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-- Note: This file is used as fallback for locales that don't exist.
All '%' characters mark the position where some text is to be inserted.
Following this character is some alphabetical text controlling how the data is
to be interpreted, which may be empty.
Following that is either a number, the index to the data to insert, or
brackets containing some text to transform, which may recursively contain
other transformed text.
Inserts first argument into string without changing it.
Inserts first argument into string and highlights it.
%(Hello World)
Inserts the text 'Hello World' into the string. Not entirely useful,
as you could simply just write 'Hello World'.
%h(Hello World)
Inserts the text 'Hello World', highlighted so that it stands out.
This convoluted example demonstrates nesting.
First 'cla' and 'ss' are converted into 'class', this is made
quoted, converting it into '"classes"', and then this is highlighted.
Highlight some text. Bewarned that highlighting already highlighted text
doesn't work as expected.
Insert a time, argument is interpreted as a number representing seconds.
Insert a percentage. Argument should be a number between 0 and 1, text
will be shaded from red at 0% to green at 100%.
Quotes some text.
Inserts a Lua quoted and escaped string.
These transformations can made to do different things depending on the locale,
if you're translating and need something changed, please ask.
-- If the client is using this locale, then strings from this table will always be used, regardless of
-- the locale selected for displayed text.
QuestHelper_ForcedTranslations.enUS =
QuestHelper_Translations.enUS =
-- Displayed by locale chooser.
LOCALE_NAME = "English",
-- Messages used when starting.
LOCALE_ERROR = "The locale of your saved data doesn't match the locale of your WoW client. To use QuestHelper you'll need to either change the locale back, or delete the data by typing %h(/qh purge).",
ZONE_LAYOUT_ERROR = "Your version of QuestHelper is out of date, and you'll have to update at http://www.curse.com/questhelper/ for it to continue working. You're currently using version %1.",
HOME_NOT_KNOWN = "Your home isn't known. When you get a chance, please talk to your innkeeper and reset it.",
PRIVATE_SERVER = "QuestHelper does not support private servers.",
PLEASE_RESTART = "There was an error starting QuestHelper. Please exit World of Warcraft entirely and try again. If this problem continues, you may need to reinstall QuestHelper.",
NOT_UNZIPPED_CORRECTLY = "QuestHelper was installed incorrectly. We recommend using the Curse Client to install. Download at %h(http://www.curse.com/client).",
PLEASE_SUBMIT = "%h(Submitted your data to QuestHelper lately?) QuestHelper relies on user-submitted data to keep its database accurate. If you have a few minutes, head to the QuestHelper homepage at %h(http://code.google.com/p/questhelperredux/issues/list) and follow the instructions. Thanks!",
HOW_TO_CONFIGURE = "QuestHelper does not yet have a working settings page, but can be configured by typing %h(/qh settings). Help is available with %h(/qh help).",
TIME_TO_UPDATE = "There may be a %h(new QuestHelper version) available. New versions usually include new features, new quest databases, and bugfixes. Please update!",
-- Route related text.
ROUTES_CHANGED = "The flight routes for your character have been altered.",
HOME_CHANGED = "Your home has been changed.",
TALK_TO_FLIGHT_MASTER = "Please talk to the local flight master.",
WILL_RESET_PATH = "Will reset pathing information.",
UPDATING_ROUTE = "Refreshing route.",
-- Special tracker text
QH_LOADING = "QuestHelper is loading (%1%)...",
QH_FLIGHTPATH = "Recalculating flightpaths (%1%)...",
QH_RECALCULATING = "Recalculating route (%1%)...",
QUESTS_HIDDEN_1 = "Quests may be hidden",
QUESTS_HIDDEN_2 = "(rightclick to list)",
-- Locale switcher.
LOCALE_LIST_BEGIN = "Available Locales:",
LOCALE_CHANGED = "Locale changed to: %h1",
LOCALE_UNKNOWN = "Locale %h1 isn't known.",
-- Words used for objectives.
SLAY_VERB = "Slay",
ACQUIRE_VERB = "Acquire",
OBJECTIVE_REASON = "%1 %h2 for quest %h3.", -- %1 is a verb, %2 is a noun (item or monster)
OBJECTIVE_REASON_FALLBACK = "%h1 for quest %h2.",
OBJECTIVE_REASON_TURNIN = "Turn in quest %h1.",
OBJECTIVE_PURCHASE = "Purchase from %h1.",
OBJECTIVE_TALK = "Talk to %h1.",
OBJECTIVE_SLAY = "Slay %h1.",
OBJECTIVE_LOOT = "Loot %h1.",
OBJECTIVE_OPEN = "Open %h1.",
OBJECTIVE_MONSTER_UNKNOWN = "unknown monster",
OBJECTIVE_ITEM_UNKNOWN = "unknown item",
ZONE_BORDER_SIMPLE = "%1 border",
-- Stuff used in objective menus.
