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•Addedanerrortodeterminewhatwe're receiving when ltype is not nil and is not a number in collect_quest.Looted. The error will tell us the lua type and the value of ltype.\
Okay,clearlyit's time for a State of QuestHelper.\
Shortversion:QuestHelperisn't being updated much anymore, for a variety of reasons. I'mgoingtokeepitworking,butasidefromafewinterfaceimprovementsthatI've been meaning to put in for months, you'reprobablynotgoingtoseemanybigchanges.\
QuestHelper's always been kind of an odd project for me. I picked it up because it looked like a challenge, because I wanted it to work better for my own purposes, and because I saw a lot of potential for what it could become. Since then, we'veseenalotofchangesinWoW.Istartedbackinthedaysof2.4.0,whenwewereeagerlyawaitingWrath,andtodaywe're largely finished with Wrath and eagerly awaiting Cataclysm.\
•Idon't quest anymore. I always enjoyed dungeons more, and with the 3.3 LFD changes, pretty much all of my playtime is now spent in dungeons. I imagine I'lllevelupaWorgenthroughquestsonceCataclysmcomesout,justtoseethenewquests,butthat's about it.\
•Ontopofthat,Idon't really play much anymore. I'vegototherhugeprojectsonmyplate(comevisithttp://www.mandible.net).IoriginallypickedupWoWtoplaywithfriendsandtolearnfromBlizzard's design expertise. All the friends I originally joined have quit, I started raiding and then stopped again, and, minus the changes coming up in Cataclysm, I feel like I'velearnedeverythingI'm going to from Blizzard, and learned quite a few things that Blizzard could stand to learn.\
(Hey,Blizzard.Hiremetobalanceyourclasses.Youwantme.Trustmeonthis.I'll make your game sing.)\
•QuestHelperwasactivelyworkedonaslongasitwas,largelythankstothedonations.Withoutthose,Iwouldhavehadtodumpitmuchearlier-yourgenerousdonationsliterallykeptQuestHelperrunning.Withthe3.3questmapchanges,QuestHelperdoesn't have nearly as many users, and those who still use it don'tdonateasmuch.Isimplycan't afford to put a lot of time into it anymore.\
Note:Thisisn't an attempt to throw blame on people or anything of that sort, I don'twantyoutofeelguiltyfornotdonating,I'm not trying to make a last snatch of cash off this thing. It'sjustwhathappened.Sometimestheeconomictruthschange.\
•Alongwiththat,QuestHelperdoesn't have as many users as it used to. QH was partially useful as a vehicle for learning how to deal with large userbases (done, mostly) and, I'lladmit,foradvertisingmyotherprojects.Bothofthose,obviously,aren't as useful anymore.\
•Alongwith*that*,IhadabunchofneatideasonhowtoturnQuestHelperintosomethingtrulyhugeandspectacular.Unfortunately,Blizzard's addon development rules, coupled with the 3.3 changes, pretty much killed that project. If I were to do that - and I'dstillliketodothat-I'd need a level of funding that I simply don'thavepotentiallyavailableanymore.Ifyou're sitting out there with a few million bucks burning a hole in your pocket, lemme know - I might have a good way to spend it - but without that person showing up, my ultra-long-term plans are pretty infeasible, and I already burned a month trying to come up with alternatives. Turns out not all business plans work out :)\
•Mostimportantly,though:QuestHelperisdone.Itworks.It's got a few glitches, it'sgotafewmissingfeatures.Fundamentally,itaccomplisheswhatIwantedittoaccomplish.I'm proud of what I'vebuilt,butIdon't see anything to add that seems worth the time.\
Idon't yet know what the future of QuestHelper brings. Obviously, there'ssomequestionaboutwhetheritwillcontinueworkinginCataclysm.Ireallycouldn't say - the Cataclysm conversion might be simple, it might be a major redesign of QuestHelper'sinterface.I'll let you know when I find out. This will happen once I get my hands on a Cataclysm beta code. :)\
Ifsomeonewouldliketotakeitover,they're absolutely welcome to. I don't*really*expectthistohappen-QuestHelperisabeastofaUImod,andIfirmlybelieveitisthemostcomplexUImodinWoW.Butifsomeonewouldliketotry,takealookatthesourcecodeandgoaddsomethingmoderatelymajor.\
Butbeyondthat:it's been a good ride, thanks for coming along. I'vehadalotoffunworkingonthisthing,andthat's largely thanks to the people who donated, the people who encouraged me, and the people who helped out with tech support. You'reallawesome.\
•Moreinstrumentation,moreDBupdate.I'm hoping to get some of these bugs squashed but I still need more debug reports, so keep 'emcoming.\
Let's have it for another game! McDougal'sMarvelousUpside-DownElectrotree]tookfarlongerthanI'd really expected, but //it is here now// and so you should play it.\
•MoreinstrumentationforafewmoreweirdbugsI'm seeing. Keep reporting 'em,I'm not quite sure what'sgoingonyet\