* Should fix old uploader name in torrent view * Fix "save changes" in modtools * Modtool more colorful * Fix search bar placement in modpanel * Make colors more consistent; less would be super helpful tbqach fam * Display the old username if it's there * Fix some admin index html * Add custom icons and remove png code from all CSS * Move a good amount of cosmetic code from main to classic * Fix some weird bug with point-events; add some global icon formatting; fix mascot fucking up * Spruce up admin panel with icons on smaller viewports, along with adding trash icon * 404 redesign ;^) * Mufuyu mascot on all themes; says something slightly lewd * Fix weird user menu bug where shit would overflow
34 lignes
Pas d'EOL
6,2 Kio
34 lignes
Pas d'EOL
6,2 Kio
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