Bifurcation 0

Fixed zone information. Still crashing due to a failed assertion, so not releasable.

Cette révision appartient à :
Nathanial.C.Jones 2010-11-24 21:39:41 +00:00
Parent 1807b8b71a
révision 3ee4052b4c
1 fichiers modifiés avec 123 ajouts et 84 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -3,32 +3,37 @@ QuestHelper_Loadtime["upgrade.lua"] = GetTime()
QuestHelper_Zones =
[3]="Azuremyst Isle",
[4]="Bloodmyst Isle",
[9]="Dustwallow Marsh",
[16]="Stonetalon Mountains",
[19]="The Barrens",
[20]="The Exodar",
[21]="Thousand Needles",
[22]="Thunder Bluff",
[23]="Un'Goro Crater",
[1]="Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom",
[4]="Azuremyst Isle",
[5]="Bloodmyst Isle",
[10]="Dustwallow Marsh",
[14]="Mount Hyjal",
[16]="Northern Barrens",
[19]="Southern Barrens",
[20]="Stonetalon Mountains",
[23]="The Exodar",
[24]="Thousand Needles",
[25]="Thunder Bluff",
[27]="Un'Goro Crater",
{[0]="Eastern Kingdoms",
[1]="Alterac Mountains",
[1]="Abyssal Depths",
[2]="Arathi Highlands",
[4]="Blasted Lands",
@ -43,20 +48,31 @@ QuestHelper_Zones =
[13]="Hillsbrad Foothills",
[15]="Isle of Quel'Danas",
[16]="Loch Modan",
[17]="Redridge Mountains",
[18]="Searing Gorge",
[19]="Silvermoon City",
[20]="Silverpine Forest",
[21]="Stormwind City",
[22]="Stranglethorn Vale",
[23]="Swamp of Sorrows",
[24]="The Hinterlands",
[25]="Tirisfal Glades",
[27]="Western Plaguelands",
[16]="Kelp'thar Forest",
[17]="Loch Modan",
[18]="Northern Stranglethorn",
[19]="Redridge Mountains",
[20]="Ruins of Gilneas",
[21]="Ruins of Gilneas City",
[22]="Searing Gorge",
[23]="Shimmering Expanse",
[24]="Silvermoon City",
[25]="Silverpine Forest",
[26]="Stormwind City",
[27]="Stranglethorn Vale",
[28]="Swamp of Sorrows",
[29]="The Cape of Stranglethorn",
[30]="The Hinterlands",
[31]="Tirisfal Glades",
[32]="Tol Barad",
[33]="Tol Barad Peninsula",
[34]="Twilight Highlands",
[37]="Western Plaguelands",
[1]="Blade's Edge Mountains",
[2]="Hellfire Peninsula",
@ -65,7 +81,8 @@ QuestHelper_Zones =
[5]="Shadowmoon Valley",
[6]="Shattrath City",
[7]="Terokkar Forest",
[1]="Borean Tundra",
[2]="Crystalsong Forest",
@ -78,7 +95,14 @@ QuestHelper_Zones =
[9]="Sholazar Basin",
[10]="The Storm Peaks",
{[0]="The Maelstrom",
[3]="The Lost Isles",
[4]="The Maelstrom"
[-77]={[0]="ScarletEnclave_Continent", [1]="ScarletEnclave"},
@ -144,65 +168,68 @@ QuestHelper_Zones =
-- This will be translated to [LOCALE_NAME] = INDEX by QuestHelper_BuildZoneLookup.
-- Additionally, [CONT_INDEX][ZONE_INDEX] = INDEX will also be added.
