Bifurcation 0

Resolved issue 190. Added zone sizes, hoping that the information will resolve issue 178.

Cette révision appartient à :
Nathanial.C.Jones 2010-12-15 03:18:39 +00:00
Parent 7514f56a68
révision 6264665bef
4 fichiers modifiés avec 169 ajouts et 179 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ local minetypes = {
local function Tooltipy(self)
-- objects are a bitch since they have no unique ID or any standard way to detect them (that I know of).
-- So we kind of guess at it.
if self:GetAnchorType() == "ANCHOR_NONE" then
if self:GetAnchorType() == "ANCHOR_NONE" then -- Theoretically this function no longer exists as of 2010-12-14.
if self:GetItem() or self:GetUnit() or self:GetSpell() then return end
-- rglrglrglrglrglrgl

Voir le fichier

@ -1180,23 +1180,23 @@ WorldMapSize = {
-- World Map of Azeroth
[0] = {
parentContinent = 0,
height = 29688.932932224,
width = 44537.340058402,
height = 31809.64857610083,
width = 47714.278579261,
-- Kalimdor
{ -- [1]
parentContinent = 0,
height = 24533.025279205,
width = 36800.210572494,
xOffset = -8311.793923510446,
yOffset = 1815.215685280706,
xOffset = -8590.40725049343,
yOffset = 5628.692856102324,
zoneData = {
AhnQirajTheFallenKingdom = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 2700.0,
width = 4049.99983215332,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 772
Ashenvale = {
height = 3843.722811451077,
@ -1283,18 +1283,18 @@ WorldMapSize = {
mapID = 357,
Hyjal = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 2831.24975585938,
width = 4245.83337402344,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 606
Hyjal_terrain1 = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 2831.24975585938,
width = 4245.83337402344,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 683
Moonglade = {
height = 1539.572509508711,
@ -1325,11 +1325,11 @@ WorldMapSize = {
mapID = 1377,
SouthernBarrens = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 4941.66665649414,
width = 7412.5,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 607
StonetalonMountains = {
height = 3256.226691571251,
@ -1374,11 +1374,11 @@ WorldMapSize = {
mapID = 1638,
Uldum = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 4129.16650390625,
width = 6193.74975585938,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 720
UngoroCrater = {
height = 2466.647220780505,
@ -1401,8 +1401,8 @@ WorldMapSize = {
parentContinent = 0,
height = 27149.795290881,
width = 40741.175327834,
xOffset = 14407.1086092051,
yOffset = 290.3230897653046,
xOffset = 18542.31220836664,
yOffset = 3585.574573158966,
zoneData = {
Arathi = {
height = 2400.0092446309,
@ -1508,13 +1508,6 @@ WorldMapSize = {
xOffset = 20165.71623436714,
yOffset = 15663.90573348468,
mapID = 38,
NorthernStranglethorn = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
Redridge = {
height = 1447.922213393415,
@ -1524,18 +1517,18 @@ WorldMapSize = {
mapID = 44,
RuinsofGilneas = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 889.583251953125,
width = 593.749877929688,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 611
RuinsofGilneasCity = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 889.583251953125,
width = 593.749877929688,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 685
SearingGorge = {
height = 1487.505203229038,
@ -1573,11 +1566,11 @@ WorldMapSize = {
mapID = 33,
StranglethornJungle = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 2733.3330078125,
width = 4099.99987792969,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 37
Sunwell = {
height = 2218.756638064149,
@ -1594,11 +1587,11 @@ WorldMapSize = {
mapID = 8,
TheCapeOfStranglethorn = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 2631.25,
width = 3945.83312988281,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 673
Tirisfal = {
height = 3012.510490816506,
@ -1608,32 +1601,32 @@ WorldMapSize = {
mapID = 85,
TolBarad = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 1343.75,
width = 2014.58329248428,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 708
TolBaradDailyArea = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 1224.99993896484,
width = 1837.5,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 709
TwilightHighlands = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 3514.5830078125,
width = 5270.8330078125,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 700
TwilightHighlands_terrain1 = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 3514.5830078125,
width = 5270.8330078125,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 770
Undercity = {
