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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.

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package upload
import (
// form names
const uploadFormTorrent = "torrent"
type torrentsQuery struct {
Category int `json:"category"`
SubCategory int `json:"sub_category"`
Status int `json:"status"`
Uploader int `json:"uploader"`
Downloads int `json:"downloads"`
// TorrentsRequest struct
type TorrentsRequest struct {
Query torrentsQuery `json:"search"`
Page int `json:"page"`
MaxPerPage int `json:"limit"`
// APIResultJSON for torrents in json for api
type APIResultJSON struct {
Torrents []models.TorrentJSON `json:"torrents"`
QueryRecordCount int `json:"queryRecordCount"`
TotalRecordCount int `json:"totalRecordCount"`
// ToParams : Convert a torrentsrequest to searchparams
func (r *TorrentsRequest) ToParams() *search.Query {
res := &search.Query{}
v := reflect.ValueOf(r.Query)
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
field := v.Field(i)
if field.Interface() != reflect.Zero(field.Type()).Interface() {
res.Append(v.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get("json"), field.Interface())
return res
// ExtractEditInfo : takes an http request and computes all fields for this form
func ExtractEditInfo(c *gin.Context, r *torrentValidator.TorrentRequest) error {
err := ExtractBasicValue(c, r)
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.ValidateName()
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.ExtractCategory()
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.ExtractLanguage()
return err
// ExtractBasicValue : takes an http request and computes all basic fields for this form
func ExtractBasicValue(c *gin.Context, r *torrentValidator.TorrentRequest) error {
r.Tags = tagsValidator.Bind(c, true) // This function already delete duplicated tags (only use one of the PostForm)
// trim whitespace
r.Name = strings.TrimSpace(r.Name)
r.Description = sanitize.Sanitize(strings.TrimSpace(r.Description), "default")
r.WebsiteLink = strings.TrimSpace(r.WebsiteLink)
r.Magnet = strings.TrimSpace(r.Magnet)
if len(r.Languages) == 0 { // Shouldn't have to do that since c.Bind actually bind arrays, but better off adding it in case gin doesn't do his work
r.Languages = c.PostFormArray("languages")
// then actually check that we have everything we need
err := r.ValidateDescription()
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.ValidateWebsiteLink()
return err
// ExtractInfo : takes an http request and computes all fields for this form
func ExtractInfo(c *gin.Context, r *torrentValidator.TorrentRequest) error {
err := ExtractBasicValue(c, r)
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.ExtractCategory()
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.ExtractLanguage()
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.ValidateMultipartUpload(c, uploadFormTorrent)
if err != nil {
return err
// We check name only here, reason: we can try to retrieve them from the torrent file
err = r.ValidateName()
if err != nil {
return err
// We are not saving the file here because we need to add our own tracker list to the torrent file, therefore, we generate the torrent file at upload time through GenerateTorrent()
// when it is magnet
return nil
// UpdateTorrent : Update torrent model
func UpdateTorrent(r *torrentValidator.UpdateRequest, t *models.Torrent, currentUser *models.User) *models.Torrent {
if r.Update.Name != "" {
t.Name = r.Update.Name
if r.Update.Infohash != "" {
t.Hash = r.Update.Infohash
if r.Update.CategoryID != 0 {
t.Category = r.Update.CategoryID
if r.Update.SubCategoryID != 0 {
t.SubCategory = r.Update.SubCategoryID
if r.Update.Description != "" {
t.Description = r.Update.Description
if r.Update.WebsiteLink != "" {
t.WebsiteLink = r.Update.WebsiteLink
t.Languages = r.Update.Languages
status := models.TorrentStatusNormal
if r.Update.Remake { // overrides trusted
status = models.TorrentStatusRemake
} else if currentUser.IsTrusted() {
status = models.TorrentStatusTrusted
if status != t.Status && status != models.TorrentStatusBlocked {
t.DeletedAt = nil
t.Status = status
t.Hidden = r.Update.Hidden
// This part of the code check that we have only one tag of the same type
var tagsReq models.Tags
for _, tagForm := range r.Update.Tags {
tag := &models.Tag{
Tag: tagForm.Tag,
Type: tagForm.Type,
Accepted: true,
TorrentID: t.ID,
UserID: 0, // 0 so we don't increase pantsu points for every tag for the actual user (would be too much increase)
Weight: config.Get().Torrents.Tags.MaxWeight + 1,
if currentUser.CurrentUserIdentical(t.UploaderID) {
// We do not pass the current user so we don't increase/decrease pantsu for owner torrents
tags.FilterOrCreate(tag, t, &models.User{}) // We create a tag or we filter out every tags and increase/decrease pantsu for already sent tags of the same type
} else {
// If we are not the owner, we increase/decrease pantsus for each successfull edit
// So it increases pantsu of moderator when they edit torrents
tags.FilterOrCreate(tag, t, currentUser)
tagsReq = append(tagsReq, *tag) // Finally we append the tag to the tag list
t.Tags = tagsReq // and overwrite the torrent tags
return t
// UpdateUnscopeTorrent : Update a torrent model without scoping
func UpdateUnscopeTorrent(r *torrentValidator.UpdateRequest, t *models.Torrent, currentUser *models.User) *models.Torrent {
t = UpdateTorrent(r, t, currentUser)
t.Status = r.Update.Status
return t
// NewTorrentRequest : creates a new torrent request struc with some default value
func NewTorrentRequest(params ...string) *torrentValidator.TorrentRequest {
torrentRequest := &torrentValidator.TorrentRequest{}
if len(params) > 1 {
torrentRequest.Category = params[0]
} else {
torrentRequest.Category = "3_12"
if len(params) > 2 {
torrentRequest.Description = params[1]
} else {
torrentRequest.Description = "Description"
return torrentRequest