* Add flags for torrents Add a new field, .Language, to the Torrent model, and a new package, torrentLanguages, which maps languages to flags. Added also a flag icon pack from googlei18n/region-flags, with (mostly) public domain flags from Wikipedia. * Optimize flags * Use FlagSprites CSS instead of .png files * Only use flags for languages we support * Add test for CSS flags Ensure that we have all the flags for the languages we support. * Add AdditionalLanguages field to config This allows us to support additional languages for new uploaded torrents, even if we have no translation for it. * Minor CSS fix * Add "other" and "multiple" torrent languages Also removed the TorrentLanguage struct, as it wasn't much useful. * Fix test * Add colspan=2 to category when language is empty Also hide the language column if empty. * Add lang field to search. Hopefully it works with Elasticsearch as well, but I haven't tested (lol Java) * Add language field to ES index and settings * Add language column to JS template * Add keyword type to language ES field * Remove 'raw' from keyword * Set "simple" analyzer on language * Document .Language field on Torrent model
267 lignes
Pas d'EOL
15 Kio
267 lignes
Pas d'EOL
15 Kio
{{define "title"}}{{call $.T "home"}}{{end}}
{{define "contclass"}}cont-home{{end}}
{{define "additional_header"}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/flags/flags.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/flags/custom_flags.css">
{{define "content"}}
<!-- Contain the table within a grid, as for better sizing -->
<div class="results box">
<thead class="torrent-info">
{{ if HasAdmin $.User }}
<th class="tr-cb"><input type="checkbox" name="select_all" onchange="TorrentsMod.selectAll(this.checked)"></th>
<th class="tr-cat">{{call $.T "category"}}</th>
<th class="tr-lang"></th>
<th class="tr-name">
<a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering .URL "1" }}">{{call $.T "name"}}<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows .URL "1" }}</span></a>
<th class="tr-cs"></th>
<th class="tr-links"></th>
<th class="tr-size hide-xs"><a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering .URL "4" }}">{{call $.T "size"}}<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows .URL "4" }}</span></a></th>
<th class="tr-se hide-xs">
<a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering .URL "5" }}">{{call $.T "S"}}<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows .URL "5" }}</span></a>
<th class="tr-le hide-xs">
<a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering .URL "6" }}">{{call $.T "L"}}<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows .URL "6" }}</span></a>
<th class="tr-dl hide-xs">
<a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering .URL "7" }}">{{call $.T "D"}}<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows .URL "7" }}</span></a>
<!-- <th><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span></th> -->
<th class="tr-date hide-xs"><a href="{{ genSearchWithOrdering .URL "2" }}">{{call $.T "date"}}<span class="sort-arrows">{{ genSortArrows .URL "2" }}</span></a></th>
{{ range .Models}}
<tr id="torrent_{{ .ID }}" class="torrent-info
{{if eq .Status 2}}remake{{end}}
{{if eq .Status 3}}trusted{{end}}
{{if eq .Status 4}}aplus{{end}}" >
{{ if HasAdmin $.User }}
<td class="tr-cb">
<input data-name="{{ .Name }}" type="checkbox" id="torrent_cb_{{ .ID }}" name="torrent_id" value="{{ .ID }}">
{{ end }}
<td class="tr-cat home-td" {{if eq (FlagCode .Language) ""}}colspan="2"{{end}}>
<a href="{{$.URL.Parse (printf "/search?c=%s_%s" .Category .SubCategory) }}">
{{ if Sukebei }}
<img alt="{{ call $.T (CategoryName .Category .SubCategory) }}" src="{{$.URL.Parse (printf "/img/torrents/sukebei/%s%s.png" .Category .SubCategory) }}" title="{{ call $.T (CategoryName .Category .SubCategory) }}">
{{ else }}
<img alt="{{ call $.T (CategoryName .Category .SubCategory) }}" src="{{$.URL.Parse (printf "/img/torrents/%s.png" .SubCategory) }}" title="{{ call $.T (CategoryName .Category .SubCategory) }}">
{{ end}}
{{if ne (FlagCode .Language) ""}}
<td class="tr-lang tr-flag home-td">
<img src="img/blank.gif" alt="{{ LanguageName .Language $.T }}" class="flag flag-{{FlagCode .Language}}" title="{{ LanguageName .Language $.T }}">
<td class="tr-name home-td">