height = 640.1067253394195,
@ -1643,32 +1636,32 @@ WorldMapSize = {
mapID = 1497,
Vashjir = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 4631.24975585938,
width = 6945.83276367188,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 613
VashjirDepths = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 2716.66650390625,
width = 4075.0,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 614
VashjirKelpForest = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 1868.75024414062,
width = 2802.0830078125,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 610
VashjirRuins = {
height = 1,
width = 1,
height = 3233.3330078125,
width = 4849.99963378906,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
mapID = nil
mapID = 615
WesternPlaguelands = {
height = 2866.677213191588,
@ -1698,6 +1691,8 @@ WorldMapSize = {
parentContinent = 3,
height = 11642.355227091,
width = 17463.987300595,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
zoneData = {
BladesEdgeMountains = {
height = 3616.553511321226,
@ -1757,38 +1752,8 @@ WorldMapSize = {
--- Cat Adjustments, now permanently enabled. Someday I should probably merge these in, or at least move this section below WoTLK section, since higher crap probably needs adjustment too.
if true then
WorldMapSize[5] = {
parentContinent = 0,
height = 1,
width = 1,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
zoneData = {
Deepholm = { height = 1, width = 1, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = nil },
Kezan = { height = 1, width = 1, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = nil },
TheLostIsles = { height = 1, width = 1, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = nil },
TheMaelstrom = { height = 1, width = 1, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = nil }
--- WotLK Adjustments, now permanently enabled. Someday I should probably merge these in.
if true then
WorldMapSize[0].height = 31809.64859753034;
WorldMapSize[0].width = 47714.27770954026;
WorldMapSize[1].xOffset = -8590.409362625034;
WorldMapSize[1].yOffset = 5628.694276155668;
WorldMapSize[2].xOffset = 18542.31268111796;
WorldMapSize[2].yOffset = 3585.574682467752;
WorldMapSize[4] = {
-- Northrend
parentContinent = 0,
height = 11834.31067391958,
width = 17751.3936186856,
@ -1872,94 +1837,110 @@ if true then
yOffset = 2924.636381254688,
mapID = 66,
HrothgarsLanding = {
height = 2452.7,
width = 2452.7*1.5,
xOffset = 23967.599 - 17549.182,
yOffset = 1027.392 - 1215.431,
HrothgarsLanding = {
height = 2452.7,
width = 2452.7*1.5,
xOffset = 23967.599 - 17549.182,
yOffset = 1027.392 - 1215.431,
-- The Maelstrom
parentContinent = 0,
height = 0.0,
width = 0.0,
xOffset = 0.0,
yOffset = 0.0,
zoneData = {
Deepholm = { height = 3399.999877929688, width = 5099.9987792969, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = 640 },
Kezan = { height = 900.00048828125, width = 1352.08319091797, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = 605 },
TheLostIsles = { height = 3010.41665649414, width = 4514.5830078125, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = 544 },
TheLostIsles_terrain1 = { height = 3010.41665649414, width = 4514.5830078125, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = 681 },
TheLostIsles_terrain2 = { height = 3010.41665649414, width = 4514.5830078125, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = 682 },
TheMaelstrom = { height = 1033.33325195312, width = 1550.0, xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0, mapID = 737 }
local function VContinent(index, name, size)
assert(1, not WorldMapSize[index], "denied")
WorldMapSize[index] = {
parentContinent = index,
height = size,
width = size*1.5,
zoneData = { },
WorldMapSize[index].zoneData[name] = {
height = size,
width = size*1.5,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
VContinent(-77, "ScarletEnclave", 2125)
VContinent(-78, "GilneasCity", 2125)
VContinent(-79, "GilneasZone", 2125)
VContinent(-80, "UtgardeKeep1", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-81, "UtgardeKeep2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-82, "UtgardeKeep3", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-83, "TheNexus", 734.2)
VContinent(-84, "AzjolNerub1", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-85, "AzjolNerub2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-86, "AzjolNerub3", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-87, "Ahnkahet", 648.3)
VContinent(-88, "DrakTharonKeep1", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-89, "DrakTharonKeep2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-90, "VioletHold", 170.83)
