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QuestHelper_File["manager_achievement.lua"] = "4.0.1.$svnversion$"
2010-10-24 23:17:33 +02:00
QuestHelper_Loadtime["manager_achievement.lua"] = GetTime()
local AchievementDB
-- 0 is a monster kill, asset is the monster ID
--X 1 is winning PvP objectives in a thorough manner (holding all bases, controlling all flags)
--X 7 is weapon skill, asset is probably a skill ID of some sort
--X 8 is another achievement, asset is achievement ID
--X 9 is completing quests globally
--X 10 is completing a daily quest every day
--X 11 is completing quests in specific areas
--X 14 is completing daily quests
-- 27 is a quest, asset is quest ID
--X 28 is getting a spell cast on you, asset is a spell ID
--X 29 is casting a spell (often crafting), asset is a spell ID
--X 30 is PvP objectives (flags, assaulting, defending)
--X 31 is PvP kills in battleground PvP locations
--X 32 is winning ranked arena matches in specific locations (asset is probably a location ID)
--X 34 is the Squashling (owning a specific pet?), asset is the spell ID
--X 35 is PvP kills while under the influence of something
--X 36 is acquiring items (soulbound), asset is an item ID
--X 37 is winning arenas
--X 41 is eating or drinking a specific item, asset is item ID
--X 42 is fishing things up, asset is item ID
-- 43 is exploration, asset is a location ID?
--X 45 is purchasing 7 bank slots
--X 46 is exalted rep, asset is presumably some kind of faction ID
--X 47 is 5 reputations to exalted
--X 49 is equipping items, asset is a slot ID (quality is presumably encoded into flags)
--X 52 is killing specific classes of player
--X 53 is kill-a-given-race, asset is race ID?
-- 54 is using emotes on targets, asset ID is likely the emote ID
--X 56 is being a wrecking ball in Alterac Valley
--X 62 is getting gold from quest rewards
--X 67 is looting gold
-- 68 is reading books
-- 70 is killing players in world PvP locations
-- 72 is fishing things from schools or wreckage
--X 73 is killing Mal'Ganis on Heroic. Why? Who can say.
--X 75 is obtaining mounts
-- 109 is fishing, either in general or in specific locations
-- 110 is casting spells on specific targets, asset ID is the spell ID
--X 112 is learning cooking recipes
--X 113 is honorable kills
local achievement_type_blacklist = {}
for _, v in pairs({1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 46, 47, 49, 52, 53, 56, 62, 67, 73, 75, 112, 113}) do
achievement_type_blacklist[v] = true
local achievement_list = {}
--local crittypes = {}
--QuestHelper_ZorbaForgotToRemoveThis = {}
local qhdinfo = false
local qhdinfodump = {}
local function qhadumpy()
for k, v in pairs(qhdinfodump) do
local ct = 0
local some
for tk, tv in pairs(v) do
ct = ct + 1
some = tk
QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("%d: %d, %s", k, ct, some))
local function registerAchievement(id)
--if db.achievements[id] then return end
QuestHelper: Assert(id)
if id < 0 then return end -- stupid underachiever
local _, title, _, complete = GetAchievementInfo(id)
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("Registering %d (%s)", id, title))
local prev = GetPreviousAchievement(id)
local record = false
db.achievements[id] = {
previous = prev,
compete = complete,
name = title,
criterialist = {}
local dbi = db.achievements[id]
if prev then
local critcount = GetAchievementNumCriteria(id)
if critcount == 0 then record = true end
for i = 1, critcount do
local crit_name, crit_type, crit_complete, crit_quantity, crit_reqquantity, _, _, crit_asset, _, crit_id = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(id, i)
if qhdinfo and not achievement_type_blacklist[crit_type] then
if not qhdinfodump[crit_type] then qhdinfodump[crit_type] = {} end
qhdinfodump[crit_type][title .. " --- " .. crit_name] = true
table.insert(dbi.criterialist, crit_id)
ass ert (not db.criteria[crit_id])
crittypes[crit_type] = (crittypes[crit_type] or 0) + 1]]
if not achievement_type_blacklist[crit_type] then record = true end
db.criteria[crit_id] = {
name = crit_name,
type = crit_type,
complete = crit_complete,
progress = crit_quantity,
progress_total = crit_reqquantity,
asset = crit_asset,
if record then achievement_list[id] = true end
local function createAchievementList()
for _, catid in pairs(GetCategoryList()) do
for d = 1, GetCategoryNumAchievements(catid) do
--if GetAchievementInfo(catid, d) == 2557 then print("loading tffs") end
