Bifurcation 0

Changed resolution to issue 271 to match other resolutions to the Alterac Mountains merge. BTW, have I said I hate Blizzard for this? Probably.

Cette révision appartient à :
Nathanial.C.Jones 2011-02-04 13:29:04 +00:00
Parent 3559042f03
révision 71a2a6dfbc
1 fichiers modifiés avec 3 ajouts et 4 suppressions

Voir le fichier

@ -46,10 +46,9 @@ local function AppendObjlinks(target, source, tooltips, icon, last_name, map_lin
for m, v in ipairs(source.loc) do
QuestHelper: Assert(target)
QuestHelper: Assert(QuestHelper_ParentLookup)
if v.p ~= 26 then
QuestHelper: Assert(QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], v.p)
table.insert(target, {loc = {x = v.x, y = v.y, c = QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], p = v.p}, path_desc = copy(map_lines), icon_id = icon or 6})
if v.p == 26 then v.p = 48 end -- Alterac Mountains merged to Hillsbrad Foothills
QuestHelper: Assert(QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], v.p)
table.insert(target, {loc = {x = v.x, y = v.y, c = QuestHelper_ParentLookup[v.p], p = v.p}, path_desc = copy(map_lines), icon_id = icon or 6})