VContinent(-91, "Gundrak", 603.35)
VContinent(-92, "Ulduar77", 613.5) -- Halls of Stone
VContinent(-93, "HallsofLightning1", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-94, "HallsofLightning2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-95, "Nexus801", 100) -- temporary value -- Oculus
VContinent(-96, "Nexus802", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-97, "Nexus803", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-98, "Nexus804", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-99, "CoTStratholme1", 750.2)
VContinent(-100, "CoTStratholme2", 1216.66)
VContinent(-101, "UtgardePinnacle1", 100) -- temporary value -- hey they spelled it right
VContinent(-102, "UtgardePinnacle2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-103, "VaultofArchavon", 603.25) -- temporary value -- Weirdly, Emalon is actually within the "Vault of Archavon"
VContinent(-104, "Naxxramas1", 1237.5) -- construct quarter
VContinent(-105, "Naxxramas2", 1237.5) -- arachnid quarter
VContinent(-106, "Naxxramas3", 1237.5) -- military quarter
VContinent(-107, "Naxxramas4", 1237.5) -- plague quarter
VContinent(-108, "Naxxramas5", 1379.9) -- overview
VContinent(-109, "Naxxramas6", 437.3) -- lair
VContinent(-110, "TheObsidianSanctum", 775.1)
VContinent(-111, "TheEyeOfEternity", 286.7)
VContinent(-112, "Ulduar", 2191.7) -- temporary value
VContinent(-113, "Ulduar1", 446.5) -- temporary value
VContinent(-114, "Ulduar2", 885.6) -- temporary value
VContinent(-115, "Ulduar3", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-116, "Ulduar4", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-117, "TheForgeofSouls", 965.4) -- temporary value
VContinent(-118, "PitofSaron", 1022.3)
WorldMapSize[index] = {
parentContinent = index,
height = size,
width = size*1.5,
zoneData = { },
WorldMapSize[index].zoneData[name] = {
height = size,
width = size*1.5,
xOffset = 0,
yOffset = 0,
VContinent(-77, "ScarletEnclave", 2125)
VContinent(-78, "GilneasCity", 2125)
VContinent(-79, "GilneasZone", 2125)
VContinent(-80, "UtgardeKeep1", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-81, "UtgardeKeep2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-82, "UtgardeKeep3", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-83, "TheNexus", 734.2)
VContinent(-84, "AzjolNerub1", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-85, "AzjolNerub2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-86, "AzjolNerub3", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-87, "Ahnkahet", 648.3)
VContinent(-88, "DrakTharonKeep1", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-89, "DrakTharonKeep2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-90, "VioletHold", 170.83)
VContinent(-91, "Gundrak", 603.35)
VContinent(-92, "Ulduar77", 613.5) -- Halls of Stone
VContinent(-93, "HallsofLightning1", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-94, "HallsofLightning2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-95, "Nexus801", 100) -- temporary value -- Oculus
VContinent(-96, "Nexus802", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-97, "Nexus803", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-98, "Nexus804", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-99, "CoTStratholme1", 750.2)
VContinent(-100, "CoTStratholme2", 1216.66)
VContinent(-101, "UtgardePinnacle1", 100) -- temporary value -- hey they spelled it right
VContinent(-102, "UtgardePinnacle2", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-103, "VaultofArchavon", 603.25) -- temporary value -- Weirdly, Emalon is actually within the "Vault of Archavon"
VContinent(-104, "Naxxramas1", 1237.5) -- construct quarter
VContinent(-105, "Naxxramas2", 1237.5) -- arachnid quarter
VContinent(-106, "Naxxramas3", 1237.5) -- military quarter
VContinent(-107, "Naxxramas4", 1237.5) -- plague quarter
VContinent(-108, "Naxxramas5", 1379.9) -- overview
VContinent(-109, "Naxxramas6", 437.3) -- lair
VContinent(-110, "TheObsidianSanctum", 775.1)
VContinent(-111, "TheEyeOfEternity", 286.7)
VContinent(-112, "Ulduar", 2191.7) -- temporary value
VContinent(-113, "Ulduar1", 446.5) -- temporary value
VContinent(-114, "Ulduar2", 885.6) -- temporary value
VContinent(-115, "Ulduar3", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-116, "Ulduar4", 100) -- temporary value
VContinent(-117, "TheForgeofSouls", 965.4) -- temporary value
VContinent(-118, "PitofSaron", 1022.3)
VirtualContinentIndexes = { -- Don't change values here, since programs might want to store them
["ScarletEnclave"] = -77,

