Ce dépôt a été archivé le 2020-03-15. Vous pouvez voir ses fichiers ou le cloner, mais pas ouvrir de ticket ou de demandes d'ajout, ni soumettre de changements.
-- We do these early, because some things that aren't in collect may rely on these. Yes I realize that avoiding this was one of my main goals in the separate collect system, shut up go away I hate you (in all seriousness: crunch mode + lazy = some nasty bits.)
-- TODO: Make a common collect/mainmodule system, then rely on that better.
QH_Collect_Util_Init(nil,API)-- Some may actually add their own functions to the API, and should go first. There's no real formalized order, I just know which depend on others, and it's heavily asserted so it will break if it goes in the wrong order.
ifnotv.modifiedthenv.modified=time()-7*24*60*60end-- eugh. Yeah, we set it to be a week ago. It's pretty grim.
localsig=string.format("%s on %s/%s/%d",GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper","Version"),GetBuildInfo(),GetLocale(),QuestHelper:PlayerFaction())
localsig_altfaction=string.format("%s on %s/%s/%d",GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper","Version"),GetBuildInfo(),GetLocale(),(QuestHelper:PlayerFaction()==1)and2or1)
ifnotQuestHelper_Collector[sig]orQuestHelper_Collector[sig].compressedthenQuestHelper_Collector[sig]={version=QuestHelper_Collector_Version}end-- fuckin' bullshit, man
-- It's simple. People are gonna update to this version, and then they're going to look at the memory usage. Then they will panic because omg this version uses so much more memory, I bet that will somehow hurt my framerates in a way which is not adequately explained!
-- So instead, we just wait half an hour before compressing. Compression will still get done, and I won't have to deal with panicked comments about how bloated QH has gotten.
-- addendum: yeah naturally I'm getting all sorts of panicked comments about how bloated qh has gotten, sigh