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akuma06 a41f938cec Add Godep support ()
As we have seen, dependencies version can prevent the build. We should
user lock versions on dependencies that we know work:
* Packages are vendored
* Add Godep support
* Added addtional install step in readme
* Fix travis build error
2017-05-26 13:07:22 +02:00

275 lignes
7,6 Kio

// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
// See for details.
package elastic
import (
// MultiMatchQuery builds on the MatchQuery to allow multi-field queries.
// For more details, see
type MultiMatchQuery struct {
text interface{}
fields []string
fieldBoosts map[string]*float64
typ string // best_fields, boolean, most_fields, cross_fields, phrase, phrase_prefix
operator string // AND or OR
analyzer string
boost *float64
slop *int
fuzziness string
prefixLength *int
maxExpansions *int
minimumShouldMatch string
rewrite string
fuzzyRewrite string
tieBreaker *float64
lenient *bool
cutoffFrequency *float64
zeroTermsQuery string
queryName string
// MultiMatchQuery creates and initializes a new MultiMatchQuery.
func NewMultiMatchQuery(text interface{}, fields ...string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q := &MultiMatchQuery{
text: text,
fields: make([]string, 0),
fieldBoosts: make(map[string]*float64),
q.fields = append(q.fields, fields...)
return q
// Field adds a field to run the multi match against.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Field(field string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.fields = append(q.fields, field)
return q
// FieldWithBoost adds a field to run the multi match against with a specific boost.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) FieldWithBoost(field string, boost float64) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.fields = append(q.fields, field)
q.fieldBoosts[field] = &boost
return q
// Type can be "best_fields", "boolean", "most_fields", "cross_fields",
// "phrase", or "phrase_prefix".
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Type(typ string) *MultiMatchQuery {
var zero = float64(0.0)
var one = float64(1.0)
switch strings.ToLower(typ) {
default: // best_fields / boolean
q.typ = "best_fields"
q.tieBreaker = &zero
case "most_fields":
q.typ = "most_fields"
q.tieBreaker = &one
case "cross_fields":
q.typ = "cross_fields"
q.tieBreaker = &zero
case "phrase":
q.typ = "phrase"
q.tieBreaker = &zero
case "phrase_prefix":
q.typ = "phrase_prefix"
q.tieBreaker = &zero
return q
// Operator sets the operator to use when using boolean query.
// It can be either AND or OR (default).
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Operator(operator string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.operator = operator
return q
// Analyzer sets the analyzer to use explicitly. It defaults to use explicit
// mapping config for the field, or, if not set, the default search analyzer.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Analyzer(analyzer string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.analyzer = analyzer
return q
// Boost sets the boost for this query.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Boost(boost float64) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.boost = &boost
return q
// Slop sets the phrase slop if evaluated to a phrase query type.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Slop(slop int) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.slop = &slop
return q
// Fuzziness sets the fuzziness used when evaluated to a fuzzy query type.
// It defaults to "AUTO".
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Fuzziness(fuzziness string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.fuzziness = fuzziness
return q
// PrefixLength for the fuzzy process.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) PrefixLength(prefixLength int) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.prefixLength = &prefixLength
return q
// MaxExpansions is the number of term expansions to use when using fuzzy
// or prefix type query. It defaults to unbounded so it's recommended
// to set it to a reasonable value for faster execution.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) MaxExpansions(maxExpansions int) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.maxExpansions = &maxExpansions
return q
// MinimumShouldMatch represents the minimum number of optional should clauses
// to match.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) MinimumShouldMatch(minimumShouldMatch string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.minimumShouldMatch = minimumShouldMatch
return q
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Rewrite(rewrite string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.rewrite = rewrite
return q
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) FuzzyRewrite(fuzzyRewrite string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.fuzzyRewrite = fuzzyRewrite
return q
// TieBreaker for "best-match" disjunction queries (OR queries).
// The tie breaker capability allows documents that match more than one
// query clause (in this case on more than one field) to be scored better
// than documents that match only the best of the fields, without confusing
// this with the better case of two distinct matches in the multiple fields.
// A tie-breaker value of 1.0 is interpreted as a signal to score queries as
// "most-match" queries where all matching query clauses are considered for scoring.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) TieBreaker(tieBreaker float64) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.tieBreaker = &tieBreaker
return q
// Lenient indicates whether format based failures will be ignored.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Lenient(lenient bool) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.lenient = &lenient
return q
// CutoffFrequency sets a cutoff value in [0..1] (or absolute number >=1)
// representing the maximum threshold of a terms document frequency to be
// considered a low frequency term.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) CutoffFrequency(cutoff float64) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.cutoffFrequency = &cutoff
return q
// ZeroTermsQuery can be "all" or "none".
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) ZeroTermsQuery(zeroTermsQuery string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.zeroTermsQuery = zeroTermsQuery
return q
// QueryName sets the query name for the filter that can be used when
// searching for matched filters per hit.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) QueryName(queryName string) *MultiMatchQuery {
q.queryName = queryName
return q
// Source returns JSON for the query.
func (q *MultiMatchQuery) Source() (interface{}, error) {
// {
// "multi_match" : {
// "query" : "this is a test",
// "fields" : [ "subject", "message" ]
// }
// }
source := make(map[string]interface{})
multiMatch := make(map[string]interface{})
source["multi_match"] = multiMatch
multiMatch["query"] = q.text
if len(q.fields) > 0 {
var fields []string
for _, field := range q.fields {
if boost, found := q.fieldBoosts[field]; found {
if boost != nil {
fields = append(fields, fmt.Sprintf("%s^%f", field, *boost))
} else {
fields = append(fields, field)
} else {
fields = append(fields, field)
multiMatch["fields"] = fields
if q.typ != "" {
multiMatch["type"] = q.typ
if q.operator != "" {
multiMatch["operator"] = q.operator
if q.analyzer != "" {
multiMatch["analyzer"] = q.analyzer
if q.boost != nil {
multiMatch["boost"] = *q.boost
if q.slop != nil {
multiMatch["slop"] = *q.slop
if q.fuzziness != "" {
multiMatch["fuzziness"] = q.fuzziness
if q.prefixLength != nil {
multiMatch["prefix_length"] = *q.prefixLength
if q.maxExpansions != nil {
multiMatch["max_expansions"] = *q.maxExpansions
if q.minimumShouldMatch != "" {
multiMatch["minimum_should_match"] = q.minimumShouldMatch
if q.rewrite != "" {
multiMatch["rewrite"] = q.rewrite
if q.fuzzyRewrite != "" {
multiMatch["fuzzy_rewrite"] = q.fuzzyRewrite
if q.tieBreaker != nil {
multiMatch["tie_breaker"] = *q.tieBreaker
if q.lenient != nil {
multiMatch["lenient"] = *q.lenient
if q.cutoffFrequency != nil {
multiMatch["cutoff_frequency"] = *q.cutoffFrequency
if q.zeroTermsQuery != "" {
multiMatch["zero_terms_query"] = q.zeroTermsQuery
if q.queryName != "" {
multiMatch["_name"] = q.queryName
return source, nil