Voir le fichier

@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ local static_shared_routes =
{{169, 0.5, 0.5}, {170, 0.5, 0.5}, 5}, -- Ruins of Gilneas <--> Ruins of Gilneas City (Meta info, map doesn't change properly as of 2010-12-11-0156UET)
{{179, 0.5, 0.5}, {180, 0.5, 0.5}, 86400}, -- DeepHolm <--> Kezan (Meta info for when major error is fixed.)
{{181, 0.5, 0.5}, {180, 0.5, 0.5}, 86400}, -- The Lost Isles <--> Kezan (Meta info for when major error is fixed.)
{{208, 0.5, 0.5}, {180, 0.5, 0.5}, 86400}, -- The Lost Isles <--> Kezan (Meta info for when major error is fixed.)
{{181, 0.5, 0.5}, {182, 0.5, 0.5}, 86400}, -- The Lost Isles <--> The Maelstrom (Meta info for when major error is fixed.)
{{183, 0.5, 0.5}, {182, 0.5, 0.5}, 86400}, -- The Maelstrom Continent <--> The Maelstrom (Meta info for when major error is fixed.)
{{183, 0.5, 0.5}, {1, 0.5, 0.5}, 86400}, -- The Maelstrom Continent <--> Orgrimmar (Meta info for when major error is fixed.)
@ -284,6 +285,13 @@ function load_graph_links()
coord[1] = 198
-- I hate Blizzard... They can't make up their mind weather we are on LostIsles or Hyjal_terrain1, but we only seem to be on one or the other.
if coord[1] == 208 and not QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[coord[1]] then
coord[1] = 181
elseif coord[1] == 181 and not QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[coord[1]] then
coord[1] = 208
QuestHelper: Assert(QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[coord[1]], string.format("Coord[1] = %d", coord[1]))
local c, x, y = QuestHelper.Astrolabe:GetAbsoluteContinentPosition(QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[coord[1]][1], QuestHelper_ZoneLookup[coord[1]][2], coord[2], coord[3])
QuestHelper: Assert(c)

Voir le fichier

@ -269,6 +269,7 @@ QuestHelper_IndexLookup =
["Deepholm"] = {179, 5, 1},
["Kezan"] = {180, 5, 2},
["TheLostIsles"] = {181, 5, 3},
["TheLostIsles_terrain1"] = {208, 5, 3},
["TheMaelstrom"] = {182, 5, 4},
["TheMaelstromContinent"] = {183, 5, 0},
["TwilightHighlands"] = {184, 2, 34},
@ -392,7 +393,7 @@ function QuestHelper_BuildZoneLookup()
local altered_index = "!!! QuestHelper_IndexLookup entry needs update: [%q] = {%s, %s, %s}"
local altered_zone = "!!! QuestHelper_Zones entry needs update: [%s][%s] = %q -- was %s"
if not index then
if not index and my_version == "4.0.1.$svnversion$" then
QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, altered_index:format(tostring(base_name), tostring(next_index), tostring(c), tostring(z)))
next_index = next_index + 1