Bifurcation 0

Fixed both of the problems in issue 457. Ironically, the error reported was not generally reachable except through the reporting of an error. The error that was trying to be reported was a failed assertion, due to the resolution of issue 427. As it turns out, the guid position was moved and a number really was being returned. This was introduced in the 4.1 patch and further changed with the 4.2 patch, possibly making all 4.1 data useless (examination of some sample data shall ensue).

Cette révision appartient à :
Nathanial.C.Jones 2011-07-06 11:46:30 +00:00
Parent f0099639c7
révision 0b8d9b7f81
2 fichiers modifiés avec 4 ajouts et 2 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ local function Looted(message)
--if debug_output then QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("Added event %s", string.format("I%di", ltype))) end
local function Combat(_, event, _, _, _, guid)
local function Combat(_, event, _, _, _, _, _, guid)
if event ~= "UNIT_DIED" then return end
if not IsMonsterGUID(guid) then return end
local mtype = GetMonsterType(guid, true)

Voir le fichier

@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ end
-- ganked verbatim from Swatter
function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetPlayerInfo()
return string.format("Level %s %s (%s) %s (%s) on %s", UnitLevel("player"), UnitRace("player"), UnitClass("player"), GetRealmName())
local race, rfile = UnitRace("player")
local class, cfile = UnitClass("player")
return string.format("Level %s %s %s on %s", UnitLevel("player"), race, class, GetRealmName())
function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetQuests()