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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
akuma06 c5b3702fcd Fix #1251
Removed the old search parameter on /api.
Fixed issue with navigatation.
Fixed issue with notifications.
Fixed issue with fake anonymous upload on search with userID.
Fixed issue with number of upload on user page.
Moved api to version 1.1.0 with search displaying same as /api
2017-07-20 20:21:57 +02:00

255 lignes
8,5 Kio

package search
import (
var searchOperator string
var useTSQuery bool
// Configure : initialize search
func Configure(conf *config.SearchConfig) (err error) {
useTSQuery = false
// Postgres needs ILIKE for case-insensitivity
if models.ORM.Dialect().GetName() == "postgres" {
searchOperator = "ILIKE ?"
//useTSQuery = true
// !!DISABLED!! because this makes search a lot stricter
// (only matches at word borders)
} else {
searchOperator = "LIKE ?"
func stringIsASCII(input string) bool {
for _, char := range input {
if char > 127 {
return false
return true
// ByQueryNoUser : search torrents according to request without user
func ByQueryNoUser(c *gin.Context, pagenum int) (search structs.TorrentParam, tor []models.Torrent, count int, err error) {
search, tor, count, err = ByQuery(c, pagenum, true, false, false, false)
// ByQueryWithUser : search torrents according to request with user
func ByQueryWithUser(c *gin.Context, pagenum int) (search structs.TorrentParam, tor []models.Torrent, count int, err error) {
search, tor, count, err = ByQuery(c, pagenum, true, true, false, false)
// ByQueryNoCount : search torrents according to request without user and count
func ByQueryNoCount(c *gin.Context, pagenum int) (search structs.TorrentParam, tor []models.Torrent, err error) {
search, tor, _, err = ByQuery(c, pagenum, false, false, false, false)
// ByQueryDeleted : search deleted torrents according to request with user and count
func ByQueryDeleted(c *gin.Context, pagenum int) (search structs.TorrentParam, tor []models.Torrent, count int, err error) {
search, tor, count, err = ByQuery(c, pagenum, true, true, true, false)
// ByQueryNoHidden : search torrents and filter those hidden
func ByQueryNoHidden(c *gin.Context, pagenum int) (search structs.TorrentParam, tor []models.Torrent, count int, err error) {
search, tor, count, err = ByQuery(c, pagenum, true, false, false, true)
// TODO Clean this up
// Some fields are postgres specific (countAll, withUser)
// elasticsearch always provide a count to how many hits
// ES doesn't store users
// deleted is unused because es doesn't index deleted torrents
func ByQuery(c *gin.Context, pagenum int, countAll bool, withUser bool, deleted bool, hidden bool) (structs.TorrentParam, []models.Torrent, int, error) {
var err error
if models.ElasticSearchClient != nil && !deleted {
var torrentParam structs.TorrentParam
torrentParam.Offset = uint32(pagenum)
torrentParam.Hidden = hidden
torrentParam.Full = withUser
if found, ok := cache.C.Get(torrentParam.Identifier()); ok {
torrentCache := found.(*structs.TorrentCache)
return torrentParam, torrentCache.Torrents, torrentCache.Count, nil
totalHits, tor, err := torrentParam.Find(models.ElasticSearchClient)
cache.C.Set(torrentParam.Identifier(), &structs.TorrentCache{tor, int(totalHits)}, 5*time.Minute)
// Convert back to non-json torrents
return torrentParam, tor, int(totalHits), err
log.Errorf("Unable to create elasticsearch client: %s", err)
log.Errorf("Falling back to postgresql query")
return byQueryPostgres(c, pagenum, countAll, withUser, deleted, hidden)
func byQueryPostgres(c *gin.Context, pagenum int, countAll bool, withUser bool, deleted bool, hidden bool) (
search structs.TorrentParam, tor []models.Torrent, count int, err error,
) {
search.Offset = uint32(pagenum)
search.Hidden = hidden
search.Deleted = deleted
search.Full = withUser
orderBy := search.Sort.ToDBField()
if search.Sort == structs.Date {
search.NotNull = search.Sort.ToDBField() + " IS NOT NULL"
if found, ok := cache.C.Get(search.Identifier()); ok {
torrentCache := found.(*structs.TorrentCache)
tor = torrentCache.Torrents
count = torrentCache.Count
orderBy += " "
switch search.Order {
case true:
orderBy += "asc"
if models.ORM.Dialect().GetName() == "postgres" {
orderBy += " NULLS FIRST"
case false:
orderBy += "desc"
if models.ORM.Dialect().GetName() == "postgres" {
orderBy += " NULLS LAST"
parameters := structs.WhereParams{
Params: make([]interface{}, 0, 64),
conditions := make([]string, 0, 64)
if len(search.Category) > 0 {
conditionsOr := make([]string, len(search.Category))
for key, val := range search.Category {
if val.Main > 0 {
conditionsOr[key] = "(category = ?"