QuestHelper_IndexLookup =
{["Hinterlands"] = {42, 2, 24},
["Moonglade"] = {20, 1, 12},
["ThousandNeedles"] = {14, 1, 21},
["Winterspring"] = {19, 1, 24},
["BloodmystIsle"] = {9, 1, 4},
{["Hinterlands"] = {42, 2, 30},
["Moonglade"] = {160, 1, 13},
["ThousandNeedles"] = {163, 1, 24},
["Winterspring"] = {19, 1, 28},
["BloodmystIsle"] = {159, 1, 5},
["TerokkarForest"] = {55, 3, 7},
["Arathi"] = {39, 2, 2},
["EversongWoods"] = {41, 2, 11},
["Dustwallow"] = {10, 1, 9},
["Dustwallow"] = {160, 1, 10},
["Badlands"] = {27, 2, 3},
["Darkshore"] = {16, 1, 5},
["Ogrimmar"] = {1, 1, 14},
["Darkshore"] = {159, 1, 6},
["Orgrimmar"] = {161, 1, 17},
["BladesEdgeMountains"] = {54, 3, 1},
["Undercity"] = {45, 2, 26},
["Desolace"] = {4, 1, 7},
["Undercity"] = {45, 2, 35},
["Desolace"] = {160, 1, 8},
["Netherstorm"] = {59, 3, 4},
["Barrens"] = {11, 1, 19},
["Tanaris"] = {8, 1, 17},
["Stormwind"] = {36, 2, 21},
["Barrens"] = {161, 1, 16},
["SouthernBarrens"] = {162, 1, 19},
["Tanaris"] = {163, 1, 21},
["StormwindCity"] = {173, 2, 26},
["Zangarmarsh"] = {57, 3, 8},
["Durotar"] = {7, 1, 8},
["Durotar"] = {160, 1, 9},
["Hellfire"] = {56, 3, 2},
["Silithus"] = {5, 1, 15},
["Silithus"] = {162, 1, 18},
["ShattrathCity"] = {60, 3, 6},
["ShadowmoonValley"] = {53, 3, 5},
["SwampOfSorrows"] = {46, 2, 23},
["SilvermoonCity"] = {52, 2, 19},
["Darnassis"] = {21, 1, 6},
["AzuremystIsle"] = {3, 1, 3},
["SwampOfSorrows"] = {46, 2, 28},
["SilvermoonCity"] = {52, 2, 24},
["Darnassus"] = {159, 1, 7},
["AzuremystIsle"] = {159, 1, 4},
["Elwynn"] = {37, 2, 10},
["Stranglethorn"] = {38, 2, 22},
["StranglethornJungle"] = {168, 2, 18},
["StranglethornVale"] = {173, 2, 27},
["TheCapeOfStranglethorn"] = {174, 2, 29},
["EasternPlaguelands"] = {34, 2, 9},
["Duskwood"] = {31, 2, 8},
["WesternPlaguelands"] = {50, 2, 27},
["Westfall"] = {49, 2, 28},
["Ashenvale"] = {2, 1, 1},
["Teldrassil"] = {24, 1, 18},
["Redridge"] = {30, 2, 17},
["UngoroCrater"] = {18, 1, 23},
["Mulgore"] = {22, 1, 13},
["WesternPlaguelands"] = {50, 2, 37},
["Westfall"] = {49, 2, 38},
["Ashenvale"] = {159, 1, 2},
["Teldrassil"] = {163, 1, 22},
["Redridge"] = {30, 2, 19},
["UngoroCrater"] = {18, 1, 27},
["Mulgore"] = {161, 1, 15},
["Ironforge"] = {25, 2, 14},
["Felwood"] = {13, 1, 10},
["Hilsbrad"] = {48, 2, 13},
["Felwood"] = {160, 1, 11},
["HillsbradFoothills"] = {166, 2, 13},
["DeadwindPass"] = {47, 2, 6},
["BurningSteppes"] = {40, 2, 5},
["Ghostlands"] = {44, 2, 12},
["Tirisfal"] = {43, 2, 25},
["TheExodar"] = {12, 1, 20},
["Wetlands"] = {51, 2, 29},
["SearingGorge"] = {32, 2, 18},
["Tirisfal"] = {43, 2, 31},
["TheExodar"] = {163, 1, 23},
["Wetlands"] = {51, 2, 39},
["SearingGorge"] = {32, 2, 22},
["BlastedLands"] = {33, 2, 4},
["Silverpine"] = {35, 2, 20},
