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Ramon Dantas 1968d2ae54 Move translation func to template variables (#652)
* Add T field to template variables

* Remove languages.SetTranslationFromRequest

* Add Tfunc on handlers

* Remove T and Ts from template_functions

* Update templates

Change the templates to use the local Tfunc, instead of the global one.
Also changed the signature of the fields on template_variables.go, so that
they return a template.HTML to avoid escaping problems.

* Remove unnecessary variable
2017-05-21 08:38:28 +10:00

127 lignes
3,4 Kio

package router
import (
msg ""
func UploadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
user := GetUser(r)
if !uploadService.IsUploadEnabled(*user) {
http.Error(w, "Error uploads are disabled", http.StatusBadRequest)
if r.Method == "POST" {
UploadPostHandler(w, r)
UploadGetHandler(w, r)
func UploadPostHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var uploadForm UploadForm
defer r.Body.Close()
user := GetUser(r)
messages := msg.GetMessages(r) // new util for errors and infos
if userPermission.NeedsCaptcha(user) {
userCaptcha := captcha.Extract(r)
if !captcha.Authenticate(userCaptcha) {
messages.AddError("errors", captcha.ErrInvalidCaptcha.Error())
// validation is done in ExtractInfo()
err := uploadForm.ExtractInfo(r)
if err != nil {
messages.AddError("errors", err.Error())
status := model.TorrentStatusNormal
if uploadForm.Remake { // overrides trusted
status = model.TorrentStatusRemake
} else if user.IsTrusted() {
status = model.TorrentStatusTrusted
var sameTorrents int
db.ORM.Model(&model.Torrent{}).Where("torrent_hash = ?", uploadForm.Infohash).Count(&sameTorrents)
if sameTorrents > 0 {
messages.AddError("errors", "Torrent already in database !")
if !messages.HasErrors() {
// add to db and redirect
torrent := model.Torrent{
Name: uploadForm.Name,
Category: uploadForm.CategoryID,
SubCategory: uploadForm.SubCategoryID,
Status: status,
Hash: uploadForm.Infohash,
Date: time.Now(),
Filesize: uploadForm.Filesize,
Description: uploadForm.Description,
WebsiteLink: uploadForm.WebsiteLink,
UploaderID: user.ID}
// add filelist to files db, if we have one
if len(uploadForm.FileList) > 0 {
for _, uploadedFile := range uploadForm.FileList {
file := model.File{TorrentID: torrent.ID, Filesize: uploadedFile.Filesize}
err := file.SetPath(uploadedFile.Path)
if err != nil {
messages.AddError("errors", err.Error())
url, err := Router.Get("view_torrent").URL("id", strconv.FormatUint(uint64(torrent.ID), 10))
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
http.Redirect(w, r, url.String()+"?success", 302)
func UploadGetHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
messages := msg.GetMessages(r) // new util for errors and infos
var uploadForm UploadForm
_ = uploadForm.ExtractInfo(r)
user := GetUser(r)
if userPermission.NeedsCaptcha(user) {
uploadForm.CaptchaID = captcha.GetID()
} else {
uploadForm.CaptchaID = ""
utv := UploadTemplateVariables{
Upload: uploadForm,
FormErrors: messages.GetAllErrors(),
Search: NewSearchForm(),
Navigation: NewNavigation(),
T: languages.GetTfuncFromRequest(r),
User: GetUser(r),
Route: mux.CurrentRoute(r),
err := uploadTemplate.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", utv)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)