Bifurcation 0

Merged 17:Head trunk:Milestone2

Cette révision appartient à :
Nathanial.C.Jones 2010-10-30 03:05:25 +00:00
Parent 86b2b57331
révision 7bc12fa596
5 fichiers modifiés avec 141 ajouts et 60 suppressions

QHAlphaBuild.sh Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
echo Exporting files.
svn export https://questhelperredux.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ build
let version=`svnversion`
cd build
echo Replacing version tag.
sed -i "s/\\\$svnversion\\\$/${version}a/g" QuestHelper/QuestHelper.toc
echo Zipping up the package.
zip -vr QuestHelper_Redux-4.0.1.${version}a.zip QuestHelper/
echo Moving the package up one directory level.
mv -v *.zip ..
cd ..
echo Cleaning up.
rm -rvf build
echo Completed exporting and packaging revision $version

QHBetaBuild.sh Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
echo Exporting files.
svn export https://questhelperredux.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ build
let version=`svnversion`
cd build
echo Replacing version tag.
sed -i "s/\\\$svnversion\\\$/${version}b/g" QuestHelper/QuestHelper.toc
echo Zipping up the package.
zip -vr QuestHelper_Redux-4.0.1.${version}b.zip QuestHelper/
echo Moving the package up one directory level.
mv -v *.zip ..
cd ..
echo Cleaning up.
rm -rvf build
echo Completed exporting and packaging revision $version

QHReleaseBuild.sh Fichier exécutable
Voir le fichier

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
echo Exporting files.
svn export https://questhelperredux.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ build
let version=`svnversion`
cd build
echo Replacing version tag.
sed -i "s/\\\$svnversion\\\$/${version}r/g" QuestHelper/QuestHelper.toc
echo Zipping up the package.
zip -vr QuestHelper_Redux-4.0.1.${version}r.zip QuestHelper/
echo Moving the package up one directory level.
mv -v *.zip ..
cd ..
echo Cleaning up.
rm -rvf build
echo Completed exporting and packaging revision $version

Voir le fichier

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
## Notes-esES: Calcula la mejor ruta a seguir para usted.
## Notes-esMX: Calcula la mejor ruta a seguir para usted.
## Notes-koKR: 노선에 대한 계산을 수행합니다.
## Version:
## Version: 4.0.1.$svnversion$
## OptionalDeps: Cartographer_Waypoints, TomTom, Cartographer_InstanceMaps, !Swatter, tekticles, UnicodeFont, ClearFont2
## SavedVariables: QuestHelper_Pref QuestHelper_UID QuestHelper_SaveDate QuestHelper_Errors QuestHelper_Collector QuestHelper_Collector_Version
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: QuestHelper_KnownFlightRoutes QuestHelper_Home QuestHelper_CharVersion QuestHelper_Flight_Updates