["LochModan"] = {29, 2, 16},
["Feralas"] = {17, 1, 11},
["Silverpine"] = {35, 2, 25},
["LochModan"] = {29, 2, 17},
["Feralas"] = {160, 1, 12},
["DunMorogh"] = {28, 2, 7},
["Alterac"] = {26, 2, 1},
["ThunderBluff"] = {23, 1, 22},
["Aszhara"] = {15, 1, 2},
["StonetalonMountains"] = {6, 1, 16},
["ThunderBluff"] = {163, 1, 25},
["Aszhara"] = {159, 1, 3},
["StonetalonMountains"] = {163, 1, 20},
["Nagrand"] = {58, 3, 3},
["Kalimdor"] = {61, 1, 0},
["Azeroth"] = {62, 2, 0},
@ -282,7 +309,16 @@ QuestHelper_IndexLookup =
["TheForgeofSouls_Continent"] = {154, -117, 0}, ["TheForgeofSouls"] = {155, -117, 1},
["PitofSaron_Continent"] = {156, -118, 0}, ["PitofSaron"] = {157, -118, 1},
-- yes virginia 156 is currently the end
["AhnQirajTheFallenKingdom"] = {158, 1, 1}, ["Hyjal"] = {160, 1, 14},
["Uldum"] = {164, 1, 26}, ["VashjirDepths"] = {165, 2, 1},
["VashjirKelpForest"] = {167, 2, 16}, ["RuinsofGilneas"] = {169, 2, 20},
["RuinsofGilneasCity"] = {170, 2, 21}, ["VashjirRuins"] = {171, 2, 23},
["TolBarad"] = {175, 2, 32}, ["TolBaradDailyArea"] = {176, 2, 33},
["TwilightHighlands_terrain1"] = {177, 2, 34}, ["Vashjir"] = {178, 2, 36},
["Deepholm"] = {179, 5, 1}, ["Kezan"] = {180, 5, 2},
["TheLostIsles"] = {181, 5, 3}, ["TheMaelstrom"] = {182, 5, 4},
["TheMaelstromContinent"] = {183, 5, 0}
-- yes virginia 183 is currently the end
QuestHelper_RestrictedZones = { -- Everything defaults to "nil"
@ -334,16 +370,19 @@ function QuestHelper_BuildZoneLookup()
local altered_zone = "!!! QuestHelper_Zones entry needs update: [%s][%s] = %q -- was %s"
if not index then
QuestHelper:TextOut(altered_index:format(tostring(base_name), tostring(next_index), tostring(c), tostring(z)))
QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, altered_index:format(tostring(base_name), tostring(next_index), tostring(c), tostring(z)))
--QuestHelper:TextOut(altered_index:format(tostring(base_name), tostring(next_index), tostring(c), tostring(z)))
next_index = next_index + 1
if QuestHelper_Locale == "enUS" then
if original_lookup[base_name][2] ~= c or original_lookup[base_name][3] ~= z then
QuestHelper:TextOut(altered_index:format(base_name, index, c, z))
QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, altered_index:format(base_name, index, c, z))
--QuestHelper:TextOut(altered_index:format(base_name, index, c, z))
if not original_zones[c] or original_zones[c][z] ~= zname then
QuestHelper:TextOut(altered_zone:format(c, z, zname, original_zones[c] and original_zones[c][z] or "missing"))
QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, altered_zone:format(c, z, zname, original_zones[c] and original_zones[c][z] or "missing"))
--QuestHelper:TextOut(altered_zone:format(c, z, zname, original_zones[c] and original_zones[c][z] or "missing"))