--if GetAchievementInfo(catid, d) == 1312 then print("loading otot") end
registerAchievement(GetAchievementInfo(catid, d), db)
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[2557]) ]]
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[1312]) ]] -- what what
qh_cal = createAchievementList
local achievement_stop_time = 0
local GetAchievementInfo = GetAchievementInfo
local GetAchievementNumCriteria = GetAchievementNumCriteria
local GetAchievementCriteriaInfo = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo
local function retrieveAchievement(id, db)
local _, _, _, complete = GetAchievementInfo(id)
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("Registering %d (%s)", id, title))
db.achievements[id] = QuestHelper:CreateTable("collect_achievement achievement")
db.achievements[id].complete = complete
local dbi = db.achievements[id]
local critcount = GetAchievementNumCriteria(id)
QuestHelper: Assert(critcount, "critcount nil " .. tostring(id))
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("%d criteria", crit))
for i = 1, critcount do
QuestHelper: Assert(not db.criteria[crit_id])
local _, _, crit_complete, crit_quantity, crit_reqquantity, _, _, _, _, crit_id = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(id, i)
db.criteria[crit_id] = QuestHelper:CreateTable("collect_achievement criteria")
db.criteria[crit_id].complete = crit_complete
db.criteria[crit_id].progress = crit_quantity
db.criteria[crit_id].parent = id
local function getAchievementDB()
local db = {}
db.achievements = {}
db.criteria = {}
local ct = 0
for k in pairs(achievement_list) do
retrieveAchievement(k, db)
ct = ct + 1
--QuestHelper: TextOut(tostring(ct))
return db
local registered = {}
local prescan = {}
function QH_AchievementManagerRegister(funky) -- I am imagining "funky" being said in the same tone of voice that "spicy" is in Puzzle Pirates
table.insert(registered, funky)
function QH_AchievementManagerRegister_Prescan(funky)
table.insert(prescan, funky)
local updating = false
local updating_continue = false
local function ScanAchievements()
while updating_continue do
updating_continue = false
for _, v in ipairs(prescan) do
local old = AchievementDB
local new = getAchievementDB()
for _, v in ipairs(registered) do
v(old, new)
AchievementDB = new
for k, v in pairs(old.achievements) do QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(v) end
for k, v in pairs(old.criteria) do QuestHelper:ReleaseTable(v) end
updating = false
local function OnEvent()
--print("oe", updating, AchievementDB)
if not updating and AchievementDB then
QH_Timeslice_Add(ScanAchievements, "criteria")
updating = true
updating_continue = true
--qhaach = OnEvent
function QH_AchievementManagerRegister_Poke()
function QH_AchievementManager_Init()
AchievementDB = getAchievementDB() -- 'coz we're lazy
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[2556]) ]]
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[2557]) ]]
----[[ assert(AchievementDB.achievements[1312]) ]] -- what what
for _, v in ipairs(registered) do -- basically initting everything linked to this
v(AchievementDB, AchievementDB)
if QuestHelper_File["manager_achievement.lua"] == "Development Version" then
-- woop woop woop
-- runnin' around like a headless chicken
-- collidin' with walls
-- fallin' over backwards, waving arms wildly
-- little bit of drool
-- you know how it goes
local the_data
local function eatAchievement(id)
local _, title, _, complete = GetAchievementInfo(id)
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("Registering %d (%s)", id, title))
local prev = GetPreviousAchievement(id)
local record = false
if prev then
local critcount = GetAchievementNumCriteria(id)
the_data[id] = {name = title}
for i = 1, critcount do
local _, crit_type, _, _, _, _, _, crit_asset, _, crit_id = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(id, i)
table.insert(the_data[id], {cid = crit_id, type = crit_type, asset = crit_asset})
function dump_the_data_zorba_needs()
the_data = {}
QuestHelper_Errors.achievement_cruft = the_data
for _, catid in pairs(GetCategoryList()) do
for d = 1, GetCategoryNumAchievements(catid) do
eatAchievement(GetAchievementInfo(catid, d))
function dump_crits(id)
local critcount = GetAchievementNumCriteria(id)
print(string.format("%d criteria (%s)", critcount, tostring(achievement_list[id])))
for i = 1, critcount do
local _, crit_type = GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(id, i)
print(string.format("%d: %d", i, crit_type))