<a href="{{genRoute "view_torrent" "id" ( print .ID ) }}">
<td class="tr-cs home-td">
{{ if gt (len .Comments) 0 }}
<span>{{len .Comments}}</span>
<td class="tr-links home-td">
<a href="{{.Magnet}}" title="{{ call $.T "magnet_link" }}">
<div class="magnet-icon"></div>
{{if ne .TorrentLink ""}}
<a href="{{.TorrentLink}}" title="{{ call $.T "torrent_file" }}">
<div class="download-icon"></div>
<td class="tr-size home-td hide-xs">
{{ fileSize .Filesize $.T }}
{{if .LastScrape.IsZero}}
<td class="home-td hide-xs" colspan="3">{{call $.T "unknown"}}</td>
<td class="tr-se home-td hide-xs">{{.Seeders}}</td>
<td class="tr-le home-td hide-xs">{{.Leechers}}</td>
<td class="tr-dl home-td hide-xs">{{.Completed}}</td>
<td class="tr-date home-td date-short hide-xs">{{.Date}}</td>
{{ if HasAdmin $.User }}
<div class="modtools">
<button id="show_actions" data-toggle-text="{{call $.T "hide_mod_tools"}}">{{call $.T "show_mod_tools"}}</button>
<span class="actions">
<span class="btn-group">
<select class="cb_action" name="category_id">
<option value="">{{call $.T "category"}}</option>
{{ range $name_cat, $id_cat := (GetCategories true) }}
<option value="{{ $id_cat }}">{{call $.T $name_cat }}</option>
{{ end }}
<input class="cb_action" type="text" name="owner_id" placeholder="{{ call $.T "owner_id_placeholder" }}">
<select class="cb_action" name="status_id">
<option value="">{{call $.T "torrent_status"}}</option>
<option value="5">{{ call $.T "torrent_status_blocked" }}</option>
<option value="1">{{call $.T "torrent_status_normal"}}</option>
<option value="2" >{{call $.T "torrent_status_remake"}}</option>
<option value="3">{{call $.T "trusted"}}</option>
<option value="4">A+</option>
<button class="cb_action" id="edit">{{ call $.T "edit" }}</button>
<span class="btn-group">
<button class="cb_action" id="lock_delete">{{ call $.T "lock_delete" }}</button>
<button class="cb_action" id="delete">{{ call $.T "delete" }}</button>
<span class="btn-group">
<button class="cb_submit" id="modal_active">{{ call $.T "save_changes" }}</button>
<!-- Modal -->
<div id="modal_mod_tools" class="modal">
<!-- Modal content -->
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<span class="close">×</span>
<h2>{{ call $.T "following_changes_applied" }}</h2>
<div class="modal-body">
<h3>{{ call $.T "changes_in_following_order" }}</h3>
<div class="progress-bar" id="progress_modtool" style="display: none;"><div class="progress-green"></div></div>
<div class="logs_mess" style="display: none;"></div>
<h2>{{ call $.T "edit_changes" }}</h2>
<div class="edit_changes"></div>
<h2>{{ call $.T "delete_changes" }}</h2>
<div class="delete_changes"></div>
<div class="modal-footer">
<span><button id="confirm_changes" onclick="TorrentsMod.ApplyChanges();">{{ call $.T "yes"}}</button>
<button class="close" onclick="Modal.CloseActive();">{{ call $.T "no"}}</button></span>
<h3>{{ call $.T "are_you_sure" }} </h3>
{{ define "footer_js"}}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $.URL.Parse "/js/template.js" }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $.URL.Parse "/js/query.js" }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $.URL.Parse "/js/modal.js" }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $.URL.Parse "/js/torrents.js" }}"></script>
{{ if HasAdmin $.User }}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $.URL.Parse "/js/translation.js" }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ $.URL.Parse "/js/torrentsMod.js" }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// We add translations string
try_new_attempt: "{{ call $.T "try_new_attempt" }}",
query_is_broken: "{{ call $.T "query_is_broken" }}",
query_executed_success: "{{ call $.T "query_executed_success" }}",
all_operations_done: "{{ call $.T "all_operations_done" }}",
refreshing_in: "{{ call $.T "refreshing_in" }}",
delete_reports_with_torrents: "{{ call $.T "delete_reports_with_torrents" }}",
with_st: "{{ call $.T "with_st" }}",
and_reports: "{{ call $.T "and_reports" }}",
reports: "{{ call $.T "reports" }}",
lock: "{{ call $.T "lock" }}",
status_js: "{{ call $.T "status_js" }}",
owner_id_js: "{{ call $.T "owner_id_js" }}",
category_js: "{{ call $.T "category_js" }}",
no_changes: "{{ call $.T "no_changes" }}",
query_nb: "{{ call $.T "query_nb" }}"
// Modal initialization
