* Checkpoint: it builds The config, db, model, network, os, and public packages have had some fixes to glaringly obvious flaws, dead code removed, and stylistic changes. * Style changes and old code removal in router Router needs a lot of work done to its (lack of) error handling. * Dead code removal and style changes Now up to util/email/email.go. After I'm finished with the initial sweep I'll go back and fix error handling and security issues. Then I'll fix the broken API. Then I'll go through to add documentation and fix code visibility. * Finish dead code removal and style changes Vendored libraries not touched. Everything still needs security fixes and documentation. There's also one case of broken functionality. * Fix accidental find-and-replace * Style, error checking, saftey, bug fix changes * Redo error checking erased during merge * Re-add merge-erased fix. Make Safe safe.
128 lignes
4,3 Kio
128 lignes
4,3 Kio
package model
import (
type Feed struct {
ID int
Name string
Hash string
Magnet string
Timestamp string
type Torrent struct {
ID uint `gorm:"column:torrent_id;primary_key"`
Name string `gorm:"column:torrent_name"`
Hash string `gorm:"column:torrent_hash"`
Category int `gorm:"column:category"`
SubCategory int `gorm:"column:sub_category"`
Status int `gorm:"column:status"`
Date time.Time `gorm:"column:date"`
UploaderID uint `gorm:"column:uploader"`
Downloads int `gorm:"column:downloads"`
Stardom int `gorm:"column:stardom"`
Filesize int64 `gorm:"column:filesize"`
Description string `gorm:"column:description"`
WebsiteLink string `gorm:"column:website_link"`
Uploader *User `gorm:"ForeignKey:UploaderId"`
OldComments []OldComment `gorm:"ForeignKey:torrent_id"`
Comments []Comment `gorm:"ForeignKey:torrent_id"`
/* We need a JSON object instead of a Gorm structure because magnet URLs are
not in the database and have to be generated dynamically */
type ApiResultJSON struct {
Torrents []TorrentJSON `json:"torrents"`
QueryRecordCount int `json:"queryRecordCount"`
TotalRecordCount int `json:"totalRecordCount"`
type CommentJSON struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Content template.HTML `json:"content"`
Date time.Time `json:"date"`
type TorrentJSON struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Status int `json:"status"`
Hash string `json:"hash"`
Date string `json:"date"`
Filesize string `json:"filesize"`
Description template.HTML `json:"description"`
Comments []CommentJSON `json:"comments"`
SubCategory string `json:"sub_category"`
Category string `json:"category"`
Downloads int `json:"downloads"`
UploaderID uint `json:"uploader_id"`
UploaderName template.HTML `json:"uploader_name"`
WebsiteLink template.URL `json:"website_link"`
Magnet template.URL `json:"magnet"`
TorrentLink template.URL `json:"torrent"`
// ToJSON converts a model.Torrent to its equivalent JSON structure
func (t *Torrent) ToJSON() TorrentJSON {
magnet := util.InfoHashToMagnet(strings.TrimSpace(t.Hash), t.Name, config.Trackers...)
commentsJSON := make([]CommentJSON, 0, len(t.OldComments)+len(t.Comments))
for _, c := range t.OldComments {
escapedContent := template.HTML(html.EscapeString(c.Content))
commentsJSON = append(commentsJSON, CommentJSON{Username: c.Username, Content: escapedContent, Date: c.Date})
for _, c := range t.Comments {
commentsJSON = append(commentsJSON, CommentJSON{Username: c.User.Username, Content: util.MarkdownToHTML(c.Content), Date: c.CreatedAt})
uploader := ""
if t.Uploader != nil {
uploader = t.Uploader.Username
torrentlink := ""
if t.ID <= config.LastOldTorrentID && len(config.TorrentCacheLink) > 0 {
torrentlink = fmt.Sprintf(config.TorrentCacheLink, t.Hash)
} else if t.ID > config.LastOldTorrentID && len(config.TorrentStorageLink) > 0 {
torrentlink = fmt.Sprintf(config.TorrentStorageLink, t.Hash) // TODO: Fix as part of configuration changes
res := TorrentJSON{
ID: strconv.FormatUint(uint64(t.ID), 10),
Name: t.Name,
Status: t.Status,
Hash: t.Hash,
Date: t.Date.Format(time.RFC3339),
Filesize: util.FormatFilesize2(t.Filesize),
Description: util.MarkdownToHTML(t.Description),
Comments: commentsJSON,
SubCategory: strconv.Itoa(t.SubCategory),
Category: strconv.Itoa(t.Category),
Downloads: t.Downloads,
UploaderID: t.UploaderID,
UploaderName: util.SafeText(uploader),
WebsiteLink: util.Safe(t.WebsiteLink),
Magnet: util.Safe(magnet),
TorrentLink: util.Safe(torrentlink)}
return res
/* Complete the functions when necessary... */
// Map Torrents to TorrentsToJSON without reallocations
func TorrentsToJSON(t []Torrent) []TorrentJSON { // TODO: Convert to singular version
json := make([]TorrentJSON, len(t))
for i := range t {
json[i] = t[i].ToJSON()
return json