* Megacheck friendly applied megacheck and fixed some unwanted behaviour (markdown) * Forgot this file * Captcha Audio Should make #993 happen * Fix style issue in comments * Added margin auto and width on input * Moved width on captcha div instead * fixing width issue with audio tag * Captcha final style fix
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14 lignes
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{{define "captcha"}}
{{/* unset if user doesn't need captcha */}}
{{if ne .CaptchaID ""}}
<div class="form-group captcha-container" style="width: 240px;margin: auto;">
<h3>{{call $.T "captcha"}}</h3>
<input type="text" name="captchaID" value="{{.CaptchaID}}" hidden>
<img src="/captcha/{{.CaptchaID}}.png"><br>
<audio src="/captcha/{{.CaptchaID}}.wav" controls style="width: 240px;">
<a href="/captcha/{{.CaptchaID}}.wav?lang={{ call $.T "language_code" }}">{{ call $.T "captcha_audio" }}</a>
<input class="form-input up-input" type="text" name="solution" id="solution" class="form-control" style="display:block;" placeholder="{{call $.T "captcha"}}" autocomplete="off" required>