PRIORITY = "Priority",
PRIORITY1 = "Highest",
PRIORITY2 = "High",
PRIORITY3 = "Normal",
PRIORITY4 = "Low",
PRIORITY5 = "Lowest",
SHARING = "Sharing",
SHARING_DISABLE = "Don't Share",
IGNORE = "Ignore",
IGNORE_LOCATION = "Ignore this location",
IGNORED_PRIORITY_TITLE = "The selected priority would be ignored.",
IGNORED_PRIORITY_FIX = "Apply same priority to the blocking objectives.",
IGNORED_PRIORITY_IGNORE = "I'll set the priorities myself.",
-- "/qh find"
RESULTS_TITLE = "Search Results",
NO_RESULTS = "There aren't any!",
CREATED_OBJ = "Created: %1",
REMOVED_OBJ = "Removed: %1",
USER_OBJ = "User Objective: %h1",
UNKNOWN_OBJ = "I don't know where you should go for that objective.",
INACCESSIBLE_OBJ = "QuestHelper has been unable to find a useful location for %h1. We've added a likely-impossible-to-find location to your objectives list. If you find a useful version of this object, please submit your data! (%h(/qh submit))",
FIND_REMOVE = "Cancel objective",
FIND_NOT_READY = "QuestHelper hasn't finished loading yet. Please wait a minute and try again.",
FIND_CUSTOM_LOCATION = "Custom map location",
FIND_USAGE = "Find doesn't work if you don't tell it what to find. Try %h(/qh help) for instructions.",
-- Shared objectives.
PEER_TURNIN = "Wait for %h1 to turn in %h2.",
PEER_LOCATION = "Help %h1 reach a location in %h2.",
PEER_ITEM = "Help %1 to acquire %h2.",
PEER_OTHER = "Assist %1 with %h2.",
PEER_NEWER = "%h1 is using a newer protocol version. It might be time to upgrade.",
PEER_OLDER = "%h1 is using an older protocol version.",
UNKNOWN_MESSAGE = "Unknown message type '%1' from '%2'.",
-- Hidden objectives.
HIDDEN_TITLE = "Hidden Objectives",
HIDDEN_NONE = "There are no objectives hidden from you",
DEPENDS_ON_SINGLE = "Depends on '%1'",
DEPENDS_ON_COUNT = "Depends on %1 hidden objectives",
DEPENDS_ON = "Depends on filtered objectives",
FILTERED_LEVEL = "Filtered due to level",
FILTERED_GROUP = "Filtered due to group size",
FILTERED_ZONE = "Filtered due to zone",
FILTERED_COMPLETE = "Filtered due to completeness",
FILTERED_BLOCKED = "Filtered due to incomplete prior objective",
FILTERED_UNWATCHED = "Filtered due to not being Tracked in the Quest Log",
FILTERED_WINTERGRASP = "Filtered due to being a PvP Wintergrasp quest",
FILTERED_RAID = "Filtered due to not being completable in a raid",
FILTERED_USER = "You requested this objective be hidden",
FILTERED_UNKNOWN = "Don't know how to complete",
HIDDEN_SHOW_NO = "Not showable",
HIDDEN_EXCEPTION = "Add exception",
DISABLE_FILTER = "Disable filter: %1",
FILTER_DONE = "done",
FILTER_ZONE = "zone",
FILTER_LEVEL = "level",
FILTER_BLOCKED = "blocked",
FILTER_WATCHED = "watched",
-- Achievements. Or, as they are known in the biz, "cheeves".
-- God I hate the biz.
ACHIEVEMENT_CHECKBOX = "Check to add this achievement to QuestHelper.",
-- Nagging. (This is incomplete, only translating strings for the non-verbose version of the nag command that appears at startup.)
NAG_MULTIPLE_NEW = "You have %h(new information) on %h1, and %h(updated information) on %h2.",
NAG_SINGLE_NEW = "You have %h(new information) on %h1.",
NAG_ADDITIONAL = "You have %h(additional information) on %h1.",
NAG_POLLUTED = "Your database has been polluted by information from a test or private server, and will be cleared on startup.",
NAG_NOT_NEW = "You don't have any information not already in the static database.",
NAG_NEW = "You might consider sharing your data so that others may benefit.",
NAG_INSTRUCTIONS = "Type %h(/qh submit) for instructions on submitting data.",
NAG_SINGLE_FP = "a flight master",
NAG_SINGLE_QUEST = "a quest",
NAG_SINGLE_ROUTE = "a flight route",
NAG_SINGLE_ITEM_OBJ = "an item objective",
NAG_SINGLE_OBJECT_OBJ = "an object objective",
NAG_SINGLE_MONSTER_OBJ = "a monster objective",
NAG_SINGLE_EVENT_OBJ = "an event objective",
NAG_SINGLE_REPUTATION_OBJ = "a reputation objective",
NAG_SINGLE_PLAYER_OBJ = "a player objective",
NAG_MULTIPLE_FP = "%1 flight masters",
NAG_MULTIPLE_QUEST = "%1 quests",
NAG_MULTIPLE_ROUTE = "%1 flight routes",
NAG_MULTIPLE_ITEM_OBJ = "%1 item objectives",
NAG_MULTIPLE_OBJECT_OBJ = "%1 object objectives",
NAG_MULTIPLE_MONSTER_OBJ = "%1 monster objectives",
NAG_MULTIPLE_EVENT_OBJ = "%1 event objectives",
NAG_MULTIPLE_REPUTATION_OBJ = "%1 reputation objectives",
NAG_MULTIPLE_PLAYER_OBJ = "%1 player objectives",
-- Stuff used by dodads.