Modal.Init({elements: document.getElementsByClassName("modal"),
button: "#modal_active",
before: function() {
close: function() {
// Templates initialization
Templates.Add("torrents.delete.item", function(torrent) {
return '<div class="delete_item" id="list_item_'+torrent.id+'"><span>'+Templates.EncodeEntities(torrent.name)+'</span>'+
'<a href="#" onclick="return TorrentsMod.RemoveItemFromQueue('+torrent.key+', '+torrent.id+')"><i class="trash-icon"></i></a></div>'
Templates.Add("torrents.delete.block", function(torrentQuery){
return '<div class="delete_list" id="list_'+torrentQuery.unique_id+'"><div class="title">'+
'<h3 style="display:inline-block;" onclick="TorrentsMod.toggleList(this);">'+T.r("query_nb", torrentQuery.unique_id)+
'<span class="infos">'+torrentQuery.infos+'<a href="#" class="icon" onclick="return TorrentsMod.RemoveFromQueue('+torrentQuery.key+')"><div class="trash-icon"></div></a>'+
'<div class="list">'+torrentQuery.list+'</div></div>';
Templates.Add("torrents.edit.item", function(torrent) {
return '<div class="edit_item" id="list_item_'+torrent.id+'"><span>'+Templates.EncodeEntities(torrent.name)+'</span>'+
'<a href="#" onclick="return TorrentsMod.RemoveItemFromQueue('+torrent.key+', '+torrent.id+')"><i class="trash-icon"></i></a></div>'
Templates.Add("torrents.edit.block", function(torrentQuery){
return '<div class="edit_list" id="list_'+torrentQuery.unique_id+'"><div class="title">'+
'<h3 style="display:inline-block;" onclick="TorrentsMod.toggleList(this);">'+T.r("query_nb", torrentQuery.unique_id)+
'<span class="infos">'+torrentQuery.infos+'<a href="#" class="icon" onclick="return TorrentsMod.RemoveFromQueue('+torrentQuery.key+')"><div class="trash-icon"></div></a>'+
'<div class="list">'+torrentQuery.list+'</div></div>';
Templates.Add("torrents.logs.error", function(msg) {
return '<div class="error">'+msg+'</div>';
Templates.Add("torrents.logs.success", function(msg) {
return '<div class="success">'+msg+'</div>';
<!-- JS Template for torrents ajax -->
<script type="text/javascript">
Templates.Add("torrents.item", function(torrent) {
return "<tr id=\"torrent_" + torrent.id + "\" class=\"torrent-info"+ ((torrent.status == 2) ? " remake" : ((torrent.status == 3) ? " trusted" : ((torrent.status == 3) ? " aplus" : "" )))+"\">"+
{{ if HasAdmin $.User }}
"<td class=\"tr-cb\""+ ((TorrentsMod.enabled) ? "style=\"display:table-cell;\"" : "") +">"+
"<input data-name=\""+Templates.EncodeEntities(torrent.name)+"\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"torrent_cb_"+torrent.id+"\" name=\"torrent_id\" value=\""+torrent.id+"\">"+
{{ end }}
"<td class=\"tr-cat home-td\""+(torrent.language == "" ? " colspan=2" : "")+">"+
"<a href=\"{{$.URL.Parse "/search?c=" }}"+ torrent.category + "_" + torrent.sub_category +"\">"+
{{ if Sukebei }}
"<img src=\"{{ $.URL.Parse "/img/torrents/sukebei/" }}"+ torrent.category + torrent.sub_category+".png\" title=\""+ torrent.CategoryName +"\">"+
{{ else }}
"<img src=\"{{ $.URL.Parse "/img/torrents/" }}"+ torrent.sub_category +".png\" title=\""+ torrent.CategoryName +"\">"+
{{ end }}
(torrent.language != "" ? "<td class=\"tr-lang tr-flag home-td\">" +
"<img src=\"img/blank.gif\" class=\"flag flag-"+flagCode(torrent.language)+"\">"+
"</td>" : "")+
"<td class=\"tr-name home-td\"><a href=\"/view/"+torrent.id+"\">"+Templates.EncodeEntities(torrent.name) +"</a></td>"+
"<td class=\"tr-cs home-td hide-xs\">"+
((torrent.comments.length > 0) ? "<i class=\"comment-icon\" title=\"{{ call $.T "comments" }}\">" + torrent.comments.length + "</i>" : "")+
"<td class=\"tr-links home-td\">"+
"<a href=\""+torrent.magnet +"\" title=\"{{ call $.T "magnet_link" }}\">"+
"<div class=\"magnet-icon\"></div>"+
"</a>"+(torrent.torrent != "" ? " <a href=\""+torrent.torrent+"\" title=\"{{ call $.T "torrent_file" }}\"><div class=\"download-icon\"></div></a>" : "") +
"<td class=\"tr-size home-td hide-xs\">"+humanFileSize(torrent.filesize)+"</td>"+
"<td class=\"tr-se home-td hide-xs\">"+torrent.seeders+"</td>"+
"<td class=\"tr-le home-td hide-xs\">"+torrent.leechers+"</td>"+
"<td class=\"tr-dl home-td hide-xs\">"+torrent.completed+"</td>"+
"<td class=\"tr-date home-td date-short hide-xs\">"+torrent.date+"</td>"+
Torrents.LastID = {{ lastID .URL .Models }};
if (Torrents.LastID > 0) Torrents.CanRefresh = true;
{{end}} |