* Update comments.go * Update commentlist.jet.html * Update comments.go When you search a username and you have a userid in the url, the conditions string doesn't have "AND" in it. I made the username search a priority and if there is not username provided, it falls back to userid in url.
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package moderatorController
import (
msg ""
// CommentsListPanel : Controller for listing comments, can accept pages and userID
func CommentsListPanel(c *gin.Context) {
page := c.Param("page")
pagenum := 1
offset := 100
userid := c.Query("userid")
username := c.Query("user")
var err error
messages := msg.GetMessages(c)
deleted := c.Request.URL.Query()["deleted"]
if deleted != nil {
messages.AddInfoTf("infos", "comment_deleted")
if page != "" {
pagenum, err = strconv.Atoi(html.EscapeString(page))
if !log.CheckError(err) {
c.AbortWithError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
var conditions string
var values []interface{}
searchForm := templates.NewSearchForm(c)
// if there is a username in url
if username != "" {
conditions = "user = ?"
values = append(values, username)
searchForm.UserName = username
// else we look if there is a userid
} else if userid != "" {
id, err := strconv.Atoi(userid)
if err == nil {
conditions = "user_id = ?"
values = append(values, id)
searchForm.UserID = uint32(id)
comments, nbComments := comments.FindAll(offset, (pagenum-1)*offset, conditions, values...)
nav := templates.Navigation{nbComments, offset, pagenum, "mod/comments/p"}
templates.ModelList(c, "admin/commentlist.jet.html", comments, nav, searchForm)
// CommentDeleteModPanel : Controller for deleting a comment
func CommentDeleteModPanel(c *gin.Context) {
id, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.PostForm("id"), 10, 32)
comment, _, err := comments.Delete(uint(id))
if err == nil {
activities.Log(&models.User{}, comment.Identifier(), "delete", "comment_deleted_by", strconv.Itoa(int(comment.ID)), comment.User.Username, router.GetUser(c).Username)
c.Redirect(http.StatusSeeOther, "/mod/comments?deleted")