Voir le fichier

@ -131,7 +131,11 @@ local function GetQuestMetaobjective(questid, lbcount, qindex)
if not QuestCriteriaWarningBroadcast and q and q.criteria then for k, v in pairs(q.criteria) do
if type(k) == "number" and k > lbcount then
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("Too many stored objectives for this quest, please report on the Questhelper homepage (%s %s %s)", questid, lbcount, k)) -- we're just going to hide this for now
QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, string.format("Too many stored objectives (%s %s %s)", questid, lbcount, k))
if qindex then
QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, string.format("Too many stored objectives (%s %s %s %s)", questid, lbcount, k, select(1, GetQuestLogTitle(qindex))))
QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(false, string.format("Too many stored objectives (%s %s %s %s)", questid, lbcount, k, v))
QuestCriteriaWarningBroadcast = true
end end
@ -149,6 +153,13 @@ local function GetQuestMetaobjective(questid, lbcount, qindex)
if qindex < 0 or (desc and typ ~= "log") then -- Ignore if no description.
--QuestHelper:TextOut(string.format("critty %d %d", k, c.loc and #c.loc or -1))
if done then
print(string.format("Quest %s, Objective %s('%s') is done.", qindex, i, desc))
print(string.format("Quest %s, Objective %s('%s') is not done.", qindex, i, desc))
ttx.tooltip_canned = {}
if q and q.criteria and q.criteria[i] then
@ -717,7 +728,7 @@ function QH_UpdateQuests(force)
if update or force then -- Sometimes (usually) we don't actually update
local index = 1
--local index = 1
local player = UnitName("player")
if not player then return end -- bzzt, try again later
@ -726,71 +737,73 @@ function QH_UpdateQuests(force)
local next_chunks = {}
local first = true
local numEntries, numQuests = GetNumQuestLogEntries()
-- This begins the main update loop that loops through all of the quests
while true do
for index=1,numEntries do
local title, level, variety, groupsize, _, _, complete = GetQuestLogTitle(index)
if not title then break end
title = title:match("%[.*%] (.*)") or title
local qlink = GetQuestLink(index)
if qlink then -- If we don't have a quest link, it's not really a quest
local id = GetQuestType(qlink)
--if first then id = 13836 else id = nil end
if id then -- If we don't have a *valid* quest link, give up
local lbcount = GetEffectiveNumQuestLeaderBoards(index)
local db = GetQuestMetaobjective(id, lbcount, index) -- This generates the above-mentioned metaobjective, including doing the database lookup.
QuestHelper: Assert(db)
local watched = IsQuestWatched(index)
-- The section in here, in other words, is: we have a metaobjective (which may be a new one, or may not be), and we're trying to attach things to our routing engine. Now is where the real work begins! (many conditionals deep)
local lindex = index
db.tracker_clicked = function () Clicky(lindex) end
db.type_quest.index = index
local timidx = 1
while true do
local timer = GetQuestIndexForTimer(timidx)
if not timer then timidx = nil break end
if timer == index then break end
timidx = timidx + 1
local timed = not not timidx
--print(id, title, level, groupsize, variety, groupsize, complete, timed)
local chunk = "q:" .. Serialize(id, title, level, groupsize, variety, groupsize, complete, timed)
for i = 1, lbcount do
local temp_desc, temp_typ, temp_done = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard(i, index)
if temp_desc and temp_typ ~= "log" then
QuestHelper: Assert(db[i])
db[i].temp_desc, db[i].temp_typ, db[i].temp_done = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard(i, index)
--[[if not db[i].temp_desc or is_uncached(db[i].temp_typ, db[i].temp_desc, db[i].temp_done) then
db[i].temp_desc = string.format("(missing description %d)", i)
db[i].temp_person = player
if title then
title = title:match("%[.*%] (.*)") or title
local qlink = GetQuestLink(index)
if qlink then -- If we don't have a quest link, it's not really a quest
local id = GetQuestType(qlink)
--if first then id = 13836 else id = nil end
if id then -- If we don't have a *valid* quest link, give up
local lbcount = GetEffectiveNumQuestLeaderBoards(index)
local db = GetQuestMetaobjective(id, lbcount, index) -- This generates the above-mentioned metaobjective, including doing the database lookup.
QuestHelper: Assert(db)
local watched = IsQuestWatched(index)
-- The section in here, in other words, is: we have a metaobjective (which may be a new one, or may not be), and we're trying to attach things to our routing engine. Now is where the real work begins! (many conditionals deep)
local lindex = index
db.tracker_clicked = function () Clicky(lindex) end
db.type_quest.index = index
local timidx = 1
while true do
local timer = GetQuestIndexForTimer(timidx)
if not timer then timidx = nil break end
if timer == index then break end
timidx = timidx + 1
local timed = not not timidx
--print(id, title, level, groupsize, variety, groupsize, complete, timed)
local chunk = "q:" .. Serialize(id, title, level, groupsize, variety, groupsize, complete, timed)
for i = 1, lbcount do
local temp_desc, temp_typ, temp_done = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard(i, index)
if temp_desc and temp_typ ~= "log" then
QuestHelper: Assert(db[i])
db[i].temp_desc, db[i].temp_typ, db[i].temp_done = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard(i, index)
--[[if not db[i].temp_desc or is_uncached(db[i].temp_typ, db[i].temp_desc, db[i].temp_done) then
db[i].temp_desc = string.format("(missing description %d)", i)
db[i].temp_person = player
db[i].tooltip_defer_questname = title
db[i].tooltip_defer_questobjective = db[i].temp_desc -- yoink
QuestHelper: Assert(db[i].tooltip_defer_questobjective) -- hmmm
db[i].tooltip_defer_questname = title
db[i].tooltip_defer_questobjective = db[i].temp_desc -- yoink
QuestHelper: Assert(db[i].tooltip_defer_questobjective) -- hmmm
chunk = chunk .. ":" .. Serialize(db[i].temp_desc, db[i].temp_typ, db[i].temp_done)
chunk = chunk .. ":" .. Serialize(db[i].temp_desc, db[i].temp_typ, db[i].temp_done)
db.finish.tooltip_defer_questname = title -- we're using this as our fallback right now
next_chunks[id] = chunk
QuestProcessor(player, db, title, level, groupsize, variety, groupsize, watched, complete, lbcount, timed)
db.finish.tooltip_defer_questname = title -- we're using this as our fallback right now
next_chunks[id] = chunk
QuestProcessor(player, db, title, level, groupsize, variety, groupsize, watched, complete, lbcount, timed)
first = false
first = false
index = index + 1
@ -822,7 +835,6 @@ end
local comm_packets = {}
local function RefreshUserComms(user)
print("Quest sharing MAY be broken... debugging with a friend.")
if comm_packets[user] then for _, dat in pairs(comm_packets[user]) do