORM.Save(u).Error
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
return http.StatusOK, nil
// UpdateRaw : Function to update a user without updating his associations model
func (u *User) UpdateRaw() (int, error) {
u.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
err := ORM.Model(u).UpdateColumn(u.toMap()).Error
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, err
return http.StatusOK, nil
// Delete deletes a user.
func (u *User) Delete(currentUser *User) (int, error) {
if u.ID == 0 {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("permission_delete_error")
err := ORM.Delete(u).Error
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("user_not_deleted")
return http.StatusOK, nil
// toMap : convert the model to a map of interface
func (u *User) toMap() map[string]interface{} {
return structs.Map(u)
// Splice : get a subset of torrents
func (u *User) Splice(start int, length int) *User {
if (len(u.Torrents) <= length && start == 0) || len(u.Torrents) == 0 {
return u
if start > len(u.Torrents) {
u.Torrents = []Torrent{}
return u
if len(u.Torrents) < length {
length = len(u.Torrents)
u.Torrents = u.Torrents[start:length]
return u
// Filter : filter the hidden torrents
func (u *User) Filter() *User {
torrents := []Torrent{}
for _, t := range u.Torrents {
if !t.Hidden {
torrents = append(torrents, t)
u.Torrents = torrents
return u
// IncreasePantsu is a function that uses the formula to increase the Pantsu points of a user
func (u *User) IncreasePantsu() {
if u.Pantsu <= 0 {
u.Pantsu = 1 // Pantsu points should never be less or equal to 0. This would trigger a division by 0
u.Pantsu = u.Pantsu * (1 + 1/(math.Pow(math.Log(u.Pantsu+1), 5))) // First votes substancially increases the vote, further it increase slowly
// DecreasePantsu is a function that uses the formula to decrease the Pantsu points of a user
func (u *User) DecreasePantsu() {
u.Pantsu = 0.8 * u.Pantsu // You lose 20% of your pantsu points each wrong vote
func (u *User) LoadTags(torrent *Torrent) {
if u.ID == 0 {
if err := ORM.Where("torrent_id = ? AND user_id = ?", torrent.ID, u.ID).Find(&u.Tags).Error; err != nil {
log.CheckErrorWithMessage(err, "LOAD_TAGS_ERROR: Couldn't load tags!")