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Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2022-05-07. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
akuma06 6481e90a0c Golint friendly next ()
* Gofmt friendly

Keeping Go source code in line with what they preconize

* Golint Friendly Next

So I have made some variables unexported
Added comments in every function that I know what it does
Removed some deprecated stuff that I was sure of
Added a comment on possible deprecated methods "Is it deprecated?"
Changed some variable/method name according to golint recommendations

* Update filelist.go
2017-05-26 12:12:52 +02:00

11 lignes
219 o

package common
type UserParam struct {
Full bool // if true populate Uploads, UsersWeLiked and UsersLikingMe
Email string
Name string
APIToken string
ID uint32
Max uint32
Offset uint32