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akuma06 03ea72595d OAuth API [done] ()
* Initial Commit for OAuth API

This builds and run and return the right error.
Need to test it and then adding all users as possible client

* Added mising dependency

* just compile already...

* Fixing template test

* Imrpovements

Moved db stuff in models
Added some tests
Added form in modpanel to add/update a client
Added controllers for add/update of client

* Added Forms + speed improvements

Controller oauth client listing + html
Controller oauth client delete + messages
Messages on comment delete
New ES config that disable ES if set to false. Improve load speed on local development
Fix a load config bug
Fix index admin & translation string sign_out broken by @ewhal

* Sanitize empty strig in form array + css

Multiple empty array of strings are sanitized for the oauth client create form
Added some css for the form display

* Upload and Create form works

* Fix splitting response types

* Removing required on secret when updating

* fix travis error

* Fix travis template test

* Update dependency

* Moved to jinzhu instead of azhao

* randomizen secret on creation

* Final touch on oath api

improved display name
fix grant form csrf
fix login csrf on oauth

* Fix gorm test

* fix template test

* Fixing deleted dependency issue

* Make travis faster

* Fix typo

* Fix csrf for api calls

* This shouldn't be exempt

* Removing hard coded hash

@ewhal Don't forget to replace the hash in tokens.go with another one

* Added an example on how to use OAuth middleware

* Renamed fosite utils to oauth2 utils
2017-07-28 13:46:40 +10:00

94 lignes
3,5 Kio

package oauth
import (
msg ""
gooauth ""
func CallbackHandler(conf gooauth.Config) func(c *gin.Context) {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
ctx := fosite.NewContext()
messages := msg.GetMessages(c)
if c.Request.URL.Query().Get("error") != "" {
messages.AddError("errors", c.Request.URL.Query().Get("error"))
messages.AddError("errors", c.Request.URL.Query().Get("error_description"))
templateVariables := templates.Commonvariables(c)
templates.Render(c, "site/api/errors.jet.html", templateVariables)
if c.Request.URL.Query().Get("revoke") != "" {
revokeURL := strings.Replace(conf.Endpoint.TokenURL, "token", "revoke", 1)
resp, body, errs := gorequest.New().Post(revokeURL).SetBasicAuth(conf.ClientID, conf.ClientSecret).SendString(url.Values{
"token_type_hint": {"refresh_token"},
"token": {c.Request.URL.Query().Get("revoke")},
if len(errs) > 0 {
messages.AddError("errors", fmt.Sprintf(`Could not revoke token %s`, errs))
templateVariables := templates.Commonvariables(c)
templateVariables.Set("ResponseCode", resp.StatusCode)
if body != "" {
templateVariables.Set("Response", fmt.Sprintf(`<p>Got a response from the revoke endpoint:<br><code>%s</code></p>`, body))
if !messages.HasErrors() {
templateVariables.Set("Revoke", true)
templates.Render(c, "site/api/revoke.jet.html", templateVariables)
if c.Request.URL.Query().Get("refresh") != "" {
_, body, errs := gorequest.New().Post(conf.Endpoint.TokenURL).SetBasicAuth(conf.ClientID, conf.ClientSecret).SendString(url.Values{
"grant_type": {"refresh_token"},
"refresh_token": {c.Request.URL.Query().Get("refresh")},
"scope": {"user"},
if len(errs) > 0 {
messages.AddError("errors", fmt.Sprintf(`Could not refresh token %s`, errs))
templateVariables := templates.Commonvariables(c)
templateVariables.Set("Response", fmt.Sprintf(`<p>Got a response from the revoke endpoint:<br><code>%s</code></p>`, body))
if !messages.HasErrors() {
templateVariables.Set("Response", true)
templates.Render(c, "site/api/refresh.jet.html", templateVariables)
if c.Request.URL.Query().Get("code") == "" {
messages.AddError("errors", fmt.Sprintln(`Could not find the authorize code.`))
templateVariables := templates.Commonvariables(c)
templates.Render(c, "site/api/errors.jet.html", templateVariables)
token, err := conf.Exchange(ctx, c.Request.URL.Query().Get("code"))
if err != nil {
messages.AddError("errors", fmt.Sprintf(`<p>I tried to exchange the authorize code for an access token but it did not work but got error: %s</p>`, err.Error()))
templateVariables := templates.Commonvariables(c)
templates.Render(c, "site/api/errors.jet.html", templateVariables)
messages.AddInfo("infos", fmt.Sprintf("%s", token))
templateVariables := templates.Commonvariables(c)
templateVariables.Set("Code", c.Request.URL.Query().Get("code"))
templateVariables.Set("AccessToken", token.AccessToken)
templateVariables.Set("RefreshToken", token.RefreshToken)
if !messages.HasErrors() {
templateVariables.Set("Callback", true)
templates.Render(c, "site/api/callback.jet.html", templateVariables)