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, val.Main)
if val.Sub > 0 {
conditionsOr[key] += " AND sub_category = ?"
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, val.Sub)
conditionsOr[key] += ")"
conditions = append(conditions, strings.Join(conditionsOr, " OR "))
if len(search.Languages) > 0 {
langs := ""
for key, val := range search.Languages {
langs += val.Code
if key+1 < len(search.Languages) {
langs += ","
conditions = append(conditions, "language "+searchOperator)
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, "%"+langs+"%")
if search.UserID != 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, "uploader = ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, search.UserID)
if search.Hidden {
conditions = append(conditions, "hidden = ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, false)
if search.FromID != 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, "torrent_id > ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, search.FromID)
if search.FromDate != "" {
conditions = append(conditions, "date >= ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, search.FromDate)
if search.ToDate != "" {
conditions = append(conditions, "date <= ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, search.ToDate)
if search.Status != 0 {
if search.Status == structs.FilterRemakes {
conditions = append(conditions, "status <> ?")
} else {
conditions = append(conditions, "status >= ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, strconv.Itoa(int(search.Status)+1))
if len(search.NotNull) > 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, search.NotNull)
if search.MinSize > 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, "filesize >= ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, uint64(search.MinSize))
if search.MaxSize > 0 {
conditions = append(conditions, "filesize <= ?")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, uint64(search.MaxSize))
querySplit := strings.Fields(search.NameLike)
for _, word := range querySplit {
firstRune, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(word)
if len(word) == 1 && unicode.IsPunct(firstRune) {
// some queries have a single punctuation character
// which causes a full scan instead of using the index
// and yields no meaningful results.
// due to len() == 1 we're just looking at 1-byte/ascii
// punctuation characters.
if useTSQuery && stringIsASCII(word) {
conditions = append(conditions, "torrent_name @@ plainto_tsquery(?)")
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, word)
} else {
// TODO: possible to make this faster?
conditions = append(conditions, "torrent_name "+searchOperator)
parameters.Params = append(parameters.Params, "%"+word+"%")
parameters.Conditions = strings.Join(conditions[:], " AND ")
log.Infof("SQL query is :: %s\n", parameters.Conditions)
if deleted {
tor, count, err = torrents.FindDeleted(&parameters, orderBy, int(search.Max), int(search.Max*(search.Offset-1)))
} else if countAll && !withUser {
tor, count, err = torrents.FindOrderBy(&parameters, orderBy, int(search.Max), int(search.Max*(search.Offset-1)))
} else if countAll && withUser {
tor, count, err = torrents.FindWithUserOrderBy(&parameters, orderBy, int(search.Max), int(search.Max*(search.Offset-1)))
} else {
tor, err = torrents.FindOrderByNoCount(&parameters, orderBy, int(search.Max), int(search.Max*(search.Offset-1)))
cache.C.Set(search.Identifier(), &structs.TorrentCache{tor, count}, 5*time.Minute)
// AuthorizedQuery return a seach byquery according to the bool. If false, it doesn't look for hidden torrents, else it looks for every torrents
func AuthorizedQuery(c *gin.Context, pagenum int, authorized bool) (structs.TorrentParam, []models.Torrent, int, error) {
if !authorized {
return ByQuery(c, pagenum, true, true, false, true)
return ByQuery(c, pagenum, true, true, false, false)