PEER_PROGRESS = "%1's progress:",
TRAVEL_ESTIMATE = "Estimated travel time:",
WAYPOINT_REASON = "Visit %h1 en route to:",
FLIGHT_POINT = "%1 flight point",
-- QuestHelper Map Button
QH_BUTTON_TEXT = "QuestHelper",
QH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP1 = "Left Click: %1 routing information.",
QH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP2 = "Right Click: Show Settings menu.",
MENU_CLOSE = "Close Menu",
MENU_SETTINGS = "Settings",
MENU_ENABLE = "Enable",
MENU_DISABLE = "Disable",
MENU_OBJECTIVE_TIPS = "%1 Objective Tooltips",
MENU_QUEST_TRACKER = "%1 Quest Tracker",
MENU_TRACKER_LEVEL = "%1 Quest Levels",
MENU_TRACKER_QCOLOUR = "%1 Quest Difficulty Colours",
MENU_TRACKER_OCOLOUR = "%1 Objective Progress Colours",
MENU_TRACKER_SCALE = "Tracker Scale",
MENU_TRACKER_RESET = "Reset Position",
MENU_FLIGHT_TIMER = "%1 Flight Timer",
MENU_ANT_TRAILS = "%1 Ant Trails",
MENU_WAYPOINT_ARROW = "%1 Waypoint Arrow",
MENU_MAP_BUTTON = "%1 Map Button",
MENU_ZONE_FILTER = "%1 Zone Filter",
MENU_DONE_FILTER = "%1 Done Filter",
MENU_BLOCKED_FILTER = "%1 Blocked Filter",
MENU_WATCHED_FILTER = "%1 Watched Filter",
MENU_LEVEL_FILTER = "%1 Level Filter",
MENU_LEVEL_OFFSET = "Level Filter Offset",
MENU_ICON_SCALE = "Icon Scale",
MENU_FILTERS = "Filters",
MENU_PERFORMANCE = "Route Workload Scale",
MENU_LOCALE = "Locale",
MENU_PARTY = "Party",
MENU_PARTY_SHARE = "%1 Objective Sharing",
MENU_PARTY_SOLO = "%1 Ignore Party",
MENU_HELP = "Help",
MENU_HELP_SLASH = "Slash Commands",
MENU_HELP_SUBMIT = "Submitting Data",
-- Added to tooltips of items/npcs that are watched by QuestHelper but don't have any progress information.
-- Otherwise, the PEER_PROGRESS text is added to the tooltip instead.
TOOLTIP_WATCHED = "Watched by QuestHelper",
TOOLTIP_QUEST = "For Quest %h1.",
TOOLTIP_PURCHASE = "Purchase %h1.",
TOOLTIP_SLAY = "Slay for %h1.",
TOOLTIP_LOOT = "Loot for %h1.",
TOOLTIP_OPEN = "Open for %h1.",
-- Settings
SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_ON = "Will use %h1 to show objectives.",
SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_OFF = "Won't use %h1 to show objectives.",
SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_CART = "Cartographer Waypoints",
SETTINGS_PRECACHE_ON = "Precache has been %h(enabled).",
SETTINGS_PRECACHE_OFF = "Precache has been %h(disabled).",
SETTINGS_MENU_CARTWP = "%1 Cartographer Arrow",
SETTINGS_RADAR_ON = "Minimap radar engaged! (beep, beep, beep)",
SETTINGS_RADAR_OFF = "Minimap radar disengaged. (whirrrrr, clunk)",
-- I'm just tossing miscellaneous stuff down here
DISTANCE_YARDS = "%h1 yards",
DISTANCE_METRES = "%h1 metres"
QuestHelper_TranslationFunctions.enUS =
-- %1 will insert a copy of argument 1, converted to a string.
[""] = tostring,
-- Highlight: "%h1" will insert a highlighted copy of argument 1, converted to a string.
["h"] = function(data) return QuestHelper:HighlightText(tostring(data)) end,
-- Time: "%t1" will insert argument 1 as a number representing seconds.
-- A value of 9296 will for example be inserted as '2:34:56'.
["t"] = function(data) return QuestHelper:TimeString(tonumber(data)) end,
-- Percentage: "%p1" will insert argument 1 as a number representing a fraction.
-- A value of .3183 will for example be inserted as '31.8%'.
["p"] = function(data) return QuestHelper:PercentString(tonumber(data)) end,
-- Quote: "%q1" will insert argument 1 as quoted text.
["q"] = function(data) return string.format("“%s”", data) end,
-- Lua quote: "%Q1" will insert argument 1 as a quoted lua string.
["Q"] = function(data) return string.format("%q", data) end